【LeetCode】913. Cat and Mouse 解题报告(Python)
作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/
A game on an undirected
graph is played by two players, Mouse and Cat, who alternate turns.
The graph is given as follows: graph[a]
is a list of all nodes b
such that ab
is an edge of the graph.
Mouse starts at node 1 and goes first, Cat starts at node 2 and goes second, and there is a Hole at node 0.
During each player’s turn, they must travel along one edge of the graph that meets where they are. For example, if the Mouse is at node 1
, it must
travel to any node in graph[1]
Additionally, it is not allowed for the Cat to travel to the Hole (node 0.)
Then, the game can end in 3 ways:
- If ever the Cat occupies the same node as the Mouse, the Cat wins.
- If ever the Mouse reaches the Hole, the Mouse wins.
- If ever a position is repeated (ie. the players are in the same position as a previous turn, and it is the same player’s turn to move), the game is a draw.
Given a graph
, and assuming both players play optimally, return 1
if the game is won by Mouse, 2
if the game is won by Cat, and 0
if the game is a draw.
Example 1:
Input: [[2,5],[3],[0,4,5],[1,4,5],[2,3],[0,2,3]]
Output: 0
| |
\ /
- 3 <= graph.length <= 50
- It is guaranteed that graph[1] is non-empty.
- It is guaranteed that graph[2] contains a non-zero element.
- Cat和Mouse进入同一结点,则Cat胜利
- Mouse进入0结点,则Mouse胜利
- Cat和Mouse的位置和回合发生了重复,则平局
最后输出(1, 2, MOUSE)的颜色。没有被染过色说明是平局。
class Solution(object):
def catMouseGame(self, graph):
:type graph: List[List[int]]
:rtype: int
N = len(graph)
MOUSE, CAT = 1, 2
# mouse, cat, turn
color = [[[0] * 3 for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)]
q = collections.deque()
for i in range(1, N):
for t in range(1, 3):
color[0][i][t] = 1
q.append((0, i, t))
color[i][i][t] = 2
q.append((i, i, t))
while q:
curStatus = q.popleft()
cat, mouse, turn = curStatus
for preStatus in self.findAllPrevStatus(graph, curStatus):
preCat, preMouse, preTurn = preStatus
if color[preCat][preMouse][preTurn] != 0:
if color[cat][mouse][turn] == 3 - turn:
color[preCat][preMouse][preTurn] = preTurn
elif self.allNeighboursWin(color, graph, preStatus):
color[preCat][preMouse][preTurn] = 3 - preTurn
return color[1][2][1]
def findAllPrevStatus(self, graph, curStatus):
ret = []
mouse, cat, turn = curStatus
if turn == 1:
for preCat in graph[cat]:
if preCat == 0:
ret.append((mouse, preCat, 2))
for preMouse in graph[mouse]:
ret.append((preMouse, cat, 1))
return ret
def allNeighboursWin(self, color, graph, status):
mouse, cat, turn = status
if turn == 1:
for nextMouse in graph[mouse]:
if color[nextMouse][cat][2] != 2:
return False
elif turn == 2:
for nextCat in graph[cat]:
if nextCat == 0:
if color[mouse][nextCat][1] != 1:
return False
return True
2018 年 10 月 24 日 —— 程序员节被严重炒作了啊
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