#ifndef COMMON_H
#define COMMON_H #include <Windows.h> typedef struct _operateInfo
HANDLE hSemaphore;
#define DATALENGTH 1024*1024 #endif

#define QUERYINFO_H #include <string>
#include "define.h"
#include "com.h"
#include "QueryInfo.h"
#include "SysTime.h" class CHCQueryInfo
~CHCQueryInfo(); public:
int Init(); //从搜狗获得天气信息
bool GetWeatherInfo(IN HCString strCityCode, OUT WEATHERINFOVEC &weatherInfo, OUT HCString &strUpdateTime); //从360获得天气信息
bool GetWeatherInfo360(IN HCString strCityCode, OUT WEATHERINFOVEC &weatherInfo, OUT HCString &strUpdateTime); //从新浪获得天气信息
bool GetWeatherInfoSina(IN HCString strCityName, OUT WEATHERINFOVEC &weatherInfoVec, OUT HCString &strUpdateTime); private:
OPERATEINFO CreatMapping(TCHAR szMappingName[], TCHAR szSemName[], int size);
void StartServer();
bool ParserWeatherInfo(TCHAR* szWeatherInfo, WEATHERINFOVEC &weatherInfo, HCString &strUpdateTime);
bool ParserWeatherInfo360(TCHAR* szWeatherInfo, WEATHERINFOVEC &weatherInfo, HCString &strUpdateTime);
bool ParserWeatherInfoSina(char* szWeatherInfo, WEATHERINFO &weatherInfo, HCString &strUpdateTime);
void secondToDate(UINT nSeconds, HCString &strDate);
void GetDayOfWeek(HCString strDate, HCString &strDayOfWeek);
void GetDayOfWeekEx(UINT uDayOfWeek, HCString &strDayOfWeek);
void UnicodeToChinese(std::string strUnicode, HCString &strChinese); private:
CHCSysTime m_sysTime;
}; #endif
#include <string>
#include "define.h"
#include "com.h"
#include "QueryInfo.h"
#include <tchar.h>
#include "json/json.h"
#include "WideMultiChange.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "web.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "string.hpp"
#include "tinyxml/tinyxml.h" using namespace openutils; CHCQueryInfo::CHCQueryInfo()
{ } CHCQueryInfo::~CHCQueryInfo()
} int CHCQueryInfo::Init()
// if (m_sysTime.SetSysTime() == FALSE)
// {
// return -1;
// } return 0; // TCHAR szMapWriteName[]=TEXT("Global\\FileMappingWriteObject"); //指向同一块共享内存的名字
// TCHAR szSemClentName[]=TEXT("Global\\SemaphoreClentObject"); //客户端生成信号量的名称
// writeInfo = CreatMapping(szMapWriteName, szSemClentName, URLLENGTH);
// if(writeInfo.hSemaphore == NULL || writeInfo.pBuf == NULL)
// return -1;
// //WriteLog("writeInfo.hSemaphore = %d, writeInfo.pBuf = %d\n", writeInfo.hSemaphore, writeInfo.pBuf);
// TCHAR szMapReadName[]=TEXT("Global\\FileMappingReadObject"); //指向同一块共享内存的名字
// TCHAR szSemServerName[]=TEXT("Global\\SemaphoreServerObject"); //服务器生成信号量的名称
// readInfo = CreatMapping(szMapReadName, szSemServerName, DATALENGTH);
// if(readInfo.hSemaphore == NULL|| readInfo.pBuf == NULL )
// return -1;
// //WriteLog("readInfo.hSemaphore = %d, readInfo.pBuf = %d\n", readInfo.hSemaphore, readInfo.pBuf);
// //StartServer(); } bool CHCQueryInfo::GetWeatherInfo(HCString strCityCode, WEATHERINFOVEC &weatherInfo, HCString &strUpdateTime)
//CHCSysTime sysTime;
//DWORD dwTime;
//sysTime.GetSysTime(dwTime); strCityCode = _T("CN") + strCityCode;
CWideToMulti MultiCityCode(strCityCode.c_str());
char *szRead = new char[DATALENGTH]; try{
WebForm wf;
wf.getResponse(szRead,DATALENGTH - 1); // WebForm wf;
// wf.setHost("http://cdn.weather.hao.360.cn");
// wf.setScriptFile("/api_weather_info.php");
// wf.putVariable("app","hao360");
// wf.putVariable("_jsonp","");
// wf.putVariable("code",MultiCityCode.c_str());
// wf.sendRequest();
// wf.getResponse(szRead,DATALENGTH - 1); }catch(WebFormException ex) {
if ( szRead != NULL )
delete []szRead;
szRead = NULL;
return false;
} CMultiToWide wideRead(szRead);
bool bReturn = ParserWeatherInfo(const_cast<TCHAR*>( wideRead.wc_str() ), weatherInfo, strUpdateTime);
//bool bReturn = ParserWeatherInfo(const_cast<TCHAR*>( wideRead.wc_str() ), weatherInfo, strUpdateTime); if ( szRead != NULL )
delete []szRead;
szRead = NULL;
} return bReturn; // TCHAR tagUrl[URLLENGTH];
// _stprintf(tagUrl, _T("http://cdn.weather.hao.360.cn/api_weather_info.php?app=hao360&_jsonp=&code=%s"), strCityCode.c_str()); // memset((void*)writeInfo.pBuf, 0, URLLENGTH ); //共享内存清零
// memcpy( (void*)writeInfo.pBuf, tagUrl, URLLENGTH );
// ReleaseSemaphore(writeInfo.hSemaphore, 1, NULL);
// WaitForSingleObject(readInfo.hSemaphore, INFINITE);
// memcpy(szRead,(PVOID)readInfo.pBuf, DATALENGTH);
// bool bReturn = ParserWeatherInfo(szRead, weatherInfo, strUpdateTime);
// if ( szRead != NULL )
// {
// delete []szRead;
// szRead = NULL;
// }
// return bReturn;
} bool CHCQueryInfo::GetWeatherInfo360(IN HCString strCityCode, OUT WEATHERINFOVEC &weatherInfo, OUT HCString &strUpdateTime)
CWideToMulti MultiCityCode(strCityCode.c_str());
char *szRead = new char[DATALENGTH]; try{
WebForm wf;
wf.getResponse(szRead,DATALENGTH - 1); }catch(WebFormException ex) {
if ( szRead != NULL )
delete []szRead;
szRead = NULL;
return false;
} CMultiToWide wideRead(szRead);
bool bReturn = ParserWeatherInfo360(const_cast<TCHAR*>( wideRead.wc_str() ), weatherInfo, strUpdateTime); if ( szRead != NULL )
delete []szRead;
szRead = NULL;
} return bReturn; } bool CHCQueryInfo::GetWeatherInfoSina(IN HCString strCityName, OUT WEATHERINFOVEC &weatherInfoVec, OUT HCString &strUpdateTime)
CWideToMulti W2MCityCode(strCityName.c_str());
char *szRead = new char[DATALENGTH]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
memset(szRead, 0, DATALENGTH);
char cDay[2] = {0};
sprintf(cDay, "%d", i); try{
WebForm wf;
wf.getResponse(szRead,DATALENGTH - 1); }catch(WebFormException ex) {
if ( szRead != NULL )
delete []szRead;
szRead = NULL;
return false;
} WEATHERINFO weatherInfo;
bool bReturn = ParserWeatherInfoSina(szRead, weatherInfo, strUpdateTime);
if (bReturn == true)
} } if ( szRead != NULL )
delete []szRead;
szRead = NULL;
} return true;
} bool CHCQueryInfo::ParserWeatherInfo(TCHAR* szWeatherInfo, WEATHERINFOVEC &weatherInfo, HCString &strUpdateTime)
//DWORD dwTime;
//secondToDate(dwTime, strUpdateTime); HCString str(szWeatherInfo);
HCString strWeatherInfo; std::size_t firstIndex = str.find_first_of('(');
std::size_t endIndex = str.find_first_of(')');
if (firstIndex != std::wstring::npos && endIndex != std::wstring::npos)
strWeatherInfo = str.substr(firstIndex + 1, endIndex - firstIndex - 1);
} Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; CWideToUtf8 infoUtf8(strWeatherInfo.c_str());
CWideToMulti Info(strWeatherInfo.c_str());
if (reader.parse(Info.c_str(), root))
Json::Value wt7 = root["wt7"];
if (!wt7.isNull())
int wt7Size = wt7.size(); std::string strWeather;
