
物理的absorb比较直观。被书本/知识absorb也好理解。涉及到money/time时有点抽象,但汉语也有“吸金”的说法,consume, use up。可以吸收击打, cushion the blow,也可以吸收比喻的冲击,endure/accommodate. 如: The industry absorbed a doubling of tax. 最后还有吸收进组织。

absorbent: 能吸收的/吸收剂。solvent: 能溶解别的的/溶剂。与-er和-or相比,-ent还有具有某种quality的意思。

小伙伴们: easily, completely, deeply, directly, gradually, increasingly, rapidly, readily, quickly, passively, totally, utterly

近/反义词: affiliate, assimilate, digest, drink in, engross, engulf, exhaust, imbibe, swallow, soak up, sponge, suck up, take in;
disgorge, dissipate, distract, distil, disperse, eject, emit, exude

Skin absorption is a route by which substances can enter the body through the skin. Along with inhalation, ingestion and injection, dermal absorption is a route of exposure for toxic substances and route of administration for medication. Absorption of substances through the skin depends on a number of factors, the most important of which are concentration, duration of contact, solubility of medication, and physical condition of the skin and part of the body exposed. dermal /ˈdɜːməl/ or dermatic: (Biology) of or relating to the skin or dermis [真皮,不是genuine leather]

A carbon dioxide scrubber is a piece of equipment that absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2). It is used to treat exhaust gases from industrial plants [工厂] or from exhaled air in life support systems such as rebreathers or in spacecraft, submersible craft or airtight chambers. Carbon dioxide scrubbers are also used in controlled atmosphere (CA) storage. They have also been researched for carbon capture and storage as a means of combating global warming.

In physics, absorption of electromagnetic radiation is how matter (typically electrons bound in atoms) takes up a photon's energy - and so transforms electromagnetic energy into internal energy of the absorber (for example, thermal energy). Although the absorption of waves does not usually depend on their intensity (linear absorption), in certain conditions (optics) the medium's transparency changes by a factor that varies as a function of wave intensity, and saturable absorption (or nonlinear absorption) occurs.

Acoustic absorption refers to the process by which a material, structure, or object takes in sound energy when sound waves are encountered, as opposed to reflecting the energy. Part of the absorbed energy is transformed into heat and part is transmitted through the absorbing body. The energy transformed into heat is said to have been 'lost'.

Total absorption costing (TAC) is a method of Accounting cost which entails the full cost of manufacturing or providing a service. TAC includes not just the costs of materials and labour, but also of all manufacturing overheads (whether ‘fixed’ or ‘variable’). The cost of each cost center can be direct or indirect.

Each job while moving through the production department should get its share of overhead. This process of distribution of overheads is called absorption. There can be a number of methods of absorption of overheads, consideration should be given to the type of industry, manufacturing process, nature of industry etc. The various methods of absorption are: Direct material cost percentage rate; Direct labour cost percentage rate;
Prime cost percentage rate; Labour hour rate; Machine hour rate.

六级/考研单词: inject, toxic, administer, medicare, duration, physics, exposition, biology, sincere, carbon, dioxide, equip, exhaust, submerge, chamber, combat, globe, radiate, electron, bind, atom, thermal, optic, medium, transparent, encounter, transmit, entail, manufacture, overhead, invariable, prime


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