
using namespace std; long long Ans[];
int tot;
map<long long, int>Cun;
const long long INF = 1e18; void init()
tot = ;
Cun[] = ;
Ans[tot] = ;
} int main()
int head = ;
while ()
if (Ans[head] == ) break;
long long h = Ans[head];
if (h * > INF || Cun[h * ] == ) {}
Ans[tot] = h * ;
Cun[h * ] = ;
} if (h * > INF || Cun[h * ] == ){}
Ans[tot] = h * ;
Cun[h * ] = ;
} if (h * > INF || Cun[h * ] == ) {}
Ans[tot] = h * ;
Cun[h * ] = ;
} if (h * > INF || Cun[h * ] == ) {}
Ans[tot] = h * ;
Cun[h * ] = ;
sort(Ans, Ans + tot + );
int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
while (T--)
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("%lld\n", Ans[n - ]);
return ;

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