
 if (!class_exists('FastDFS', false)) {
define('FDFS_PROTO_CMD_RESP', 100);
define('FDFS_PROTO_CMD_SET_METADATA', 13); //body_length + command + status
define('FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH', 10);
define('FDFS_IP_ADDRESS_SIZE', 16);
define('FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN', 16);
define('FDFS_MERGE_METADATA', 2); // 连接超时时间
define('FDFS_FILE_PREFIX_MAX_LEN', 16); //传输超时时间
* @var FastDFSTrackerClient
private $tracker; /**
* @var FastDFSStorageClient
private $storage;
private $error = array(
'code' => 0,
'msg' => ''
); /**
* 要使用这个类,你一定要在php的ini文件中进行fastdfs的配置
* @throws FastDFSException
public function __construct() {
$configFile = '';
$ini = parse_ini_file(php_ini_loaded_file()); if (!isset($ini['fastdfs_client.tracker_group_count'])) {
throw new FastDFSException("no define fastdfs config");
for ($i = 0; $i < $ini['fastdfs_client.tracker_group_count']; $i++) {
if (isset($ini['fastdfs_client.tracker_group' . $i])) {
$configFile = $ini['fastdfs_client.tracker_group' . $i];
if (!file_exists($configFile)) {
throw new FastDFSException("client config $configFile not found");
$this->gConfig = parse_ini_file($configFile);
list($this->gConfig['tracker_host'], $this->gConfig['tracker_port']) = explode(':', $this->gConfig['tracker_server']);
} /**
* 获得一个tracker
* @return \FastDFSTrackerClient
public function tracker_get_connection() {
$this->tracker = new FastDFSTrackerClient($this, $this->gConfig['tracker_host'], $this->gConfig['tracker_port']); return $this->tracker;
} /**
* 通过tracker获取一个stroage
* @param string $groupName 文件组名,当为空时,组名由tracker决定
* @param FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker
* @return \FastDFSStorageClient
public function tracker_query_storage_store($groupName, FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker) {
$this->storage = new FastDFSStorageClient($this, $groupName, $tracker); return $this->storage;
} /**
* 测试一下tracker服务器是否正常
* @param FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker
* @return boolean
public function active_test(FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker = null) {
$this->initTrackerAndStorage($tracker); $header = self::packHeader(FDFS_PROTO_CMD_ACTIVE_TEST, 0);
$tracker->send($header); $resHeader = self::parseHeader($tracker->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH)); return $resHeader['status'] == 0 ? true : false;
} public function get_last_error_no() {
return $this->error['code'];
} public function add_error($errorNo, $info) {
$this->error['code'] = $errorNo;
$this->error['msg'] = $info;
} public function get_last_error_info() {
return $this->error['msg'];
} /**
* 在storage中删除一个文件
* @param string $groupName 文件所在的组名
* @param string $remoteFile 要删除的文件路径
* @param FastDFSStorageClient $tracker
* @param FastDFSStorageClient $storage
public function storage_delete_file($groupName, $remoteFile, FastDFSStorageClient $tracker, FastDFSStorageClient $storage) {
$this->initTrackerAndStorage($tracker, $storage, $groupName); $this->storage->deleteFile($groupName, $remoteFile);
} /**
* 往storage中上传一个文件
* @param string $localFile 你本地的文件路径
* @param string $extName 文件的扩展名,当名优提供扩展名时,会自动取文件的扩展名
* @param array $metas 文件的附加信息
* @param string $groupName 所在的组名,可以为空,为空时,由tracker决定
* @param FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker
* @param FastDFSStorageClient $storage
public function storage_upload_by_filename($localFile, $extName = '', $metas = array(), $groupName = '', FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker = null, FastDFSStorageClient $storage = null) {
$this->initTrackerAndStorage($tracker, $storage, $groupName); return $this->storage->uploadByFilename($localFile, $extName, $metas);
} /**
* 上传一个文件的附属文件,主要使用一个图片有缩略图的情况下
* @param string $localFile 本地文件的路径,缩略图的文件路径
* @param string $groupName 组名,最好和主文件在同一个组
* @param string $masterFileName 主文件名
* @param string $prefix 文件的前缀
* @param string $extName 文件的后缀,可以为空,为空时,由tracker决定
* @param array $meta 附件信息
* @param FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker
* @param FastDFSStorageClient $storage
public function storage_upload_slave_by_filename($localFile, $groupName, $masterFileName, $prefix = '', $extName = '', $meta = array(), FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker = null, FastDFSStorageClient $storage = null) {
$this->initTrackerAndStorage($tracker, $storage, $groupName);
/*echo $localFile."<br/>".$groupName."<br/>".$masterFileName."<br/>".$prefix;
return $this->storage->uploadSalveFile($localFile, $groupName, $masterFileName, $prefix, $extName, $meta);
} /**
* 检查这个文件是否已经存在
* @param string $groupName 文件所在组名
* @param string $remoteFile 文件在storage中的名字
* @param FastDFSStorageClient $tracker
* @param FastDFSStorageClient $storage
public function storage_file_exist($groupName, $remoteFile, FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker, FastDFSStorageClient $storage) {
$this->initTrackerAndStorage($tracker, $storage, $groupName); return $this->storage->fileExists($groupName, $remoteFile);
} public function close() {
if ($this->tracker) {
$this->tracker = null;
} public function tracker_close_all_connections() {
if (!$this->storage) {
} public static function padding($str, $len) { $str_len = strlen($str); return $str_len > $len ? substr($str, 0, $len) : $str . pack('x' . ($len - $str_len));
} /**
* @param int $command
* @param int $length
* @return bytes
public static function packHeader($command, $length = 0) {
return self::packU64($length) . pack('Cx', $command);
} public static function packMetaData($data) {
$S1 = "\x01";
$S2 = "\x02"; $list = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
$list[] = $key . $S2 . $val;
}; return implode($S1, $list);
} public static function parseMetaData($data) { $S1 = "\x01";
$S2 = "\x02"; $arr = explode($S1, $data);
$result = array(); foreach ($arr as $val) {
list($k, $v) = explode($S2, $val);
$result[$k] = $v;
} return $result;
