When you want to make an object binding-aware you have two choices : implements INotifyPropertyChanged or creates DependencyProperties. Which one is the best ? Let's try to answer this question !How to implement INotifyPropertyChangedDeclaring that your class is implementing INotifyPropertyChang

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When you want to make an object binding-aware you have two choices : implementINotifyPropertyChanged or create DependencyProperties. Which one is the best? Let's try to answer this question!

How to Implement INotifyPropertyChanged

Declaring that your class is implementing INotifyPropertyChanged adds anPropertyChangedEventHandler that you raise for every changes of the properties. We also add a little tricky method checkIfPropertyNameExists(String propertyName) which checks by reflection when debugging if the property name really exists! You usually ends up with code like this :

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  1. /// <summary>
  2. /// Base class for all my viewModel.
  3. /// </summary>
  4. public class ViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
  5. {
  6. #region INotifyPropertyChanged Members
  7. public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
  8. public void FirePropertyChanged(String propertyName)
  9. {
  10. checkIfPropertyNameExists(propertyName);
  11. PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
  12. if (handler != null)
  13. handler.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
  14. }
  16. #endregion
  18. [Conditional("DEBUG")]
  19. private void checkIfPropertyNameExists(String propertyName)
  20. {
  21. Type type = this.GetType();
  22. Debug.Assert(
  23. type.GetProperty(propertyName) != null,
  24. propertyName + "property does not exist on object of type : " + type.FullName);
  25. }
  26. }

As you can see, the code is quite easy to write and understand. You have to be very vigilant in checking the name of the property you gives as refactoring do not impacts Strings values but it stays quite simple.


MSDN definition of a DependencyProperty (link to) : a property that exists on aDependencyObject, is stored by the DependencyObject property store, and is identified by aDependencyProperty identifier on the owning DependencyObject.

Here is an example of how to create a DependencyProperty:

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  1. public class MyDependencyObject : System.Windows.DependencyObject
  2. {
  3. public static readonly System.Windows.DependencyProperty MyDependencyPropertyProperty =
  4. System.Windows.DependencyProperty.Register("MyDependencyProperty", typeof(String), typeof(MyDependencyObject));
  6. public String MyDependencyProperty
  7. {
  8. get { return (String)GetValue(MyDependencyObject.MyDependencyPropertyProperty); }
  9. set { SetValue(MyDependencyObject.MyDependencyPropertyProperty, value); }
  10. }
  11. }

Which one choose ?


All the tests are done under the .NET framework 4.0 with VisualStudio 2010 and .NET Memory Profiler 3.5. The tests were already done on this page MVVM – Lambda vs INotifyPropertyChanged vs DependencyObject but I do not get the same results...

Execution Times

To tests this I created a simple application and two textblocks binded to two String on my ViewModel. The tests were performed one by one and I took care to remove the inheritance of my ViewModel from DependencyObject when testing the INotifyPropertyChanged.

The code used to tests DependencyProperty is this one :

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  1. public static readonly DependencyProperty StringWithDependencyPropertyProperty =
  2. DependencyProperty.Register("StringWithDependencyProperty", typeof(String), typeof(MainViewModel));
  3. public String StringWithDependencyProperty
  4. {
  5. get { return (String)GetValue(MainViewModel.StringWithDependencyPropertyProperty); }
  6. set { SetValue(MainViewModel.StringWithDependencyPropertyProperty, value); }
  7. }
  8. ...
  9. DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
  10. for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
  11. _mainViewModel.StringWithDependencyProperty = i.ToString();
  12. DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
  13. Console.WriteLine("Total time for DependencyProperty : " + (end - start).TotalMilliseconds +" ms.");

The code used to tests INotifyPropertyChangedis this one :

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  1. public String StringWithINotifyPropertyChanged
  2. {
  3. get { return _stringWithINotifyPropertyChanged; }
  4. set
  5. {
  6. _stringWithINotifyPropertyChanged = value;
  7. firePropertyChanged("StringWithINotifyPropertyChanged");
  8. }
  9. }
  10. ...
  11. DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
  12. for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
  13. _mainViewModel.StringWithINotifyPropertyChanged = i.ToString();
  14. DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
  15. Console.WriteLine("Total time for INotifyPropertyChanged : " + (end - start).TotalMilliseconds+" ms.");

The results, for NO binding of the properties, were these :

Total time for DependencyProperty : 45 ms.

