
koahub skip middleware

koahub skip

Conditionally skip a middleware when a condition is met.


npm i koahub-skip --save


With existing middlewares:

var skip = require('koahub-skip');
var serve  = require('koa-static');
var static = serve(__dirname + '/public');
static.skip = skip;
app.use(static.skip({ method: 'OPTIONS' }));

If you are authoring a middleware you can support skip as follow:

module.exports = function () {
  var mymid = function *(next) {
    // Do something 
  mymid.skip = require('koahub-skip');
  return mymid;

Current options

  • method it could be an string or an array of strings. If the request method match the middleware will not run.
  • path it could be an string, a regexp or an array of any of those. If the request path match, the middleware will not run.
  • ext it could be an string or an array of strings. If the request path ends with one of these extensions the middleware will not run.
  • custom it must be a function that returns true / false. If the function returns true for the given request, ithe middleware will not run. The function will have access to Koa's context via this
  • useOriginalUrl it should be true or false, default is true. if false, path will match against ctx.url instead of ctx.originalUrl.


Require authentication for every request skip the path is index.html.

app.use(requiresAuth().skip({ path: ['/index.html', '/'] }))

Avoid a fstat for request to routes doesnt end with a given extension.

app.use(static.skip(function () {
  var ext = url.parse(this.originalUrl).pathname.substr(-4);
  return !~['.jpg', '.html', '.css', '.js'].indexOf(ext);


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