} public static function parseHeader($str, $len = FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH) { assert(strlen($str) === $len); $result = unpack('C10', $str); $length = self::unpackU64(substr($str, 0, 8));
$command = $result[9];
$status = $result[10]; return array(
'length' => $length,
'command' => $command,
'status' => $status
} /**
* From: sphinxapi.php
private static function unpackU64($v) {
list ( $hi, $lo ) = array_values(unpack("N*N*", $v)); if (PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8) {
if ($hi < 0)
$hi += (1 << 32); // because php 5.2.2 to 5.2.5 is totally fucked up again
if ($lo < 0)
$lo += (1 << 32); // x64, int
if ($hi <= 2147483647)
return ($hi << 32) + $lo; // x64, bcmath
if (function_exists("bcmul"))
return bcadd($lo, bcmul($hi, "4294967296")); // x64, no-bcmath
$C = 100000;
$h = ((int) ($hi / $C) << 32) + (int) ($lo / $C);
$l = (($hi % $C) << 32) + ($lo % $C);
if ($l > $C) {
$h += (int) ($l / $C);
$l = $l % $C;
} if ($h == 0)
return $l;
return sprintf("%d%05d", $h, $l);
} // x32, int
if ($hi == 0) {
if ($lo > 0)
return $lo;
return sprintf("%u", $lo);
} $hi = sprintf("%u", $hi);
$lo = sprintf("%u", $lo); // x32, bcmath
if (function_exists("bcmul"))
return bcadd($lo, bcmul($hi, "4294967296")); // x32, no-bcmath
$hi = (float) $hi;
$lo = (float) $lo; $q = floor($hi / 10000000.0);
$r = $hi - $q * 10000000.0;
$m = $lo + $r * 4967296.0;
$mq = floor($m / 10000000.0);
$l = $m - $mq * 10000000.0;
$h = $q * 4294967296.0 + $r * 429.0 + $mq; $h = sprintf("%.0f", $h);
$l = sprintf("%07.0f", $l);
if ($h == "0")
return sprintf("%.0f", (float) $l);
return $h . $l;
} private function initTrackerAndStorage(FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker = null, FastDFSStorageClient $storage = null, $groupName = '') {
$reNewStorage = false;
if ($tracker && $tracker !== $this->tracker) {
if (($storage && $storage !== $this->storage) || $reNewStorage) {
$this->tracker_query_storage_store($groupName, $this->tracker);
} /**
* From: sphinxapi.php
public static function packU64($v) { assert(is_numeric($v)); // x64
if (PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8) {
assert($v >= 0); // x64, int
if (is_int($v))
return pack("NN", $v >> 32, $v & 0xFFFFFFFF); // x64, bcmath
if (function_exists("bcmul")) {
$h = bcdiv($v, 4294967296, 0);
$l = bcmod($v, 4294967296);
return pack("NN", $h, $l);
} // x64, no-bcmath
$p = max(0, strlen($v) - 13);
$lo = (int) substr($v, $p);
$hi = (int) substr($v, 0, $p); $m = $lo + $hi * 1316134912;
$l = $m % 4294967296;
$h = $hi * 2328 + (int) ($m / 4294967296); return pack("NN", $h, $l);
} // x32, int
if (is_int($v))
return pack("NN", 0, $v); // x32, bcmath
if (function_exists("bcmul")) {
$h = bcdiv($v, "4294967296", 0);
$l = bcmod($v, "4294967296");
return pack("NN", (float) $h, (float) $l); // conversion to float is intentional; int would lose 31st bit
} // x32, no-bcmath
$p = max(0, strlen($v) - 13);
$lo = (float) substr($v, $p);
$hi = (float) substr($v, 0, $p); $m = $lo + $hi * 1316134912.0;
$q = floor($m / 4294967296.0);
$l = $m - ($q * 4294967296.0);
$h = $hi * 2328.0 + $q; return pack("NN", $h, $l);
} } abstract class FastDFSBase { abstract public function getSocket(); abstract public function close(); public function read($length, $socket = null) {
if (!$socket) {
$socket = $this->getSocket();
} if (feof($socket)) {
throw new FastDFS_Exception('connection unexpectedly closed (timed out?)', $this->_errno);
} $data = stream_get_contents($socket, $length); assert($length === strlen($data)); return $data;
} public function send($data, $length = 0, $socket = null) {
if (!$socket) {
$socket = $this->getSocket();
} if (!$length) {
$length = strlen($data);
} if (feof($socket) || fwrite($socket, $data, $length) !== $length) {
throw new Exception('connection unexpectedly closed (timed out?)');
} return true;
} } class FastDFSTrackerClient extends FastDFSBase { private $host;
private $port; /**
* @var FastDFS
private $dfs;
private $_socket; public function __construct(FastDFS &$dfs, $host, $port) {
$this->host = $host;
$this->port = $port;
$this->dfs = $dfs; $this->_socket = @fsockopen("tcp://$host", $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->dfs->gConfig['connect_timeout']);
if (!$this->_socket) {
$this->dfs->add_error(-2, $errstr);
} public function getSocket() {
return $this->_socket;
} public function close() {
} } class FastDFSStorageClient extends FastDFSBase { private $groupName; /**
* @var FastDFSTrackerClient
private $tracker; /**
* @var FastDFS
private $dfs;
private $_socket;
private $host;
private $port;
private $storeIndex; public function __construct(FastDFS &$dfs, $groupName, FastDFSTrackerClient $tracker) {
$this->tracker = $tracker;
$this->dfs = $dfs; $reqBody = '';
if ($groupName) {
$reqBody = FastDFS::padding($groupName, $len);
} else {
$len = 0;
$reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader($cmd, $len);
$this->tracker->send($reqHeader . $reqBody); $resHeader = $this->tracker->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);
$resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader); if ($resInfo['status'] != 0) {
throw new Exception("something wrong with get storage by group name", $resInfo['status']);
} $resBody = !!$resInfo['length'] ? $this->tracker->read($resInfo['length']) : '';
$this->groupName = trim(substr($resBody, 0, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN));
$this->host = trim(substr($resBody, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN, FDFS_IP_ADDRESS_SIZE + 1)); list(,, $this->port) = unpack('N2', substr($resBody, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN + FDFS_IP_ADDRESS_SIZE - 1, FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE)); $this->storeIndex = ord(substr($resBody, -1)); $this->_socket = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->dfs->gConfig['connect_timeout']); if (!$this->_socket) {
$this->dfs->add_error($errno, $errstr);
} public function getSocket() {
return $this->_socket;
} public function getStorePathIndex() {
return $this->storeIndex;
} public function uploadByFilename($localFile, $extName, $metas) {