std::string strTemperature;
std::string strWD;
std::string strWS;
int subindex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < wt7Size; i++)
WEATHERINFO tmpWeatherInfo;
subindex = 0; std::string strDate = wt7[i][subindex++].asString();
CMultiToWide WideDate(strDate.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.data = WideDate.wc_str(); UINT uDayOfWeek = wt7[i][subindex++].asUInt();
HCString strDayOfWeek;
GetDayOfWeekEx(uDayOfWeek, strDayOfWeek);
tmpWeatherInfo.dayOfWeek = strDayOfWeek; strWeather = wt7[i][subindex++].asString();
unsigned pos = strWeather.find("38388");
if (pos != std::string::npos)
strWeather.replace( pos , 5, "36716");
} }
UnicodeToChinese(strWeather, tmpWeatherInfo.weather); subindex++; int uTemp1 = wt7[i][subindex++].asInt();
char szTemp1[4];
_itoa_s(uTemp1, szTemp1, 4, 10);
CMultiToWide WideTemp1(szTemp1);
tmpWeatherInfo.temp1 = WideTemp1.wc_str(); int uTemp2 = wt7[i][subindex++].asInt();
char szTemp2[4];
_itoa_s(uTemp2, szTemp2, 4, 10);
CMultiToWide WideTemp2(szTemp2);
tmpWeatherInfo.temp2 = WideTemp2.wc_str(); std::string strWDWS = wt7[i][subindex++].asString();
std::vector<std::string> ret = tokenize(strWDWS, " ");
int size = ret.size();
if (1 == size )
UnicodeToChinese(ret[0].c_str(), tmpWeatherInfo.WD);
else if (2 == size )
UnicodeToChinese(ret[0].c_str(), tmpWeatherInfo.WD);
if (ret[1].compare("微风") == 0)
tmpWeatherInfo.WS = _T("微风");
std::vector<std::string> WSVec = tokenize(ret[1].c_str(), "&");
CMultiToWide WideWS(WSVec[0].c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.WS = WideWS.wc_str();
tmpWeatherInfo.WS = tmpWeatherInfo.WS + _T("级");
} weatherInfo.push_back(tmpWeatherInfo);
} return true;
} bool CHCQueryInfo::ParserWeatherInfo360(TCHAR* szWeatherInfo, WEATHERINFOVEC &weatherInfo, HCString &strUpdateTime)
HCString str(szWeatherInfo);
HCString strWeatherInfo; std::size_t firstIndex = str.find_first_of('(');
std::size_t endIndex = str.find_first_of(')');
if (firstIndex != std::wstring::npos && endIndex != std::wstring::npos)
strWeatherInfo = str.substr(firstIndex + 1, endIndex - firstIndex - 1);
} Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; CWideToUtf8 infoUtf8(strWeatherInfo.c_str());
CWideToMulti Info(strWeatherInfo.c_str());
if (reader.parse(Info.c_str(), root))
UINT nSeconds = root["time"].asUInt();
secondToDate(nSeconds, strUpdateTime); Json::Value weather = root["weather"];
if (!weather.isNull())
int weatherSize = weather.size(); std::string strWeather;
std::string strTemperature;
std::string strWD;
std::string strWS;
if (weatherSize > 0)
WEATHERINFO tmpWeatherInfo;
int index = 0;
std::string strDate = weather[index]["date"].asString();
CMultiToWide WideDate(strDate.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.data = WideDate.wc_str(); HCString strDayOfWeek;
GetDayOfWeek(WideDate.wc_str(), strDayOfWeek);
tmpWeatherInfo.dayOfWeek = strDayOfWeek; Json::Value info = weather[index]["info"];
if (!info["dawn"].isNull())
strWeather = info["dawn"][1].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWeather(strWeather.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWeather(WideWeather.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWeather(ByteWeather.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.weather = tmpWeather.wc_str(); //温度
strTemperature = info["dawn"][2].asString();
CMultiToWide dawnTemperature(strTemperature.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.temp1 = dawnTemperature.wc_str();
tmpWeatherInfo.temp2 = dawnTemperature.wc_str(); strTemperature = info["day"][2].asString();
CMultiToWide dayTemperature(strTemperature.c_str());
if ( tmpWeatherInfo.temp1.compare(dayTemperature.wc_str()) >= 0 )
tmpWeatherInfo.temp1 = dayTemperature.wc_str();
tmpWeatherInfo.temp2 = dayTemperature.wc_str();
} strTemperature = info["night"][2].asString();
CMultiToWide nightTemperature(strTemperature.c_str());
if ( tmpWeatherInfo.temp1.compare(nightTemperature.wc_str()) > 0 )
tmpWeatherInfo.temp1 = nightTemperature.wc_str();
else if( tmpWeatherInfo.temp2.compare(nightTemperature.wc_str()) < 0 )
tmpWeatherInfo.temp2 = nightTemperature.wc_str();
} strWD = info["dawn"][3].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWD(strWD.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWD(WideWD.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWD(ByteWD.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.WD = tmpWD.wc_str(); strWS = info["dawn"][4].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWS(strWS.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWS(WideWS.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWS(ByteWS.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.WS = tmpWS.wc_str();
if (!info["day"].isNull())
strWeather = info["day"][1].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWeather(strWeather.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWeather(WideWeather.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWeather(ByteWeather.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.weather = tmpWeather.wc_str(); //温度
strTemperature = info["day"][2].asString();
CMultiToWide dayTemperature(strTemperature.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.temp1 = dayTemperature.wc_str();
tmpWeatherInfo.temp2 = dayTemperature.wc_str(); strTemperature = info["night"][2].asString();
CMultiToWide nightTemperature(strTemperature.c_str());
if ( tmpWeatherInfo.temp1.compare(nightTemperature.wc_str()) >= 0 )
tmpWeatherInfo.temp1 = nightTemperature.wc_str();
tmpWeatherInfo.temp2 = nightTemperature.wc_str();
} strWD = info["day"][3].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWD(strWD.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWD(WideWD.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWD(ByteWD.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.WD = tmpWD.wc_str(); strWS = info["day"][4].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWS(strWS.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWS(WideWS.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWS(ByteWS.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.WS = tmpWS.wc_str();
strWeather = info["night"][1].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWeather(strWeather.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWeather(WideWeather.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWeather(ByteWeather.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.weather = tmpWeather.wc_str(); strTemperature = info["night"][2].asString();
