

Redis uses a standard practice for its versioning: major.minor.patchlevel. An even minor marks a stable release, like 1.2, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8. Odd minors are used for unstable releases, for example 2.9.x releases are the unstable versions of what will be Redis 3.0 once stable.

  • Stable (4.0)

    Redis 4.0 was released as GA in July 2017. Contains several big improvements: a modules system, much better replication (PSYNC2), improvements to eviction policies, threaded DEL/FLUSH, mixed RDB+AOF format, Raspberry Pi support as primary platform, the new MEMORY command, Redis Cluster support for Nat/Docker, active memory defragmentation, memory usage and performance improvements, much faster Redis Cluster key creation, many other smaller features and a number of behavior fixed.

  • Unstable

    This is where all the development happens. Only for hard-core hackers. Use only if you need to test the latest features or performance improvements. This is going to be the next Redis release in a few months.

  • Docker

    It is possible to get Docker images of Redis from the Docker Hub. Multiple versions are available, usually updated in a short time after a new release is available.

Other versions

Old (3.2)

Redis 3.2 is the previous stable release. Does not include all the improvements in Redis 4.0 but is a very battle tested release, probably a good pick for critical applications while 4.0 matures more in the next months.
See the
release notes
download 3.2.11.


Historical downloads are still available on
Google Code.

Scripts and other automatic downloads
can easily access the tarball of the latest Redis stable version at
The source code of the latest stable release is
always browsable here,
use the file
in order to extract the version in an automatic way.

How to verify files for integrity

The Github repository
contains a README file with SHA1 digests of released tarball
Note: the generic redis-stable.tar.gz tarball does not match
any hash because it is modified to untar to the redis-stable directory.


Download, extract and compile Redis with:

  1. $ wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-4.0.9.tar.gz
  2. $ tar xzf redis-4.0.9.tar.gz
  3. $ cd redis-4.0.9
  4. $ make

The binaries that are now compiled are available in the src directory. Run Redis with:

  1. $ src/redis-server

You can interact with Redis using the built-in client:

  1. $ src/redis-cli
  2. redis> set foo bar
  3. OK
  4. redis> get foo
  5. "bar"

Are you new to Redis? Try our online, interactive tutorial.


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  2. Windows上redis下载与安装

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  5. redis下载及安装服务

    1 . 要安装Redis,首先要获取安装包. Windows的Redis安装包需要到以下GitHub链接找到. 链接:https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis 打开网站后 ...

  6. Redis下载及安装(windows版)

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  7. redis下载及安装教程


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