Secant 方法介绍

Secant Method

函数 Secant_Methods 简介


[c, errColumn] = Secant_Method(f, a, b, N, convergence_type, tolerance)


%   f - function handle
% a - start position of interval bracket
% b - end position of interval bracket
% N [optional] - max iteration number
% convergence_type [optional] - [= 1] absolute error tolerances
% [= 0] relative error tolerances
% tolerance [optional] - [convergence_type = 1] absolute error tolerances
% [convergence_type = 0] relative error tolerances


%   c - approximation of root r ( f(r) = 0 )
% errColumn - the absolute/relative errors during the progress
% convergence_step - the number of steps taken, if the method doesn't
% convergence, [convergence_step = inf]

注意,errColumn 长度为 N,若在第k步收敛解后,剩余元素都与收敛步误差相同


function [c, errColumn, convergence_step] = Secant_Method(f, a, b, N, convergence_type, tolerance)
% Use Secant Method to find roots of equation [f(x) = 0]
% Input:
% f - function handle
% a - start position of interval bracket
% b - end position of interval bracket
% N [optional] - max iteration number (default value: 10)
% convergence_type [optional] - [= 1] absolute error tolerances (default)
% [= 0] relative error tolerances
% tolerance [optional] - [convergence_type = 1] absolute error tolerances
% [convergence_type = 0] relative error tolerances
% Output:
% c - approximation of root r ( f(r) = 0 )
% errColumn - the absolute/relative errors during the progress
% convergence_step - the number of steps taken, if the method doesn't
% convergence, [convergence_step = inf]
% Usages:
% 1. use default value
% f = @(x) x^2 - 1
% c = false_position(f, 0, 2)
% 2. user set value
% c = false_position(f, 0, 2, 20, 0, 1e-5)
% Warnning:
% 1. if f(a) and f(b) have the same sign, the function returns an Nan.
% 2. if the false position lines outside the bracket interval, the
% function will throws an error.
% 3. After N times iteration, if the method does not converge, an message
% will be printed on the command window and return the current vaule. %% check input parameters % check the interval is really a bracket
if (a > b)
error('please check the bracket!');
end % check that that neither end-point is a root
% if f(a) and f(b) have the same sign, throw an Nan.
if( f(a) == 0 )
c = a;
elseif ( f(b) == 0 )
c = b;
elseif ( f(a) * f(b) > 0 )
c = Nan;
end % check max iteration number exits
% default value is 10
if ~exist('N', 'var')
N = 10;
end% if % check choice of error tolerances
% default value is 1
if ~exist('convergence_type', 'var')
convergence_type = 1;
tolerance = 1e-6;
end% if % check the tolerances is positive
if tolerance <= 0
error('the tolerances should be positive!');
end % relative error tolerances
errColumn = zeros(N, 1); %% iteration
% iterate at most N times c_old = a;
convergence_step = inf; for k = 1:N
%% find the false position
% c = (a*f(b) + b*f(a))/(f(b) - f(a));
c = ( b*f(a) - a*f(b) )/(f(a) - f(b)); % check c lies within the bracketing interval
if (c < a) || (c > b)
error('convergence problem occurs! please reset bracket interval.')
end %% reset bracketing interval
% Check if c is a root
if ( f(c) == 0 )
% return c
elseif ( f(c)*f(a) < 0 )
% if f(a) and f(c) have opposite signs
% set [a, c] as the new bracketing interval
b = c;
% if f(b) and f(c) have opposite signs
% set [c, b] as the new bracketing interval
a = c;
end %% cal the absolute/relative errors
switch convergence_type
case 0 % relative error
errColumn(k) = abs( (c - c_old)/c_old );
if errColumn(k) < tolerance
convergence_step = k;
errColumn(k:end) = errColumn(k);
% set convergence step
% set the remaining step errors
case 1 % absolute error
errColumn(k) = abs( f(c) );
if errColumn(k) < tolerance
% set convergence step
% set the remaining step errors
convergence_step = k;
errColumn(k:end) = errColumn(k);
end% switch c_old = c;
end fprintf( 'the method did not converge\n\n' );

算例 Q1.m

find all roots of \(1000000x^3 − 111000x^2 + 1110x = 1\)

  • 绘制函数函数图像,寻找方程根所在区间

  • 选取区间

    选取3个区间分别为 \([-0.01, 0.005], [0.005, 0.06], [0.06, 0.11]\)。

  • 计算

    第一个区间 \([-0.01, 0.005]\) 为例,选择绝对误差为 \(10^{-6}\),迭代40次。得到误差随迭代次数变化关系为


  • 结果


r =

  • 脚本
%% Q1
f = @(x) 1000000*x.^3 - 111000*x.^2 + 1110*x - 1; % plot function
x = linspace(-0.01, 0.11, 50);
y = f(x);
figure; plot(x,y); grid on; % set interval bracket
a(1) = -0.01; a(2) = 0.005; a(3) = 0.06; a(4) = 0.11; % cal roots in a loop
r = zeros(3,1); for ib = 1:3
[r(ib), errColumn, con_step] = Secant_Method(f, a(ib), a(ib+1), 40); if ib == 1
figure; plot(errColumn); hold on;
plot(con_step, errColumn(con_step), 'ro');
xlabel('Method Steps'); ylabel('Absolute Error')
end% if
end% for

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