CMultiToWide dayTemperature(strTemperature.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.temp1 = dayTemperature.wc_str();
tmpWeatherInfo.temp2 = dayTemperature.wc_str(); strWD = info["night"][3].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWD(strWD.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWD(WideWD.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWD(ByteWD.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.WD = tmpWD.wc_str(); strWS = info["night"][4].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWS(strWS.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWS(WideWS.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWS(ByteWS.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.WS = tmpWS.wc_str();
} weatherInfo.push_back(tmpWeatherInfo); } for (int i = 1; i < weatherSize; i++)
WEATHERINFO tmpWeatherInfo;
std::string strDate = weather[i]["date"].asString();
CMultiToWide WideDate(strDate.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.data = WideDate.wc_str(); HCString strDayOfWeek;
GetDayOfWeek(WideDate.wc_str(), strDayOfWeek);
tmpWeatherInfo.dayOfWeek = strDayOfWeek; Json::Value info = weather[i]["info"];
if (!info["day"].isNull())
strWeather = info["day"][1].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWeather(strWeather.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWeather(WideWeather.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWeather(ByteWeather.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.weather = tmpWeather.wc_str(); //温度
strTemperature = info["dawn"][2].asString();
CMultiToWide dawnTemperature(strTemperature.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.temp1 = dawnTemperature.wc_str();
tmpWeatherInfo.temp2 = dawnTemperature.wc_str(); strTemperature = info["day"][2].asString();
CMultiToWide dayTemperature(strTemperature.c_str());
if ( tmpWeatherInfo.temp1.compare(dayTemperature.wc_str()) >= 0 )
tmpWeatherInfo.temp1 = dayTemperature.wc_str();
tmpWeatherInfo.temp2 = dayTemperature.wc_str();
} strTemperature = info["night"][2].asString();
CMultiToWide nightTemperature(strTemperature.c_str());
if ( tmpWeatherInfo.temp1.compare(nightTemperature.wc_str()) > 0 )
tmpWeatherInfo.temp1 = nightTemperature.wc_str();
else if( tmpWeatherInfo.temp2.compare(nightTemperature.wc_str()) < 0 )
tmpWeatherInfo.temp2 = nightTemperature.wc_str();
} strWD = info["day"][3].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWD(strWD.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWD(WideWD.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWD(ByteWD.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.WD = tmpWD.wc_str(); strWS = info["day"][4].asString();
CUtf8ToWide WideWS(strWS.c_str());
CWideToMulti ByteWS(WideWS.wc_str()) ;
CMultiToWide tmpWS(ByteWS.c_str());
tmpWeatherInfo.WS = tmpWS.wc_str(); weatherInfo.push_back(tmpWeatherInfo);
return false;
} return true;
} bool CHCQueryInfo::ParserWeatherInfoSina(char* szWeatherInfo, WEATHERINFO &weatherInfo, HCString &strUpdateTime)
TiXmlDocument* pDoc = new TiXmlDocument();
pDoc->Parse(szWeatherInfo); TiXmlElement* rootElement = pDoc->RootElement();//Profiles TiXmlElement* weatherElement = rootElement->FirstChildElement();//Weather
if (weatherElement == NULL)
return false;
} TiXmlElement* dateElement = weatherElement->FirstChildElement("savedate_weather");//savedate_weather 日期
string strDate = dateElement->GetText();
CUtf8ToWide T2WDate(strDate.c_str());
weatherInfo.data = T2WDate.wc_str(); HCString strDayOfWeek; //星期
GetDayOfWeek(T2WDate.wc_str(), strDayOfWeek);
weatherInfo.dayOfWeek = strDayOfWeek; TiXmlElement* statusElement = weatherElement->FirstChildElement("status1");//status1 天气情况
string strStatus = statusElement->GetText();
CUtf8ToWide T2WStatus(strStatus.c_str());
weatherInfo.weather = T2WStatus.wc_str(); TiXmlElement* tmp1Element = weatherElement->FirstChildElement("temperature1");//temperature1 温度1
string strTmp1 = tmp1Element->GetText(); TiXmlElement* tmp2Element = weatherElement->FirstChildElement("temperature2");//temperature2 温度2
const char* pTmp2 = tmp2Element->GetText();
string strTmp2;
if(NULL != pTmp2)
strTmp2 = pTmp2;
} int Tmp1 = -100;
if (strTmp1.empty() != true)
Tmp1 = atoi(strTmp1.c_str());
int Tmp2 = -100;
if (strTmp2.empty() != true)
Tmp2 = atoi(strTmp2.c_str());
} if (Tmp1 == -100 && Tmp2 == -100)
weatherInfo.temp1 = _T("");
weatherInfo.temp2 = _T("");
else if ( Tmp1 == -100 && Tmp2 != -100)
CUtf8ToWide T2WTmp2(strTmp2.c_str());
weatherInfo.temp1 = T2WTmp2.wc_str();
weatherInfo.temp2 = T2WTmp2.wc_str();
else if ( Tmp1 != -100 && Tmp2 == -100)
CUtf8ToWide T2WTmp1(strTmp1.c_str());
weatherInfo.temp1 = T2WTmp1.wc_str();
weatherInfo.temp2 = T2WTmp1.wc_str();
else if (Tmp1 <= Tmp2)
CUtf8ToWide T2WTmp1(strTmp1.c_str());
weatherInfo.temp1 = T2WTmp1.wc_str();
CUtf8ToWide T2WTmp2(strTmp2.c_str());
weatherInfo.temp2 = T2WTmp2.wc_str();
CUtf8ToWide T2WTmp1(strTmp1.c_str());
weatherInfo.temp2 = T2WTmp1.wc_str();
CUtf8ToWide T2WTmp2(strTmp2.c_str());
weatherInfo.temp1 = T2WTmp2.wc_str();
} TiXmlElement* directionElement = weatherElement->FirstChildElement("direction1"); //direction1 风向
string strDirection = directionElement->GetText();
CUtf8ToWide T2WDirection(strDirection.c_str());
weatherInfo.WD = T2WDirection.wc_str(); TiXmlElement* powerElement = weatherElement->FirstChildElement("power1");//power1 风力
string strPower = powerElement->GetText();
CUtf8ToWide T2WPower(strPower.c_str());
weatherInfo.WS = T2WPower.wc_str(); return true;
} OPERATEINFO CHCQueryInfo::CreatMapping(TCHAR szMappingName[], TCHAR szSemName[], int size)
HANDLE hMapFile;
OPERATEINFO operateInfo = {NULL, NULL}; hMapFile = CreateFileMapping(
INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // use paging file
NULL, // default security
PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write access
0, // maximum object size (high-order DWORD)
size, // maximum object size (low-order DWORD)
szMappingName); // name of mapping object if (NULL == hMapFile)
//WriteLog("Could not create file mapping object (%d).\n",GetLastError());;
return operateInfo;
} operateInfo.pBuf = (LPTSTR) MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, // handle to map object
FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write permission
