Sharepoint学习笔记—习题系列--70-576习题解析 -(Q52-Q55)
Question 52
You are responsible for rebranding the My Sites section of a corporate SharePoint 2010 farm. The new branding includes a change to the Quick Launch menu in all corporate My Sites pages. You do not have access to modify any master pages. Also, the new branding is not yet finalized and might need to be reverted. You need to ensure that the Quick Launch menu is updated in all corporate My Sites pages, using the least amount of workforce effort. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Use client-side code to inject your modifications into the rendered page.
B. Use a feature that includes a delegate control with a lower sequence number than the default My Site Quick Launch Delegate.
C. Manually modify the navigation under Site Settings for each My Site page.
D. Write and execute a Power Shell script that will iterate through each My Site and modify the navigational settings.
你负责为Sharepoint2010场内的My Sites设计新的风格,其内容包括为所有的My Sites页面改变Quick Launch Menu,但你无权对母板页进行修改,并且此新风格并不是最终版本,你有可以会对所作的修改恢复到以前状态,你需要采用最少的工作量来达到此目标。
1. 通过修改部署的母板页文件(本地驱动器:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\GLOBAL)中指定的导航控件的属性,可以修改“快速启动”的显示。【修改方式】
2. 通过 Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.DelegateControl 类,您可以指定自定义数据源控件以为“快速启动”导航提供节点。通过候选委托控制指定的控件可确定用作“快速启动”的数据源的提供程序,该提供程序可位于数据库或代码中。此类型的自定义将更改显示的节点,而不会修改显示链接的方式。【替换方式】
由于本题你无权修改母板页,而备选项中,只有选项B是采用了Delegate Control方式,所以,选项B是正选。
选项A. Use client-side code to inject your modifications into the rendered page.
Quick Launch Menu是服务器端控件显示,你几乎无法做到在客户端对其进行全面更改。
选项C. Manually modify the navigation under Site Settings for each My Site page.
本选项所做的修改只是可以影响到Quick Launch Menu中的导航链接,而影响不以其外观风格设计。所以也应该排除。
选项D. Write and execute a Power Shell script that will iterate through each My Site and modify the navigational settings.
本选项首先比较麻烦,其次也影响不到Quick Launch Menu的外观风格设计。所以也应该排除。
因此本题答案应该选 B
Question 53
Your company is rebranding its corporate extranet SharePoint 2010 site. The new design requires the site’s global navigation to use nonstandard fonts for both the top-level and secondary drop-down menus. You need to ensure that the new branding is rendered consistently in all browsers supported by SharePoint 2010. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Specify the CssClass of the SharePoint Asp Menu control.
B. Specify the DynamicMenuItemStyle property of the SharePoint Asp Menu control to render the text as an image.
C. Use a theme to specify the font in the design.
D. Develop a custom menu control to render the text as an image.
最后,使用 DynamicMenuItemStyle 属性用于控制动态菜单中的菜单项的外观,它也影响不到对非标准的字体的应用。
因此本题答案应该选 D
Question 54
You are designing a maintenance plan for a SharePoint 2010 intranet site. You have the following requirements:
.The site has 25 custom content types and 5 document libraries. One of the document libraries has more than 1,000 documents.
.Every document in the site is associated with one of the custom content types.
.Each document library has a single view, showing the name of the document and the person who last modified it.
.Private views are not permitted in the site.
.The site is used for collaboration and does not have any of the SharePoint publishing features enabled.
You need to enable users to filter the documents in the large document library by content type. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Activate the Metadata Navigation and Filtering feature. Modify the metadata navigation settings for the document library by adding Content Type to the list of selected hierarchy fields.
B. Create a new site scope for each content type. For each scope, add a rule of type Property Query. Set the Property Restriction to include any item with the name of the content type of the scope.
C. For each content type, create a new Web Part using the Content Query Web Part. Configure the Web Part to filter the documents in the document library by that content type.
D. Go to the site navigation page and enable the Tree View option. Use the Tree View option to filter the documents in the document library.
