C# Task 源代码(2)
上篇已经讲到Task 的默认的TaskScheduler 为ThreadPoolTaskScheduler.
这时我们回到原来的task 的start方法,在代码最后,调用了 ScheduleAndStart(true) 这个方法。接着看这个方法
[SecuritySafeCritical] // Needed for QueueTask
internal void ScheduleAndStart(bool needsProtection)
Contract.Assert(m_taskScheduler != null, "expected a task scheduler to have been selected");
Contract.Assert((m_stateFlags & TASK_STATE_STARTED) == , "task has already started"); // Set the TASK_STATE_STARTED bit
if (needsProtection)
if (!MarkStarted())
// A cancel has snuck in before we could get started. Quietly exit.
m_stateFlags |= TASK_STATE_STARTED;
} if (s_asyncDebuggingEnabled)
} if (AsyncCausalityTracer.LoggingOn && (Options & (TaskCreationOptions)InternalTaskOptions.ContinuationTask) == )
//For all other task than TaskContinuations we want to log. TaskContinuations log in their constructor
AsyncCausalityTracer.TraceOperationCreation(CausalityTraceLevel.Required, this.Id, "Task: "+((Delegate)m_action).Method.Name, );
} try
// Queue to the indicated scheduler.
catch (ThreadAbortException tae)
FinishThreadAbortedTask(true, false);
catch (Exception e)
// The scheduler had a problem queueing this task. Record the exception, leaving this task in
// a Faulted state.
TaskSchedulerException tse = new TaskSchedulerException(e);
Finish(false); // Now we need to mark ourselves as "handled" to avoid crashing the finalizer thread if we are called from StartNew()
// or from the self replicating logic, because in both cases the exception is either propagated outside directly, or added
// to an enclosing parent. However we won't do this for continuation tasks, because in that case we internally eat the exception
// and therefore we need to make sure the user does later observe it explicitly or see it on the finalizer. if ((Options & (TaskCreationOptions)InternalTaskOptions.ContinuationTask) == )
// m_contingentProperties.m_exceptionsHolder *should* already exist after AddException()
(m_contingentProperties != null) &&
(m_contingentProperties.m_exceptionsHolder != null) &&
"Task.ScheduleAndStart(): Expected m_contingentProperties.m_exceptionsHolder to exist " +
"and to have faults recorded."); m_contingentProperties.m_exceptionsHolder.MarkAsHandled(false);
// re-throw the exception wrapped as a TaskSchedulerException.
throw tse;
开始先做契约参数认证,接着保护数值判断。我们要看的是AddToActiveTasks(this)这个方法,注意在他之前有个判断,在s_asyncDebuggingEnabled 为true 的情况才会执行,当然默认的是false。
// This dictonary relates the task id, from an operation id located in the Async Causality log to the actual
// task. This is to be used by the debugger ONLY. Task in this dictionary represent current active tasks.
private static readonly Dictionary<int, Task> s_currentActiveTasks = new Dictionary<int, Task>();
internal static bool AddToActiveTasks(Task task)
Contract.Requires(task != null, "Null Task objects can't be added to the ActiveTasks collection");
lock (s_activeTasksLock)
s_currentActiveTasks[task.Id] = task;
//always return true to keep signature as bool for backwards compatibility
return true;
这个就是僵我们要执行task 对象放入一个字典中,放入的目的是做什么呢?当然就是为何方便查询和管理。这个方法在正常流程是不会执行的。这里觉得有些奇怪的写法,Task 类里面有个静态静态字典,用于存放自己执行的类集合。当然说到管理和查询,断然我是不会放在这个类,令起新类也好。
接着看核心方法 m_taskScheduler.InternalQueueTask(this); 前面我们已经看到默认的m_taskScheduler为ThreadPoolTaskScheduler。接着看代码
internal void InternalQueueTask(Task task)
Contract.Requires(task != null); task.FireTaskScheduledIfNeeded(this); this.QueueTask(task);
protected internal override void QueueTask(Task task)
if ((task.Options & TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning) != )
// Run LongRunning tasks on their own dedicated thread.
Thread thread = new Thread(s_longRunningThreadWork);
thread.IsBackground = true; // Keep this thread from blocking process shutdown
// Normal handling for non-LongRunning tasks.
bool forceToGlobalQueue = ((task.Options & TaskCreationOptions.PreferFairness) != );
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueCustomWorkItem(task, forceToGlobalQueue);
现在为止就开始清晰明朗了,看到QueueTask 方法,我已经可以看到task 对象已经传到Threadpool 里面了。至此,可以说到task 一般都是在ThreadPool 里面运行。接着我们再看ThreadpoolTaskScheduler让几个重要的方法
protected internal override bool TryDequeue(Task task)
// just delegate to TP
return ThreadPool.TryPopCustomWorkItem(task);
} [SecurityCritical]
protected override IEnumerable<Task> GetScheduledTasks()
return FilterTasksFromWorkItems(ThreadPool.GetQueuedWorkItems());
} /// <summary>
/// This internal function will do this:
/// (1) If the task had previously been queued, attempt to pop it and return false if that fails.
/// (2) Propagate the return value from Task.ExecuteEntry() back to the caller.
/// IMPORTANT NOTE: TryExecuteTaskInline will NOT throw task exceptions itself. Any wait code path using this function needs
/// to account for exceptions that need to be propagated, and throw themselves accordingly.
/// </summary>
protected override bool TryExecuteTaskInline(Task task, bool taskWasPreviouslyQueued)
{ -----------------------
这里有GetScheduledTasks()方法,这个方法就是用来获得当前的Task的,对于去珍断task 的运行状态非常有帮助。至此。我们一步一步看到Task 是如何运行的,当然到达Theadpool可以继续看下去。注意了ThreadPoolTaskScheduler 的访问修饰符是internal sealed,所以在用task 的时候无法用到他,还有里面的方法访问修饰符都是protected 的。到此,我们正常来运行task,还是没法获得到task的本身运行状态。很多人在代码中为了实现某个功能都会大量的使用task,每个人的写法有不一样,task 运行是否成功,是否发生异常 对于整个项目的运行至关重要。那么如何管理,如何查看task 的运行状态呢,在C# code 我们如果想把task 的异常接管到主线程种,必须task wait,但是很多task 都是无需直到返回结果,但是实际上我们还是要关心他的运行状态,那么如何来做,如何来看呢。
1.常规做法,鉴于很多人喜欢TaskFactory.StartNew() 这个写法,所以想把所有的task的加入到一个队列中比较麻烦,因为启动task 的写法很多。所以各自的task的里面自己处理异常,写好日志。
2.使用TaskScheduler,看代码的目的除了了解运行过程,更加了解如和使用这个类,我们只需要写上自己的TaskScheduler,当然继承这个类,是需要实现某些必须方法的,不管是task的start还是TaskFactory的StartNew方法,我们都可以注入自己的TaskScheduler,这样正如TaskScheduler设计初衷一样,所有的task 运行都会交给他来管理,默认的ThreadPoolTaskScheduler是没法使用的(访问修饰符),除非采用一些其他手段,这里不多介绍。所以只能自己重新去实现这个类的相关细节。
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