Total time for INotifyPropertyChanged : 171 ms.

The results, for one binding of the properties, were these :

Total time for DependencyProperty : 489 ms.

Total time for INotifyPropertyChanged : 1125 ms.

The results, for twelve binding of the properties, were these :

Total time for DependencyProperty : 3600ms.

Total time for INotifyPropertyChanged : 8375 ms.

DependencyProperty is 2,30 times faster than INotifyPropertyChanged for one binding and this number does not increase with the number of binded controls!

Edit : As argued in the comments and even if it is not the most common way to useINotifyPropertyChanged, I have made the tests with a static event args, and the results are :

Total time for no binding: 154ms.

Total time for one binding: 770ms.

Total time for twelve bindings: 5605ms.

DependencyProperies are still better, even if it's less...

Memory usage

I executed the same code and profiled the memory usages :

DependencyProperty created 600 new instances and add 44,583 bytesINotifyPropertyChanged created 876 new instances and add 63,536 bytes

DependencyProperty seems (in my tests) to create less instance and to use less memory than theINotifyPropertyChanged system...

Inheritance Issues

To create a DependencyProperty your objects needs to inherit from DependencyObject. This is not always possible and then using INotifyPropertyChanged is the only way to make it Bindable-aware.

Also, by being a DependencyObject, your object will carry with it all the dependency engine stuff and these limitations:

Inheritance from a base class you do not have a grip on ?=> No DependencyProperty !


Using DependencyProperty make the poperties animatable. If you want to animate a property, there is no simple work-around because, as the MSDN says : In order to be animated, the animation's target property must be a dependency property.

If you can't use DependencyProperty (when you do not create the objects for example), there is still work-arounds techniques.


Using INotifyPropertyChanged is sometimes more flexible than using DependencyProperty. Let me explain that. When you build a screen on which a lot of controls visibility dependsof some rules, you may declare a boolean which value is computed from other boolean.

For example, IsEditionPosible must be set to true only if IsAlreadyInEditionMode = falseand if UserHasEditionRights = true. So when changing the value ofIsAlreadyInEditionMode or UserHasEditionRights you must tells the binding engine thatIsEditionPosible has been updated too. It's easier to do this with INotifyPropertyChangedthan with the DependencyProperty with which you should have to create a method, which recalculate and reassign the new value to IsEditionPosible. Here you just have to use this little snippet :

Copy Code

  1. public Boolean IsAlreadyInEditionMode
  2. {
  3. get { return _isAlreadyInEditionMode ; }
  4. set
  5. {
  6. _isAlreadyInEditionMode = value;
  7. firePropertyChanged("IsAlreadyInEditionMode ");
  8. firePropertyChanged("IsEditionPosible");
  9. }
  10. }
  12. public Boolean UserHasEditionRights
  13. {
  14. get { return _userHasEditionRights ; }
  15. set
  16. {
  17. _userHasEditionRights = value;
  18. firePropertyChanged("UserHasEditionRights");
  19. firePropertyChanged("IsEditionPosible");
  20. }
  21. }
  23. public Boolean IsEditionPosible
  24. {
  25. get { return UserHasEditionRights && !IsAlreadyInEditionMode ; }
  26. }

Note that this is the way that I create computed value for easier binding in my viewModel but this is a subject where improvments may be done...

Flexibility (easier code writing) needed ?=> Choose INotifyPropertyChanged !


When you performs testing on your object, you will be in trouble if you use DependencyObject: the test are not done on the same thread that created the object and then throws you a "System.InvalidOperationException: The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it".

Testing => No DependencyProperty !

Code Readability/Writing

Some people argues that the use of DependencyProperties the code extremely ugly. I myself think that this is exaclty the same. To make easier the creation of dependencyProperty you can use this snippet : link to the snippet

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