_____main函数含有 两个参数 ,argc ,argv[]


argc 的值是输入的参数的数量。argv是一个数组,每个数组元素指向一个string字符串类型的数据的地址,也就是存放每一个输入参数的地址。argv就是 char ** 类型。

void fileCopy(FILE *ifp,FILE *ofp)
int c;
while( (c = getc(ifp) ) != EOF)
} }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ //practice file access
//practice argc, argv
FILE *fp;
if(argc == ) //no args;copy standard input
fileCopy(stdin, stdout);
while(--argc > )
int i;
for(i = ; i < argc; i++) //parameter is a string.
printf("%s%s",argv[i],(i < argc - ) ? " " :""); }
/* when parameter is a file name.
if( (fp = fopen(*++argv,"r")) == NULL)
printf("can't open %s\n", *argv);
return 1;
return ;

___file access


FILE *fp;
//the open operation may not successfully, check is necessary
if( (fp = fopen(FILE_NAME,MODE) == NULL )
fprintf(stderr, "can'topen%s\n",FILE_NAME);
} //after file operation, close the file

_ fprintf, fscanf 对应于标准输入输出的printf和scanf,参数多了最前面的一个FILE类型的参数。

_ fputs, fgets,   simillar to the getline function

_ fread, fwirte  has same parameters. They allow big block access to file in one step.

make sure the file position is your wanted. use eg:

rewind(fp);//set file postion at the start. !!!! reset the file postion is important

There are other liarbry functions to set file positon.

___存取的文件类型可以是二进制类型,或者是text类型的,eg,file.bat , or file.txt.


用fprintf 能在text文件中直接看到数值,但是呢

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