system clock uses UTC,那么这个UTC是什么意思呢?
世界协调时间(Universal Time Coordinated,UTC)
GPS 系统中有两种时间区分,一为UTC,另一为LT(地方时)两者的区别为时区不同,UTC就是0时区的时间,地方时为本地时间,如北京为早上八点(东八区),UTC时间就为零点,时间比北京时晚八小时,以此计算即可
2008年 12月 17日 星期三 09:04:14 CST
CST China Standard Time UTC+8:00 中国沿海时间(北京时间)
以下内容是关于帮助你在linux下设置日期和时间的一些步骤,也包含了一点ntpd时间同步的内容。特别提醒的是在发行版本的限制是red hat系列,包括fedora,centos,redflag,unbreakable linux等。
are two clocks to configure in Linux, the hardware clock and the system
clock. The hardware clock determines the system clock on system boot.
While the system is running, changes to one of these doesn't affect the
it's best to set the hardware clock and have the system clock be set
upon a reboot. Changing the system clock by using the date program on a
running system could cause date discontinuities and consequently
problems. If you will be using ntpd, you probably don't need to set
either of these clocks (unless the current time is more than 1000s off
the real time). Just setup ntpd and let ntpd adjust the time (it will do
it in small steps to keep system timestamps reliable).
- 现在大部分的发行版本在图形界面下都提供了时钟设置工具,例如kde,gnome都有友好的 图形化工具,这里就不多说了。
- You
can use timeconfig to configure the timezone and UTC settings.
Timeconfig will update /etc/sysconfig/clock and /etc/localtime. - Set the time zone manually if not already set.
uses the file /etc/localtime to determine the time zone. This file
should be either a copy of the appropriate timezone file from the
directory /usr/share/zoneinfo or a symbolic link. If your time zone is
incorrect, create a symbolic link to the appropriate timezone file.- # ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
- Set whether hwclock uses local time or UTC
the file /etc/sysconfig/clock and change "UTC=" to true or false. If
you have a dual-boot system with Windows, using UTC may cause problems
for Windows. - Set the system clock
- # date
where MM is month, DD is day, hh is hour, mm is minutes, CCYY is year and ss is seconds. Time should be in 24-hour notation.
To only set the time:
- # date -s hh:mm:ss
- Set the hardware clock
To set the hardware clock to the current system clock:
- # setclock
this method looks at /etc/sysconfig/clock to determine whether the hardware clock is set to UTC
Another method:
- # hwclock --systohc
# hwclock --systohc --utc
use the second option if you use UTC.
Set hwclock manually:
- # hwclock --set --date="9/22/96 16:45:05"
Everytime you use the hwclock --set command, it will create or edit the file /etc/adjtime to determine the systematic drift. Once you have some history, you can use the --adjust option to adjust the hardware clock appropriately. Run as a cron job if you want the clock to adjust automatically on a regular schedule. Don't use the --adjust function when using ntpd since ntpd will turn the "11 minute mode" on, which is best left alone. See the hwclock manpage for more info.
- Setup ntpd for automatic synchronization with a remote server.
Run Red Hat's setup utility to make ntpd start on boot up and edit /etc/ntp.conf
Set server and fudge options:
- server
fudge stratum 10
Enable multicastclient:
- multicastclient # listen on default
Edit /etc/sysconfig/ntpd if necessary. The default should be fine.
Start the ntpd daemon:
- # service ntpd start
- server
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