size); if (operateInfo.pBuf == NULL)
//WriteLog("Could not map view of file (%d).\n",GetLastError());
return operateInfo;
} operateInfo.hSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 1, szSemName);
if ( NULL == operateInfo.hSemaphore)
//WriteLog("CreateSemaphore error: %d\n", GetLastError());
return operateInfo;
} return operateInfo;
} void CHCQueryInfo::StartServer()
WCHAR szExe[] = _T("\\StorageCard\\TOOL\\3.5FW\\NetworkService.exe");
HANDLE hWaitServerRunFinish = NULL;//等待键盘加载完成事件
if (NULL==hWaitServerRunFinish)
hWaitServerRunFinish = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, _T("FinishCreateServerEvnet"));
ResetEvent(hWaitServerRunFinish); //防止其他程序多次设置事件,带来连锁反应
WCHAR szAppName[_MAX_PATH]={0}; // 父目录的路径, 最后不带"\"
WCHAR szServerPath[_MAX_PATH]={0};
WCHAR * pLastSlash;
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, szAppName, _MAX_PATH);
pLastSlash = wcsrchr(szAppName, _T('\\'));
if (pLastSlash != NULL)
pLastSlash[1] = _T('\0');
PROCESS_INFORMATION liProcessInfo; DWORD Time=GetTickCount();
CreateProcess(szExe, 0,NULL,NULL,false,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,&liProcessInfo);
if (hWaitServerRunFinish)
if(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(hWaitServerRunFinish, 5000))
RETAILMSG(1, (_T("-----------wait Sever run OK---------\n")));
RETAILMSG(1, (_T("-----------wait Sever run time out 5 s---------\n")));
RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("_________KY_______Creagte Time=%d\r\n"),GetTickCount()-Time));
} void CHCQueryInfo::secondToDate(UINT nSeconds, HCString &strDate)
UINT myear,mday,oday;
UINT msec;
UINT ttmonth[12]={
int y, i=0;
UINT iimoth;
break; }
UINT iday=oday+2;
UINT imonth=i+1;
UINT iyear=1900+myear;
UINT ihour=msec/3600;
UINT imin=(msec-ihour*3600)/60;
UINT isec=msec%60; TCHAR buf[20];
_stprintf(buf,_T("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"),iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, isec);
strDate = buf;
} void CHCQueryInfo::GetDayOfWeek(HCString strDate, HCString &strDayOfWeek)
int flag=0,year,month,day;
CWideToMulti date(strDate.c_str());
std::string strDateTmp = date.c_str(); std::string strYear = strDateTmp.substr(0 , 4);
year = atoi(strYear.c_str()); std::string strMonth = strDateTmp.substr(5, 2);
month = atoi((strMonth.c_str())); std::string strDay = strDateTmp.substr(8, 2);
day = atoi(strDay.c_str()); int days = 0;
days = (year - 1) * 365;
days += (year - 1) / 4;
days -= (year - 1) /100;
days += (year - 1) / 400; switch(month - 1)
case 11:
days += 30;
case 10:
days += 31;
case 9:
days += 30;
case 8:
days += 31;
case 7:
days += 31;
case 6:
days += 30;
case 5:
days += 31;
case 4:
days += 30;
case 3:
days += 31;
case 2:
if(( year % 4 == 0) && year % 100 != 0 || (year % 400 == 0 ))
days += 29;
days += 28;
case 1:
days += 31;
} days += day; days %= 7;//折成星期几,若为0,则为星期天 switch(days)
case 0:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期天");break;
case 1:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期一");break;
case 2:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期二"); break;
case 3:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期三");break;
case 4:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期四"); break;
case 5:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期五");break;
case 6:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期六");break;
} void CHCQueryInfo::GetDayOfWeekEx(UINT uDayOfWeek, HCString &strDayOfWeek)
case 0:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期天");break;
case 1:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期一");break;
case 2:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期二"); break;
case 3:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期三");break;
case 4:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期四"); break;
case 5:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期五");break;
case 6:strDayOfWeek = _T("星期六");break;
} void CHCQueryInfo::UnicodeToChinese(std::string strUnicode, HCString &strChinese)
std::vector<std::string> ret = tokenize(strUnicode, ";");
int size = ret.size();
if (size > 0)
WCHAR *buf = new WCHAR[size];
int i = 0;
for (; i < size; ++i)
ret[i].replace(0, 2, "");
int num = atoi(ret[i].c_str());
buf[i] = num;
buf[i] = '\0'; strChinese = buf;
if ( buf != NULL )
delete []buf;
buf = NULL;
strChinese = _T("");
} }
/** web.h
* 1.Declares a class to encode strings converting a String
* into a MIME format called "x-www-form-urlencoded" format.
* To convert a String, each character is examined in turn:
* 1) The ASCII characters 'a' through 'z', 'A' through 'Z', and '0' through '9' remain the same.
* 2) The space character ' ' is converted into a plus sign '+'.
* 3) All other characters are converted into the 3-character string "%xy", where xy is the two-digit hexadecimal representation of the lower 8-bits of the character.
* 2.Declares a class to decode such strings
* 3. Declares the WebForm class to wrap win32 HTTP calls
* Author: Vijay Mathew Pandyalakal
* Date: 18/10/03
**/ #ifndef WEB_H_
#define WEB_H_ #include <wininet.h> using namespace std; namespace openutils { struct CHCRequestInfo{
string form_action;
}; class URLEncoder {
static string encode(string str);
static bool isOrdinaryChar(char c);
}; class URLDecoder {
static string decode(string str);
static int convertToDec(const char* hex);
static void getAsDec(char* hex);
}; class WebForm {
vector<string> m_vctVars;
vector<string> m_vctVals;
string m_strHostName;
string m_strScriptFile;
HINTERNET m_hSession;
HINTERNET m_hRequest;
unsigned long m_lBytesRead;
HANDLE m_hThread; public:
void putVariable(const char* var_name,const char* value);
string getVariable(const char* var_name) const;
void setHost(const char* host);
void setScriptFile(const char* sf);
string getHost() const;
string getScriptFile() const;
void sendRequest();
bool getResponse(char* buff,int sz);
unsigned long getBytesRead() { return m_lBytesRead; }
bool isDuplicateVar(const char* var_name);
}; class WebFormException {
string err;
WebFormException(const char* str) {
err = str;
string getMessage() {
return err;
} // openutils #endif
/** web.cpp
* Implements classes declared in web.h
* Author: Vijay Mathew Pandyalakal
* Date: 18/10/03
**/ #include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; #include <windows.h>
#include <wininet.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "WideMultiChange.h"
