Subversion 1.7 provides many benefits:
Improved performance. Increased speed for many common source control operations, most notably a significant increase in checkout speed.//改良性能 使souce control的各项操作速度提高,更显著地是提高了co的速度
Blame for modified files. With Subversion 1.7, you can provide blame annotations for files modified locally. Previously this was only possible when using Git.//修改文件的责任 svn1.7 你可以添加注释来修改文件的局部,以前这只能发生在git中
Blame for line. View just the blame for a specific line in a files as opposed to seeing all of the blame for an existing file.//定位到行:查看到特定的行而不是去责怪所有的文件
Command-line integration. Only Subversion 1.7 commands are accessible through the command line.//可以使用命令行操作通过
Improved file organization. Subversion 1.7 provides a cleaner file structure by centralizing the Subversion metadata. Instead of having
files inside each directory of a checkout, there is now just a single.svn
file in the root of a checked out directory.//改进了文件组织通过集中Subversion的元数据清洁文件结构 ,下载svn中每个目录中的文件,暂时不翻译这个了 呵呵
Setting Source Control Management Preferences //设置源控制管理选项
In Xcode, choose Xcode > Preferences, and select Source Control.//选择xcode 选择preference 然后学则source control
In the pane that appears, deselect Enable Source Control.//在出现的可选视图中 ,取消启用souce control
Disabling source control turns off all source control management features within Xcode.//禁用source contorl 关闭source Control的所有功能在xcode中
You can disable automatic source control management on a feature-by-feature basis by deselecting the relevant option or options:
Refresh local status automatically. Automatically updates the status of your local working copies 自动更新你的工作副本的状太
Refresh server status automatically. Automatically updates the status of the files in the repository (Subversion Only).更新服务器中存储的文件状态
Add and remove files automatically. Automatically adds files to the repository upon being added locally //自动添加或删除文件
Checking Out or Cloning a Repository//co 或复制仓储
Check out a repository to create a copy on your local system.
Choose Source Control > Check Out. 选择 source Control 选择 check out
Select the repository you want to check out, and click Next. 选择你想下载的仓储 ,然后点击
You can select your repository from the Repositories tab, the Favorites tab, or the Recents tab. If you know the location of the repository you want to check out, you can also enter the address manually.
If Xcode is unable to automatically identify the trunk and branches, use the browser window to select the correct project location, and click Next.如果xcode不能自动识别主干和分支 用浏览器去选择正确的位置 和单击下一步
In the Checkout window, select the branches and working copies to check out, and click Next.
You will be presented only with the necessary options for your repository. If your project contains only one working copy, you will only have to select the branch to checkout. If your project doesn’t contain branches, you will only be given an option of working copies to checkout. If you project is a single working copy with no branches, this dialog will be skipped entirely.
Select the location to store the working copy, and click Check Out. 选择位置去储存你要拷贝的文件,单击下一步
By abstracting common repository operations, Xcode supports both Git and Subversion (SVN) repositories with a single, unified graphical user interface and workflow. This single operation either checks out (when you are using SVN) or clones (when you are using Git) the repository and integrates it with your project.
An SVN checkout operation does not create a local repository. You must have a network connection to the repository server to be able to commit changes.
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