【BZOJ】4152: [AMPPZ2014]The Captain【SLF优化Spfa】
4152: [AMPPZ2014]The Captain
Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB
Submit: 2107 Solved: 820
Sample Input
2 2
1 1
4 5
7 1
6 7
Sample Output
#define LL long long
using namespace std; const int N = ; struct ED {
int v, nex, w;
} Edge[]; int h[], stot;
void add(int u, int v, int w) {
Edge[++stot].v = v, Edge[stot].nex = h[u], Edge[stot].w = w;
h[u] = stot;
} int n;
struct Node {
int x, y, id;
} a[];
bool cmp1(Node a, Node b) { if(a.x == b.x) return a.y < b.y; return a.x < b.x;}
bool cmp2(Node a, Node b) { if(a.y == b.y) return a.x < b.x; return a.y < b.y;} LL dis[];
int vis[], q[];
void spfa() {
memset(dis, 0x3f3f3f3f, sizeof(dis));
vis[] = ; dis[] = ;
int s = , t = , tot = ;
q[++t] = ;
while(tot) {
int x = q[s]; tot --; s = (s + ) % N;
vis[x] = ;
for(int i = h[x]; i; i = Edge[i].nex) {
int v = Edge[i].v;
if(dis[v] > dis[x] + Edge[i].w) {
dis[v] = dis[x] + Edge[i].w;
if(!vis[v]) {
vis[v] = ; tot ++;
if(dis[v] <= dis[q[s]]) {
s = (s - + N) % N;
q[s] = v;
} else {
t = (t + ) % N;
q[t] = v;
} int main() {
scanf("%d", &n);
for(int i = ; i <= n; i ++) scanf("%d%d", &a[i].x, &a[i].y), a[i].id = i;
sort(a + , a + + n, cmp1);
for(int i = ; i < n; i ++) {
int a1 = a[i].x, a2 = a[i + ].x, b1 = a[i].y, b2 = a[i + ].y;
add(a[i].id, a[i + ].id, a2 - a1); add(a[i + ].id, a[i].id, a2 - a1);
sort(a + , a + + n, cmp2);
for(int i = ; i < n; i ++) {
int a1 = a[i].x, a2 = a[i + ].x, b1 = a[i].y, b2 = a[i + ].y;
add(a[i].id, a[i + ].id, b2 - b1); add(a[i + ].id, a[i].id, b2 - b1);
printf("%lld", dis[n]);
return ;
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