#include <Windows.h> #include "web.h"
using namespace openutils; string URLEncoder::encode(string str) {
int len = str.length();
char* buff = new char[len + 1];
string ret = "";
for(int i=0;i<len;i++) {
if(isOrdinaryChar(buff[i])) {
ret = ret + buff[i];
}else if(buff[i] == ' ') {
ret = ret + "+";
}else {
char tmp[6];
ret = ret + tmp;
delete[] buff;
return ret;
} bool URLEncoder::isOrdinaryChar(char c) {
char ch = tolower(c);
if(ch == 'a' || ch == 'b' || ch == 'c' || ch == 'd' || ch == 'e'
|| ch == 'f' || ch == 'g' || ch == 'h' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'j'
|| ch == 'k' || ch == 'l' || ch == 'm' || ch == 'n' || ch == 'o'
|| ch == 'p' || ch == 'q' || ch == 'r' || ch == 's' || ch == 't'
|| ch == 'u' || ch == 'v' || ch == 'w' || ch == 'x' || ch == 'y'
|| ch == 'z' || ch == '0' || ch == '1' || ch == '2' || ch == '3'
|| ch == '4' || ch == '5' || ch == '6' || ch == '7' || ch == '8'
|| ch == '9') {
return true;
return false;
} string URLDecoder::decode(string str) {
int len = str.length();
char* buff = new char[len + 1];
string ret = "";
for(int i=0;i<len;i++) {
if(buff[i] == '+') {
ret = ret + " ";
}else if(buff[i] == '%') {
char tmp[4];
char hex[4];
hex[0] = buff[++i];
hex[1] = buff[++i];
hex[2] = '\0';
//int hex_i = atoi(hex);
ret = ret + tmp;
}else {
ret = ret + buff[i];
delete[] buff;
return ret;
} int URLDecoder::convertToDec(const char* hex) {
char buff[12];
int ret = 0;
int len = strlen(buff);
for(int i=0;i<len;i++) {
char tmp[4];
tmp[0] = buff[i];
tmp[1] = '\0';
int tmp_i = atoi(tmp);
int rs = 1;
for(int j=i;j<(len-1);j++) {
rs *= 16;
ret += (rs * tmp_i);
return ret;
} void URLDecoder::getAsDec(char* hex) {
char tmp = tolower(hex[0]);
if(tmp == 'a') {
}else if(tmp == 'b') {
}else if(tmp == 'c') {
}else if(tmp == 'd') {
}else if(tmp == 'e') {
}else if(tmp == 'f') {
}else if(tmp == 'g') {
} DWORD WINAPI ThreadFun(LPVOID lpParam )
CHCRequestInfo* pRequestInfo = static_cast<CHCRequestInfo*>(lpParam);
HINTERNET hSession = InternetOpen(_T("WebForm 1"),
0); if (hSession == NULL)
//throw WebFormException("Error:- InternetOpen()");
return -1;
} // CMultiToWide wideform_action(pRequestInfo->form_action.c_str());
// CWideToUtf8 utf8form_action(wideform_action.wc_str()); pRequestInfo->hRequest = InternetOpenUrlA(hSession,
if(pRequestInfo->hRequest == NULL) {
//throw WebFormException("Error:- InternetOpenUrl()");
return -1;
} return 0;
} WebForm::WebForm() {
string m_strContentType = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
string m_strHostName = "localhost:8080";
string m_strScriptFile = "";
HINTERNET m_hSession = NULL;
HINTERNET m_hConnect = NULL;
HINTERNET m_hRequest = NULL;
HINTERNET m_hResponse = NULL;
m_hThread = NULL;
void WebForm::putVariable(const char* var_name,const char* value) {
if(isDuplicateVar(var_name)) {
string str = "Duplicate variable name - ";
str = str + var_name;
throw WebFormException(str.c_str());
}else {
} string WebForm::getVariable(const char* var_name) const {
for(int i=0;i<m_vctVars.size();i++) {
// if(strcmpi(var_name,m_vctVars[i].c_str()) == 0) {
if(strcmp(var_name,m_vctVars[i].c_str()) == 0) {
return m_vctVals[i];
string str = "Variable not found - ";
str = str + var_name;
throw WebFormException(str.c_str());
} void WebForm::setHost(const char* host) {
m_strHostName = host;
} void WebForm::setScriptFile(const char* sf) {
m_strScriptFile = sf;
} string WebForm::getHost() const {
return m_strHostName;
} string WebForm::getScriptFile() const {
return m_strScriptFile;
} void WebForm::sendRequest() { string host = m_strHostName;
string form_action = host + m_strScriptFile + "?";
int sz = m_vctVars.size();
for(int i=0;i<sz;i++) {
string var = m_vctVars[i];
string enc_var = URLEncoder::encode(var);
string val = m_vctVals[i];
// string enc_val = URLEncoder::encode(val);
form_action = form_action + enc_var;
form_action = form_action + "=";
form_action = form_action + val;
if(i != (sz-1)) {
form_action = form_action + "&";
} m_hSession = InternetOpen(_T("WebForm 1"),
0); if (m_hSession == NULL)
throw WebFormException("Error:- InternetOpen()");
} CMultiToWide wideform_action(form_action.c_str());
CWideToUtf8 utf8form_action(wideform_action.wc_str());
m_hRequest = InternetOpenUrlA(m_hSession,
if(m_hRequest == NULL) {
throw WebFormException("Error:- InternetOpenUrl()");
} //CHCRequestInfo requestInfo;
//requestInfo.form_action = form_action; //if (NULL == m_hThread )
// m_hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ThreadFun, static_cast<LPVOID>(&requestInfo), 0, NULL);
//} //if ( WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, 3000))
// throw WebFormException("Error:- TimeOut");
// return;
//} //m_hRequest = requestInfo.hRequest;
// if (m_hSession == NULL)
// {
// throw WebFormException("Error:- InternetOpen()");
// return;
// }
// CMultiToWide wideform_action(form_action.c_str());
// m_hRequest = InternetOpenUrl(m_hSession,
// wideform_action.wc_str(),
// NULL,
// 0,
// 0);
// if(m_hRequest == NULL) {
// throw WebFormException("Error:- InternetOpenUrl()");
// return;
// } } bool WebForm::getResponse(char* buff,int sz) { if(m_hRequest == NULL) {
throw WebFormException("No request made to server !");
return false;
} BOOL bRecv = TRUE;
DWORD dwTotalRecved = 0;
DWORD dwRecv = 0;
char szBuff[100] = {0}; while (1)
bRecv = InternetReadFile(m_hRequest, buff + dwTotalRecved, sz - dwTotalRecved, &dwRecv); if (dwRecv > 0)
dwTotalRecved += dwRecv;
} if (0 == dwRecv)
} return true; // if(m_hRequest == NULL) {
// throw WebFormException("No request made to server !");
// return false;
// } //BOOL bRecv = TRUE;
//DWORD dwTotalRecved = 0;
//DWORD dwRecv = 0;
//char szBuff[100] = {0}; // while (1)
// bRecv = InternetReadFile(m_hRequest, szBuff, sizeof(szBuff), &dwRecv); // if (dwRecv > 0)
// {
// memcpy(buff + dwTotalRecved, szBuff, dwRecv);
// dwTotalRecved += dwRecv;
// } // if (0 == dwRecv)
// {
// break;
// }
// } // return true;
} bool WebForm::isDuplicateVar(const char* var_name) {
for(int i=0;i<m_vctVars.size();i++) {
// if(strcmpi(var_name,m_vctVars[i].c_str()) == 0) {
if(strcmp(var_name,m_vctVars[i].c_str()) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
} WebForm::~WebForm() {
if(m_hSession != NULL) InternetCloseHandle(m_hSession);
if(m_hRequest != NULL) InternetCloseHandle(m_hRequest);
if (m_hThread != NULL)
m_hThread = NULL;
#pragma once