if (!file_exists($localFile)) {
throw new FastDFSException("$localFile file is not exists");
$pathInfo = pathinfo($localFile); $extName = $extName ? $extName : $pathInfo['extension'];
$extLen = strlen($extName); if ($extLen > FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN) {
throw new FastDFSException("file ext too long");
$fp = fopen($localFile, 'rb');
flock($fp, LOCK_SH);
$fileSize = filesize($localFile); $reqBodyLen = 1 + FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE + FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN + $fileSize;
$reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader(11, $reqBodyLen);
$reqBody = pack('C', $this->getStorePathIndex()) . FastDFS::packU64($fileSize) . FastDFS::padding($extName, FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN); $this->send($reqHeader . $reqBody); stream_copy_to_stream($fp, $this->_socket, $fileSize);
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
fclose($fp); $resHeader = $this->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);
$resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader); if ($resInfo['status'] !== 0) {
return false;
$resBody = $resInfo['length'] ? $this->read($resInfo['length']) : '';
$groupName = trim(substr($resBody, 0, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN)); $filePath = trim(substr($resBody, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN)); if ($metas) {
$this->setFileMetaData($groupName, $filePath, $metas);
} return array(
'group_name' => $groupName,
'filename' => $filePath
} /**
* @param type $fileName
* @param type $groupName
* @param type $masterfile
* @param type $prefix
* @param type $extName
* @param type $metas
* @return boolean
* @throws FastDFSException
public function uploadSalveFile($fileName, $groupName, $masterfile, $prefix = '', $extName = '', $metas = array()) {
if (!file_exists($fileName)) {
throw new FastDFSException("salve file $fileName is not exists");
} $pathInfo = pathinfo($fileName); $extName = $extName ? $extName : $pathInfo['extension'];
$extLen = strlen($extName); if ($extLen > FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN) {
throw new FastDFSException("salve file ext too long");
$fp = fopen($fileName, 'rb');
flock($fp, LOCK_SH); $fileSize = filesize($fileName);
$masterFilePathLen = strlen($masterfile); $reqBodyLength = 16 + FDFS_FILE_PREFIX_MAX_LEN + FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN + $masterFilePathLen + $fileSize;
$reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader(FDFS_PROTO_CMD_UPLOAD_SLAVE_FILE, $reqBodyLength); $reqBody = pack('x4N', $masterFilePathLen) . FastDFS::packU64($fileSize) . FastDFS::padding($prefix, FDFS_FILE_PREFIX_MAX_LEN);
$reqBody .= FastDFS::padding($extName, FDFS_FILE_EXT_NAME_MAX_LEN) . $masterfile; $this->send($reqHeader . $reqBody); stream_copy_to_stream($fp, $this->_socket, $fileSize);
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
fclose($fp); $resHeader = $this->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);
$resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader); if ($resInfo['status'] !== 0) {
return false;
$resBody = $resInfo['length'] ? $this->read($resInfo['length']) : '';
$groupName = trim(substr($resBody, 0, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN)); $filePath = trim(substr($resBody, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN)); if ($metas) {
$this->setFileMetaData($groupName, $filePath, $metas);
} return array(
'group_name' => $groupName,
'filename' => $filePath
} public function deleteFile($groupName, $fileName) {
$reqBodyLen = strlen($fileName) + FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN;
$reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader(FDFS_PROTO_CMD_DELETE_FILE, $reqBodyLen);
$reqBody = FastDFS::padding($groupName, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN) . $fileName; $this->send($reqHeader . $reqBody); $resHeader = $this->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);
$resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader); return !$resInfo['status'];
} public function fileExists($groupName, $filePath) {
$meta = $this->getFileMeta($groupName, $filePath); return $meta ? true : false;
} public function setFileMetaData($groupName, $filePath, array $metaData, $flag = FDFS_OVERWRITE_METADATA) { $metaData = FastDFS::packMetaData($metaData);
$metaDataLength = strlen($metaData);
$filePathLength = strlen($filePath);
$flag = $flag === FDFS_OVERWRITE_METADATA ? 'O' : 'M'; $reqBodyLength = (FDFS_PROTO_PKG_LEN_SIZE * 2) + 1 + $metaDataLength + $filePathLength + FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN; $reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader(FDFS_PROTO_CMD_SET_METADATA, $reqBodyLength); $reqBody = FastDFS::packU64($filePathLength) . FastDFS::packU64($metaDataLength);
$reqBody .= $flag . FastDFS::padding($groupName, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN) . $filePath . $metaData; $this->send($reqHeader . $reqBody); $resHeader = $this->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);
$resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader); return !$resInfo['status'];
} /**
* 取得文件的元信息,如果文件不存在则,返回false,反正是一个关联数组
* @param type $groupName
* @param type $filePath
* @return boolean
public function getFileMeta($groupName, $filePath) {
$reqBodyLength = strlen($filePath) + FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN;
$reqHeader = FastDFS::packHeader(FDFS_PROTO_CMD_GET_METADATA, $reqBodyLength);
$reqBody = FastDFS::padding($groupName, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN) . $filePath; $this->send($reqHeader . $reqBody); $resHeader = $this->read(FDFS_HEADER_LENGTH);
$resInfo = FastDFS::parseHeader($resHeader); if (!!$resInfo['status']) {
return false;
} $resBody = $resInfo['length'] ? $this->read($resInfo['length']) : false; return FastDFS::parseMetaData($resBody);
} public function close() {
} } class FastDFSException extends Exception { } }