要求1. 此网站有25个用户自定义内容类型和5个文档库,其中一个文档库包含有超过1000个文档。
要求2. 网站内的每一个文档都与上述的某个用户自定义内容类型关联。
要求3. 每一个文档库都有唯一的视图,显示文档的名字以及谁对此文档作的最后修改
要求4. 网站内不允许创建文档库的私人视图
要求5. 网站用于协作,并不包含任何Sharepoint发布功能。
选项A. Activate the Metadata Navigation and Filtering feature. Modify the metadata navigation settings for the document library by adding Content Type to the list of selected hierarchy fields.
元数据导航和筛选提供一种按项元数据筛选 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 列表视图的方法。列表所有者可以使用此功能将列表上的字段提升为关键导航字段,并且查看这些列表的用户会看到一个筛选用户界面 (UI),这些用户可通过该界面对当前列表视图进行筛选以显示在这些字段中具有所需值的项。元数据导航和筛选使用列表级索引以支持无缝的浏览体验 — 即使在包含数千万个项的非常大的列表中。此功能通过确保当项在多个字段中带有适当标记时,这些项比未带标记的列表视图项更易于被检测到,提升对元数据和标记的使用。所以,本选项为本题的答案。
选项B. Create a new site scope for each content type. 为每个内容类型设置作用域,其目的是确保网站内容类型可供在其上创建该内容类型的网站以及任意子网站中的列表和文档库使用。
For each scope, add a rule of type Property Query. Set the Property Restriction to include any item with the name of the content type of the scope. 通过设置Property Query条件来过滤网站内容。
选项C. For each content type, create a new Web Part using the Content Query Web Part. Configure the Web Part to filter the documents in the document library by that content type.
我们知道Content Query Web Part只有在publishing site的网站模板中才可以使用,而本题要求5说到不包含任何Sharepoint发布功能,所以本选项也应该被排除。
选项D. Go to the site navigation page and enable the Tree View option. Use the Tree View option to filter the documents in the document library.
因此本题答案应该选 A
Question 55
You are designing a SharePoint 2010 intranet site. Each department has its own site collection. A link to each of the departments must appear in the global navigation for each site collection. You have implemented the SharePoint Asp Menu control in the master page. Your design must specify the correct provider for the menu control. Which provider should you recommend?
A. SPContentMapProvider
B. SPSiteMapProvider
C. PortalSiteMapProvider
D. SPXmlContentMapProvider
你在设计一个Sharepoint2010网站,包含多个部门网站集,你需要在全局导航上显示导航到各部门网站集的链接,你在母板页上应用了Sharepoint的Asp Menu控件,你的设计必须为此控件提供正确的Provider,那么你应该选 哪一个Provider呢?
根据微软的文档: 你可以使用SPXmlContentMapProvider 突破网站集限制来扩展导航,,即通过XML来定制SPXmlContentMapProvider 类,因为SPXmlContentMapProvider 类是一个基于XML的网站地图提供器,它可以从一个标准网站地图中读取导航结构。Sharepoint使用SPXmlContentMapProvider 类为存放在_layout文件夹下的应用程序页面提供导航结构。
正因为SPXmlContentMapProvider 类是从XML文件获取导航结构,所以它不像SPContentMapProvider[选项A]与SPSiteMapProvider[选项C],它可以不受网站集的限制。你可以在XML文件中包含与当前网站集不同的其它网站集的URIs。
你有两个途径使用XML去定制化SPXmlContentMapProvider 类
• You can create a custom site map. 你可以创建一个定制的网站地图
• You can create a site map that will be merged into SharePoint's site map. 你可以创建一个可以合并到Sharepoint网站地图的网站地图
需要注意的是:Sharepoint没有提供用户界面来让你管理SPXmlContentMapProvider 类所定制的网站导航结构,如果网站结构非常复杂,而使用SPXmlContentMapProvider 类就会让相关管理工作显得比较困难了。
选项C. PortalSiteMapProvider 在命名空间Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Navigation中定义,主要用于发布网站的导航定制,且它并不能跨不同的网站集,再加上本题并不仅限于发布网站。所以应该排除。
因此本题答案应该选 D
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