class CWideToMulti
// m_nLength包括末尾的'\0'
CWideToMulti(const wchar_t* szWideChar)
m_nLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szWideChar, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
m_pszMultiChar = new char[m_nLength];
memset(m_pszMultiChar, 0, sizeof(char) * m_nLength);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szWideChar, -1, m_pszMultiChar, m_nLength, NULL, NULL);
} // m_nLength不包括末尾的'\0',cchWideChar是该宽字节字符串的字符数
CWideToMulti(const wchar_t* szWideChar, int cchWideChar)
m_nLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szWideChar, cchWideChar, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
m_pszMultiChar = new char[m_nLength + 1];
memset(m_pszMultiChar, 0, sizeof(char) * (m_nLength + 1));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szWideChar, cchWideChar, m_pszMultiChar, m_nLength, NULL, NULL);
} ~CWideToMulti(void) { delete[] m_pszMultiChar; m_pszMultiChar = NULL; } const char* c_str(void) { return m_pszMultiChar; } unsigned long length(void) { return m_nLength; } protected:
char* m_pszMultiChar;
unsigned long m_nLength;
}; class CMultiToWide
// m_nLength包括末尾的'\0'
CMultiToWide(const char* szMultiChar)
m_nLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szMultiChar, -1, NULL, 0);
m_pszWideChar = new wchar_t[m_nLength];
memset(m_pszWideChar, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * m_nLength);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szMultiChar, -1, m_pszWideChar, m_nLength);
} // m_nLength包括末尾的'\0',cbMultiChar是多字节字符串的字节数
CMultiToWide(const char* szMultiChar, int cbMultiChar)
m_nLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szMultiChar, cbMultiChar, NULL, 0);
m_pszWideChar = new wchar_t[m_nLength + 1];
memset(m_pszWideChar, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * (m_nLength + 1));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szMultiChar, cbMultiChar, m_pszWideChar, m_nLength);
} ~CMultiToWide(void) { delete[] m_pszWideChar; m_pszWideChar = NULL; } const wchar_t* wc_str(void) { return m_pszWideChar; } unsigned long length(void) { return m_nLength; } protected:
wchar_t* m_pszWideChar;
unsigned long m_nLength;
}; class CWideToUtf8
// m_nLength包括末尾的'\0'
CWideToUtf8(const wchar_t* szWideChar)
m_nLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideChar, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
m_pszMultiChar = new char[m_nLength];
memset(m_pszMultiChar, 0, sizeof(char) * m_nLength);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideChar, -1, m_pszMultiChar, m_nLength, NULL, NULL);
} // m_nLength不包括末尾的'\0',cchWideChar是该宽字节字符串的字符数
CWideToUtf8(const wchar_t* szWideChar, int cchWideChar)
m_nLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideChar, cchWideChar, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
m_pszMultiChar = new char[m_nLength + 1];
memset(m_pszMultiChar, 0, sizeof(char) * (m_nLength + 1));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideChar, cchWideChar, m_pszMultiChar, m_nLength, NULL, NULL);
} ~CWideToUtf8(void) { delete[] m_pszMultiChar; m_pszMultiChar = NULL; } const char* c_str(void) { return m_pszMultiChar; } unsigned long length(void) { return m_nLength; } protected:
char* m_pszMultiChar;
unsigned long m_nLength;
}; class CUtf8ToWide
// m_nLength包括末尾的'\0'
CUtf8ToWide(const char* szMultiChar)
m_nLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, szMultiChar, -1, NULL, 0);
m_pszWideChar = new wchar_t[m_nLength];
memset(m_pszWideChar, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * m_nLength);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, szMultiChar, -1, m_pszWideChar, m_nLength);
} // m_nLength包括末尾的'\0',cbMultiChar是多字节字符串的字节数
CUtf8ToWide(const char* szMultiChar, int cbMultiChar)
m_nLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, szMultiChar, cbMultiChar, NULL, 0);
m_pszWideChar = new wchar_t[m_nLength + 1];
memset(m_pszWideChar, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * (m_nLength + 1));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, szMultiChar, cbMultiChar, m_pszWideChar, m_nLength);
} ~CUtf8ToWide(void) { delete[] m_pszWideChar; m_pszWideChar = NULL; } const wchar_t* wc_str(void) { return m_pszWideChar; } unsigned long length(void) { return m_nLength; } protected:
wchar_t* m_pszWideChar;
unsigned long m_nLength;
#ifndef DEFINE_H
#define DEFINE_H #include <string>
#include <vector> #ifdef UNICODE
typedef std::wstring HCString;
typedef std::string HCString;
#endif typedef struct _cityInfo
HCString section;
HCString name;
HCString code;
HCString time1; //系统时间
HCString time2; //保留
HCString dayOfWeek1;
HCString weather1;
HCString temp11;
HCString temp21;
HCString WD1;
HCString WS1;