* FastDFS上传文件
* @param unknown $fileurl 上传文件
* @param unknown $sizes 附属文件
* @return string
private function applydfs($fileurl,$sizes=array()){ $dfs=new FastDFS();
$tracker = $dfs->tracker_get_connection();
$location = "";
$storaged = $dfs->tracker_query_storage_store("group1",$tracker);
$count = 0;
$filename = $dfs->storage_upload_by_filename($fileurl);
$location =$filename['group_name']."/".$filename['filename'];
foreach($sizes as $key=>$val){
$snapshot_file_info =$dfs->storage_upload_slave_by_filename($val,"group1",$filename['filename'],$key);
if($count <> count($sizes)){
$location = "";
$filename = $dfs->storage_upload_by_filename($fileurl);
$location =$filename['group_name']."/".$filename['filename'];
return $location;


; the base path
fastdfs_client.base_path = /tmp ; connect timeout in seconds
; default value is 30s
fastdfs_client.connect_timeout = 2 ; network timeout in seconds
; default value is 30s
fastdfs_client.network_timeout = 60 ; standard log level as syslog, case insensitive, value list:
;;; emerg for emergency
;;; alert
;;; crit for critical
;;; error
;;; warn for warning
;;; notice
;;; info
;;; debug
fastdfs_client.log_level = info ; set the log filename, such as /usr/local/fastdfs/logs/fastdfs_client.log
; empty for output to stderr
fastdfs_client.log_filename = /tmp/fastdfs_client.log ; secret key to generate anti-steal token
; this parameter must be set when http.anti_steal.check_token set to true
; the length of the secret key should not exceed 128 bytes
fastdfs_client.http.anti_steal_secret_key = ; FastDFS cluster count, default value is 1
fastdfs_client.tracker_group_count = 1 ; config file of FastDFS cluster ;, based 0
; must include absolute path, such as fastdfs_client.tracker_group0
; the config file is same as conf/client.conf
; 这是你fastdfs的tracker的配置文件的路径,必须使用绝对路径,请换成你自己的路径,附件是我们开发环境和测试环境的client.conf配置
; 测试环境已经配置过,你自己的开发环境需要配置一下
fastdfs_client.tracker_group0 = "E:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.13/client.conf" ; if use connection pool
; default value is false
; since V4.05
fastdfs_client.use_connection_pool = false ; connections whose the idle time exceeds this time will be closed
; unit: second
; default value is 3600
; since V4.05
fastdfs_client.connection_pool_max_idle_time = 3600 ; the base path
fastdfs_client.base_path = /tmp ; connect timeout in seconds
; default value is 30s
fastdfs_client.connect_timeout = 2 ; network timeout in seconds
; default value is 30s
fastdfs_client.network_timeout = 60

