import codecs
import numpy
from numpy import *
import pylab def loadDataSet(fileName):
dataMat = []
fr = codecs.open(fileName)
for line in fr.readlines():
curLine = line.strip().split('\t')
fltLine = map(float, curLine)
return dataMat def distMeasure(vecA, vecB):
#print vecA
dist = sqrt(sum(power(vecA - vecB, 2)))
return dist def kMeansInitCentroids(X, K):
KMEANSINITCENTROIDS This function initializes K centroids that are to be
used in K-Means on the dataset X
centroids = KMEANSINITCENTROIDS(X, K) returns K initial centroids to be
used with the K-Means on the dataset X.
n = shape(X)[1]
centroids = mat(zeros((K,n)))
for j in range(n):
#print X[:,j]
minJ = min(X[:,j])
rangeJ = float(max(array(X)[:,j]) - minJ)
centroids[:,j] = minJ + rangeJ * random.rand(K,1)
return centroids def findClosestCentroids(X, centroids):
FINDCLOSESTCENTROIDS computes the centroid memberships for every example
idx = FINDCLOSESTCENTROIDS (X, centroids) returns the closest centroids
in idx for a dataset X where each row is a single example. idx = m x 1
vector of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K])
# 数据总量
m = shape(X)[0]
K = shape(centroids)[0]
clusterAssment = mat(zeros((m,2)))#create mat to assign data points
#to a centroid, also holds SE of each point
#centroids = createCent(dataSet, k)
clusterChanged = True
while clusterChanged:
clusterChanged = False
for i in range(m):#for each data point assign it to the closest centroid
minDist = inf; minIndex = -1
# k个中间数据(质心)都与数据i进行欧氏比较,选择距离最近的第minIndex类
for j in range(K):
distJI = distMeasure(centroids[j,:],X[i,:])
if distJI < minDist:
minDist = distJI; minIndex = j
if clusterAssment[i,0] != minIndex: clusterChanged = True
clusterAssment[i,:] = minIndex,minDist**2
return clusterAssment def computeCentroids(X, clusterAssment, K):
COMPUTECENTROIDS returs the new centroids by computing the means of the
data points assigned to each centroid.
centroids = COMPUTECENTROIDS(X, idx, K) returns the new centroids by
computing the means of the data points assigned to each centroid. It is
given a dataset X where each row is a single data point, a vector
idx of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K]) for each
example, and K, the number of centroids. You should return a matrix
centroids, where each row of centroids is the mean of the data points
assigned to it.
n = shape(X)[1]
centroids = mat(zeros((K,n)))
for centroid in range(K):#recalculate centroids
# nonzero会产生两个array,第一个非零的为序号列表
ptsInClust = X[nonzero(clusterAssment[:,0].A==centroid)[0]]#get all the point in this cluster
#print 'ererer:',ptsInClust,'dfdf'
centroids[centroid,:] = mean(ptsInClust, axis=0) #assign centroid to mean
return centroids def show(dataSet, k, centroids, clusterAssment):
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
numSamples, dim = dataSet.shape
mark = ['or', 'ob', 'og', 'ok', '^r', '+r', 'sr', 'dr', '<r', 'pr']
print type(dataSet)
for i in xrange(numSamples):
markIndex = int(clusterAssment[i, 0])
plt.plot(dataSet[i, 0], dataSet[i, 1], mark[markIndex])
mark = ['Dr', 'Db', 'Dg', 'Dk', '^b', '+b', 'sb', 'db', '<b', 'pb']
for i in range(k):
plt.plot(centroids[i, 0], centroids[i, 1], mark[i], markersize = 12)
plt.show() def runkMeans(X, initial_centroids,max_iters, plot_progress):
RUNKMEANS runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each row of X
is a single example
[centroids, idx] = RUNKMEANS(X, initial_centroids, max_iters, ...
plot_progress) runs the K-Means algorithm on data matrix X, where each
row of X is a single example. It uses initial_centroids used as the
initial centroids. max_iters specifies the total number of interactions
of K-Means to execute. plot_progress is a true/false flag that
indicates if the function should also plot its progress as the
learning happens. This is set to false by default. runkMeans returns
centroids, a Kxn matrix of the computed centroids and idx, a m x 1
vector of centroid assignments (i.e. each entry in range [1..K]).
(m,n) = shape(X)
K = shape(initial_centroids)[0]
centroids = initial_centroids
clusterAssment = zeros((m,2)) #Run K-Means
for i in range(max_iters):
clusterAssment = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)
centroids = computeCentroids(X, clusterAssment, K); return centroids, clusterAssment def main():
K =5
max_iters = 10
dataSet = loadDataSet('E://PythonSpace//TextClustering//data//test2.txt')
X = array(dataSet)
X = (X - mean(X)) / std(X) initial_centroids = kMeansInitCentroids(X, K)
myCentroids, clusterAssment = runkMeans(X, initial_centroids, max_iters,False);
print "-------------------------------------"
show(X, K, myCentroids, clusterAssment) main()
参考了Andrew Ng的Machine Learning Assignment(https://github.com/rieder91/MachineLearning/blob/master/Exercise%207/ex7/runkMeans.m)
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