HCString dayOfWeek2;
HCString weather2;
HCString temp12;
HCString temp22;
HCString WD2;
HCString WS2;
HCString dayOfWeek3;
HCString weather3;
HCString temp13;
HCString temp23;
HCString WD3;
HCString WS3;
HCString dayOfWeek4;
HCString weather4;
HCString temp14;
HCString temp24;
HCString WD4;
HCString WS4;
HCString dayOfWeek5;
HCString weather5;
HCString temp15;
HCString temp25;
HCString WD5;
HCString WS5;
HCString dayOfWeek6;
HCString weather6;
HCString temp16;
HCString temp26;
HCString WD6;
HCString WS6;
HCString dayOfWeek7;
HCString weather7;
HCString temp17;
HCString temp27;
HCString WD7;
HCString WS7; }CITYINFO, *PCITYINFO; typedef std::vector<CITYINFO> CITYINFOVEC; typedef struct _weatherInfo
HCString data; //日期 格式:2014-06-06
HCString dayOfWeek; //星期几
HCString weather; //天气情况,喻:雷阵雨,晴,阴
HCString temp1; //最低温度
HCString temp2; //最高温度
HCString WD; //风向, 喻:东风,东南方,南风,西北风
HCString WS; //风力, 喻:3~4级 _weatherInfo()
data = _T("");
dayOfWeek = _T("");
weather = _T("");
temp1 = _T("");
temp2 = _T("");
WD = _T("");
WS = _T("");
#ifndef YSSTIME_H
#define YSSTIME_H
#include <windef.h>
#include <TCHAR.H>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "define.h" #define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE #define _countof(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))
#define HIGHTIME 21968699 // 21968708 // Jan 1, 1900 FILETIME.highTime
#define LOWTIME 4259332096 // 1604626432 // Jan 1, 1900 FILETIME.lowtime ////NTP服务器列表
//struct NISTSVR{
// int key; //编号
// in_addr addr; //IP地址
// LPCTSTR server; //域名
// LPCTSTR info; //信息
// { 0, {0,0,0,0}, NULL, NULL},
// { 1, {129,6,15,28}, _T("time-a.nist.gov"),_T("NIST,盖士堡,马里兰州") },
// { 2, {129,6,15,29}, _T("time-b.nist.gov"),_T("NIST,盖士堡,马里兰州") },
// { 3, {132,163,4,101}, _T("time-a.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov"),_T("NIST,博耳德市,科罗拉多州") },
// { 4, {132,163,4,102}, _T("time-b.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov"),_T("NIST,博耳德市,科罗拉多州") },
// { 5, {132,163,4,103}, _T("time-c.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov"),_T("NIST,博耳德市,科罗拉多州") },
// { 6, {128,138,140,44}, _T("tutcnist.colorado.edu"),_T("科罗拉多大学,博耳德市") },
// { 7, {192,43,244,18}, _T("time.nist.gov"),_T("NCAR,博耳德市,科罗拉多州") },
// { 8, {131,107,1,10}, _T("time-nw.nist.gov"),_T("Microsoft,雷蒙德,华盛顿州") },
// { 9, {208,184,49,129}, _T("nist1.nyc.certifiedtime.com"),_T("Abovnet,纽约市") },
//static int choice = 0; class CHCSysTime
void GetCurrentTime(HCString &strCurrentTime);
BOOL SetSysTime(); private:
BOOL UpdateSysTime(DWORD dwTime);
BOOL GetTimeFromServer(DWORD *lpdwTime); };
#include "SysTime.h"
#pragma comment (lib,"ws2")
//#pragma comment (lib,"winsock") CHCSysTime::CHCSysTime()
{ } CHCSysTime::~CHCSysTime()
{ } void CHCSysTime::GetCurrentTime(HCString &strCurrentTime)
GetLocalTime( &sys );
TCHAR buf[20];
_stprintf(buf,_T("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"),sys.wYear,sys.wMonth, sys.wDay, sys.wHour, sys.wMinute, sys.wSecond);
strCurrentTime = buf;
} BOOL CHCSysTime::SetSysTime()
// if(WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(1,1), &WSAData) != 0)
// {
// WSACleanup();
// return FALSE;
// } //取服务器时间
DWORD dwTime;
BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if (GetTimeFromServer(&dwTime))
if (UpdateSysTime(dwTime))
bReturn = TRUE;
bReturn = FALSE;
} WSACleanup(); return bReturn;
} BOOL CHCSysTime::UpdateSysTime(DWORD dwTime)
UINT64 uiCurTime, uiBaseTime, uiResult;
SYSTEMTIME st; uiBaseTime = ((UINT64) HIGHTIME << 32) + LOWTIME; uiCurTime = (UINT64)dwTime * (UINT64)10000000;
uiResult = uiBaseTime + uiCurTime; FileTimeToSystemTime((LPFILETIME)&uiResult, &st); return SetSystemTime(&st);
} DWORD WINAPI ThreadTime(LPVOID lpParam )
DWORD* lpdwTime = static_cast<DWORD*>(lpParam); DWORD dwReturn = 0; WSADATA wsd;
return -1;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
in_addr addr = {129,6,15,29}; memcpy(&sin.sin_addr, &addr, sizeof(in_addr));
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_port = htons(IPPORT_TIMESERVER); if(connect(sSock,(struct sockaddr *)&sin,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == 0)
int iResult, iRead; for(iRead = 0; iRead < 4; iRead += iResult)
iResult = recv(sSock, (char*)lpdwTime + iRead, 4 - iRead, 0);
if(iResult < 1)
} if(4 == iRead)
*lpdwTime = ntohl(*lpdwTime); dwReturn = 0;
dwReturn = -1;
} closesocket(sSock);
} return dwReturn;
} BOOL CHCSysTime::GetTimeFromServer(DWORD *lpdwTime)
*lpdwTime = 0;
BOOL bReturn= TRUE; HANDLE hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ThreadTime, static_cast<LPVOID>(lpdwTime), 0, NULL); if ( WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 3000))
bReturn = FALSE;
} return bReturn; }


