







先启动mediaServer,然后在testRTSPClient项目的命令菜单里填入mediaServer 提示的IP, 再启动testRTSPClient即可。



void DummySink::afterGettingFrame(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned /*durationInMicroseconds*/) {
// We've just received a frame of data. (Optionally) print out information about it:
if (fStreamId != NULL) envir() << "Stream \"" << fStreamId << "\"; ";
envir() << fSubsession.mediumName() << "/" << fSubsession.codecName() << ":\tReceived " << frameSize << " bytes";
if (numTruncatedBytes > 0) envir() << " (with " << numTruncatedBytes << " bytes truncated)";
char uSecsStr[6+1]; // used to output the 'microseconds' part of the presentation time
sprintf(uSecsStr, "%06u", (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_usec);
envir() << ".\tPresentation time: " << (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_sec << "." << uSecsStr;
if (fSubsession.rtpSource() != NULL && !fSubsession.rtpSource()->hasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP()) {
envir() << "!"; // mark the debugging output to indicate that this presentation time is not RTCP-synchronized
envir() << "\n";
#endif // Then continue, to request the next frame of data:
} Boolean DummySink::continuePlaying() {
if (fSource == NULL) return False; // sanity check (should not happen) // Request the next frame of data from our input source. "afterGettingFrame()" will get called later, when it arrives:
fSource->getNextFrame(fReceiveBuffer, DUMMY_SINK_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE,
afterGettingFrame, this,
onSourceClosure, this);
return True;


void DummySink::afterGettingFrame(void* clientData, unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned durationInMicroseconds) {
DummySink* sink = (DummySink*)clientData;
sink->afterGettingFrame(frameSize, numTruncatedBytes, presentationTime, durationInMicroseconds);
} // If you don't want to see debugging output for each received frame, then comment out the following line:
#define DEBUG_PRINT_EACH_RECEIVED_FRAME 1 void DummySink::afterGettingFrame(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned /*durationInMicroseconds*/) {
// We've just received a frame of data. (Optionally) print out information about it:
if (fStreamId != NULL) envir() << "Stream \"" << fStreamId << "\"; ";
envir() << fSubsession.mediumName() << "/" << fSubsession.codecName() << ":\tReceived " << frameSize << " bytes";
if (numTruncatedBytes > 0) envir() << " (with " << numTruncatedBytes << " bytes truncated)";
char uSecsStr[6+1]; // used to output the 'microseconds' part of the presentation time
sprintf(uSecsStr, "%06u", (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_usec);
envir() << ".\tPresentation time: " << (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_sec << "." << uSecsStr;
if (fSubsession.rtpSource() != NULL && !fSubsession.rtpSource()->hasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP()) {
envir() << "!"; // mark the debugging output to indicate that this presentation time is not RTCP-synchronized
envir() << "\n";
#endif //todo one frame
//save to file
if(!strcmp(fSubsession.mediumName(), "video"))
unsigned int num;
SPropRecord *sps = parseSPropParameterSets(fSubsession.fmtp_spropparametersets(), num);
// For H.264 video stream, we use a special sink that insert start_codes:
struct timeval tv= {0,0};
unsigned char start_code[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
FILE *fp = fopen("test.264", "a+b");
fwrite(start_code, 4, 1, fp);
fwrite(sps[0].sPropBytes, sps[0].sPropLength, 1, fp);
fwrite(start_code, 4, 1, fp);
fwrite(sps[1].sPropBytes, sps[1].sPropLength, 1, fp);
fp = NULL;
delete [] sps;
firstFrame = False;
} char *pbuf = (char *)fReceiveBuffer;
char head[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
FILE *fp = fopen("test.264", "a+b");
fwrite(head, 4, 1, fp);
fwrite(fReceiveBuffer, frameSize, 1, fp);
fp = NULL;
} // Then continue, to request the next frame of data:
} Boolean DummySink::continuePlaying() {
if (fSource == NULL) return False; // sanity check (should not happen) // Request the next frame of data from our input source. "afterGettingFrame()" will get called later, when it arrives:
fSource->getNextFrame(fReceiveBuffer, DUMMY_SINK_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE,
afterGettingFrame, this,
onSourceClosure, this);
return True;

testRTSPClient接收的fReceiveBuffer缓存没有起始码,start_code[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}; 写成文件或者播放都需要自行加上。





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