arduino 串口命令解析
- /*
- DS3231_test.pde
- Eric Ayars
- 4/11
- Test/demo of read routines for a DS3231 RTC.
- Turn on the serial monitor after loading this to check if things are
- working as they should.
- */
- #include <DS3231.h>
- #include <Wire.h>
- #include <EEPROM.h>
- #define powerPin 7
- DS3231 Clock;
- String ReceivedCache="";
- String BTime="2010-07-24 11:15:00";
- String ETime="2010-07-24 11:15:00";
- boolean isFire=false;
- void setup() {
- // Start the I2C interface
- Wire.begin();
- Clock.setClockMode(false);
- Serial.begin();
- pinMode(powerPin,OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(powerPin,LOW);
- Clock.turnOnAlarm();
- RetrieveFireSet();
- }
- void loop() {
- handleCmd();
- checkFire();
- }
- void checkFire(){
- String dateTime=GetTime();
- if(dateTime>=BTime && dateTime<=ETime){
- digitalWrite(powerPin,HIGH);
- isFire=true;
- }else{
- digitalWrite(powerPin,LOW);
- isFire=false;
- }
- }
- String formatNum(int a){
- if(a<)return "" +(String)a;
- return (String)a;
- }
- String GetTime(){
- bool Century=false;
- bool h12=false;
- bool PM=false;
- int second,minute,hour,date,month,year,temperature;
- second=Clock.getSecond();
- minute=Clock.getMinute();
- hour=Clock.getHour(h12, PM);
- date=Clock.getDate();
- month=Clock.getMonth(Century);
- year=Clock.getYear();
- String dateTime="" +formatNum(year) +"-"
- +formatNum(month) +"-"
- +formatNum(date) +" "
- +formatNum(hour) +":"
- +formatNum(minute)+":"
- +formatNum(second);
- return dateTime;
- }
- void handleGetTime(){
- String dateTime=GetTime();
- Serial.println("OK:"+dateTime);
- }
- void handleSetTime(){
- int second,minute,hour,date,month,year,dayOfWeek;
- String dateTime=ReceivedCache.substring(,);
- year =dateTime.substring(,).toInt();
- month =dateTime.substring(,).toInt();
- date=dateTime.substring(,).toInt();
- hour=dateTime.substring(,).toInt();
- minute=dateTime.substring(,).toInt();
- second=dateTime.substring(,).toInt();
- dayOfWeek=dateTime.substring(,).toInt();
- Clock.setSecond(second);//Set the second
- Clock.setMinute(minute);//Set the minute
- Clock.setHour(hour); //Set the hour
- Clock.setDoW(dayOfWeek); //Set the day of the week
- Clock.setDate(date); //Set the date of the month
- Clock.setMonth(month); //Set the month of the year
- Clock.setYear(year); //Set the year (Last two digits of the year)
- Serial.println("OK:");
- }
- void handleGetFire(){
- String tmp=_ReadFireSet();
- if(tmp==""){
- Serial.println("EE:fire time not set!");
- }else{
- Serial.println("OK:" + tmp);
- }
- }
- void handleSetFire(){
- for(int address=;address<;address++){
- EEPROM.write(address,(byte)ReceivedCache[address]);
- //Serial.print((char);
- }
- //Serial.println("");
- String bTime=ReceivedCache.substring(,);
- String eTime=ReceivedCache.substring(,);
- bool flag=RetrieveFireSet();
- // Serial.println("flag:" + (String)flag);
- if(flag && (bTime==BTime && eTime==ETime)){
- Serial.println("OK:");
- }else{
- Serial.println("EE:Set Fail");
- }
- }
- String _ReadFireSet(){
- int address=;
- String tmp="";
- char readChar=' ';
- for(int address=;address<;address++){
- readChar=(char);
- tmp +=readChar;
- }
- if(tmp!="SetF:"){
- return "";
- }
- tmp="";
- for(int address=;address<;address++){
- readChar=(char);
- tmp +=readChar;
- }
- //Serial.println(tmp);
- return tmp;
- }
- bool RetrieveFireSet(){
- String tmp=_ReadFireSet();
- if(tmp==""){
- return false;
- }else{
- BTime=tmp.substring(,);
- ETime=tmp.substring(,);
- return true;
- }
- }
- //read Serial data and hand command
- //
- void handleCmd(){
- char readChar=' ';
- while(Serial.available()>){
- readChar=(char);
- ReceivedCache =ReceivedCache+ (String)readChar;
- //delayMicroseconds(10);
- }
- //Serial.println("ABC");
- // Serial.println(ReceivedCache);
- if(ReceivedCache.startsWith("GetT:")){
- handleGetTime();
- ReceivedCache=ReceivedCache.substring();
- }else if(ReceivedCache.startsWith("SetT:")){
- //like->SetT:2015-07-24 16:54:23,7
- if(ReceivedCache.length()>=){
- handleSetTime();
- ReceivedCache=ReceivedCache.substring();
- }
- }else if(ReceivedCache.startsWith("GetS:")){
- Serial.println("OK:"+(String)isFire);
- ReceivedCache=ReceivedCache.substring();
- }else if(ReceivedCache.startsWith("GetF:")){
- handleGetFire();
- ReceivedCache=ReceivedCache.substring();
- }else if(ReceivedCache.startsWith("SetF:")){
- if(ReceivedCache.length()>=){
- handleSetFire();
- ReceivedCache=ReceivedCache.substring();
- }
- }else if(ReceivedCache.startsWith("GetC:")){
- int temperature=Clock.getTemperature();
- Serial.println("OK:" +(String)temperature);
- ReceivedCache=ReceivedCache.substring();
- }
- else{
- if(ReceivedCache.length()>=){
- ReceivedCache="";
- }
- }
- if(readChar=='\n')ReceivedCache="";
- }
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