  1. 7.Web Service 调用天气代码

    1. 2500多个城市天气预报 WEB服务公用事业 Endpoint:http://webservice.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/WeatherWS.asmx Disco: ...

  2. iOS 天气应用代码中文介绍

    天气应用 解释请求参数 q: 表示Location(可以给出城市名字;或者直接给城市的经纬度) 例子:q=beijing 例子 q=48.834,2.394 num_of_days: 需要预报的天数 ...

  3. 【翻译】Sencha Touch 2入门:创建一个实用的天气应用程序之三

    原文:Getting Started with Sencha Touch 2: Build a Weather Utility App (Part 3) 作者:Lee BoonstraLee is a ...

  4. C# WinCE项目 VS2008 单例窗体实现

    项目现有主界面FormMain,模板界面FormModel,其余5个子界面皆继承自模板. 现在想要实现在主界面下可以打开任意子界面,并且可以随时关闭.当打开的子窗体未执行Close事件时,要保证每次显 ...

  5. NodeMCU获取并解析心知天气信息

    NodeMCU获取并解析心知天气信息 1 注册心知天气并获取私钥 打开心知天气网站,点击注册按钮 填写基本信息注册心知天气账号,登录注册所填写的邮箱点击链接进行账号激活,随后出现如下界面 点击登录按钮 ...

  6. MICAPS数据文件格式

    MICAPS系统的数据结构是建立在文件系统基础上的.其特点是: l  利用目录来区分不同的数据来源.要素和层次,即不同的数据来源.要素和层次的数据要放在不同的目录中.同一目录中的数据只能有时次或时效上 ...

  7. 07_编写天气预报和手机归属地的WebService

    <s:element ref="s:schema" /> <s:any /> <s:any minOccurs="2" maxOc ...

  8. Android学习十一:高德地图使用

    写这篇文章主要有三个目的: 1.使用高德地图api定位 2.获取天气数据 3.编程练手 文件结构 清单文件信息说明: <?xml version="1.0" encoding ...

  9. vue 对象提供的属性功能、通过axio请求数据(2)

    1 Vue对象提供的属性功能 1.1 过滤器 过滤器,就是vue允许开发者自定义的文本格式化函数,可以使用在两个地方:输出内容和操作数据中. 1.1.1 使用Vue.filter()进行全局定义(全局 ...


  1. android mediaplayer

  2. 测试TCP/IP配置

    安装网络硬件和网络协议之后,我们一般要进行TCP/IP协议的测试工作,那么怎样测试才算是比较全面的测试呢?我们认为,全面的测试应包括局域网和互联网两个方面,因此应从局域网和互联网两个方面测试,以下是我 ...

  3. hdu_2243_考研路茫茫——单词情结(AC自动机+矩阵)

    题目链接:hdu_2243_考研路茫茫——单词情结 题意: 让你求包含这些模式串并且长度不小于L的单词种类 题解: 这题是poj2788的升级版,没做过的强烈建议先做那题. 我们用poj2778的方法 ...

  4. DefaultHttpClient is deprecated 【Api 弃用]】

    最近在使用Apache的httpclient的时候,maven引用了最新版本4.3,发现Idea提示DefaultHttpClient等常用的类已经不推荐使用了,之前在使用4.2.3版本的时候,还没有 ...

  5. QQ登录界面

    @property (nonatomic,assign) IBOutlet UITextField *qq; @property (nonatomic,assign) IBOutlet UITextF ...

  6. Redis配置文件 翻译 V3.2版本

    # Redis配置文件例子. # # 注意:为了能读取到配置文件,Redis服务必须以配置文件的路径作为第一个参数启动 # ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf # 关 ...

  7. VS2005--设置Release模式下调试

    今天初略看了下,所谓Release和Debug只是大家和编译器约定的一些生成规则而已,所以调试是无所谓Release和Debug的,只是由于生成的规则不同,可能Release的一些调试结果没Debug ...

  8. Android OpenGL ES(十三)通用的矩阵变换指令 .

    Android OpenGL ES 对于不同坐标系下坐标变换,大都使用矩阵运算的方法来定义和实现的.这里介绍对应指定的坐标系(比如viewmodel, projection或是viewport) An ...

  9. Codeforces 704A Thor 队列模拟

    题目大意:托尔有一部手机可执行三种操作 1.x APP产生一个新消息 2.读取x App已产生的所有消息 3.读取前t个产生的消息 问每次操作后未读取的消息的数量 题目思路: 队列模拟,坑点在于竟然卡 ...

  10. 百度地图API地点搜索-获取经纬度

    分享一下地图上的地点搜索和鼠标点击获取地点经纬度,这些都是地图比较基本和实用的代码,其中还包括了根据用户IP进行地图的显示.改变地图上的鼠标样式.启用滚轮缩放等,算是半入门吧,其他的一些可以自己参考百 ...