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  8. fastdfs安装与配置

    FastDFS是一个开源的轻量级分布式文件系统,它对文件进行管理,功能包括:文件存储.文件同步.文件访问(文件上传.文件下载)等,解决了大容量存储和负载均衡的问题.特别适合以文件为载体的在线服务,如相 ...

  9. FastDFS:搭建文件管理系统

    文章转自:https://www.cnblogs.com/chiangchou/p/fastdfs.html#_label1 一.FastDFS介绍 FastDFS开源地址:https://githu ...


  1. spring中<tx:advice></tx:advice>是什么意思

    <tx:advice id="tv" transaction-manager="transactionManager"> <tx:attrib ...

  2. Asp.Net超时问题汇总

    在数据库或者请求操作时,如果选择的时间段过短或操作数据量过大,就会遇到"请求超时"的的问题,网络上提供很多解决方案,但普遍不完善,根据个人经验及参考网络解决方案,先将其汇总如下: ...

  3. LogMaster4Net

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  4. [Oracle] Insert All神奇

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  7. MPEG-DASH on IIS Practice in Action-attach

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  8. 探讨css中repaint和reflow

    (个人blog迁移文章.) 前言: 页面设计中,不可避免的需要浏览器进行repaint和reflow.那到底什么是repaint和reflow呢.下面谈谈自己对repaint和reflow的理解,以及 ...

  9. Oracle并行查询出错

    1.错误描写叙述 ORA-12801: 并行查询服务器P007中发出错误信号 ORA-01722:无效数字 12801.00000 -"error signaled in parallel ...

  10. tornado settings想到的

    今天有足够多的时间来看看Tornado中RequestHandler和Application这两个类的关系. 昨天想要调用settings中的内容,找了好半天不知道怎么在handler中使用setti ...