=> part --help
part - disk partition related commands

part uuid <interface> <dev>:<part>
- print partition UUID
part uuid <interface> <dev>:<part> <varname>
- set environment variable to partition UUID
part list <interface> <dev>
- print a device's partition table
part list <interface> <dev> [flags] <varname>
- set environment variable to the list of partitions
flags can be -bootable (list only bootable partitions)
part start <interface> <dev> <part> <varname>
- set environment variable to the start of the partition (in blocks)
part size <interface> <dev> <part> <varname>
- set environment variable to the size of the partition (in blocks)

=> part list mmc 1

Partition Map for MMC device 1 -- Partition Type: DOS

Part Start Sector Num Sectors UUID Type
1 2048 7403520 ee7bb639-01 83

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