

 代码如下 复制代码

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>html5圆形抽奖 - zkeyword.com</title>
<canvas id="canvas" style="border:1px solid #ddd"></canvas>
var lottery = (function(){

var canvas     = document.getElementById('canvas'),
            ctx        = canvas.getContext('2d'),
            width      = 400,
            height     = 400,
            x          = 200,
            y          = 200,
            color      = ['#a00','#0a0','#00a','#aa0','#a16','#0aa','#a5a','#f31','#784','#a43','#34a','#786'],
            deg        = Math.PI / 180,
            isClick    = true,
            startTimer = null,
            shopTimer  = null,
            i          = 0,
            len        = 12
            speed      = 340;

canvas.width  = width;
 canvas.height = height;

var core = {
  init: function(i){

bg: function(){
   var i = 0;

   for(; i < len; i++){
    ctx.fillStyle = color[i];
    ctx.moveTo(x, y);
    ctx.arc(x, y, 180, deg * i * 30,  deg * (i+1) * 30);

proint: function(i){
   ctx.fillStyle = '#333';
   ctx.moveTo(x, y);
   ctx.arc(x, y, 180, deg * i * 30,  deg * (i+1) * 30);

btn: function(){
   ctx.fillStyle = '#555';
   ctx.arc(x, y, 50, 0, Math.PI*2);

clear: function(){
   ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 250, 250);

  start: function(){
   i          = (i === 12) ? 0 : i;
   speed     = (speed !== 100) ? (speed - 20) : 100;
   startTimer = setTimeout(function(){
                                     }, speed);

   isClick = false;

  move: function(h){
   var val  = 12 - Math.abs(h + 1 - i);

if( startTimer ) clearTimeout(startTimer);
   if( val !== 12 ){
    i = (i === 12) ? 0 : i;
    var timer = setTimeout(function(){
                                     }, speed);


  stop: function(){
   if( speed !== 340 ){
    i = (i === 12) ? 0 : i;
    speed += 20;
    shopTimer = setTimeout(function(){
         }, speed);

    if( shopTimer ) clearTimeout(shopTimer);
    i = 0;
    isClick = true;

callback: function(i){

random: function(min, max){
   return Math.floor(min + Math.random()*(max-min));

  lottery: function(){
   var s = core.random(1, 10),
       y = core.random(1, 1000);

if( s === 1 ){
   }else if( y === 1 ){
   console.log(s, y)


canvas.onclick = function(e){
  if( isClick ){
       }, 5000);
  //else if( !isClick && speed === 100 ){



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