Sum of 'n' Numbers
(or SequenceSum.sumOfN
in Java, SequenceSum.SumOfN
in C#) takes an integer n
and returns aList
(an Array
in Java/C#) of length abs(n) + 1. The List
contains the numbers in the arithmetic series produced by taking the sum of the consecutive integer numbers from 0 to n inclusive.
can also be 0 or a negative value.
-> [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
-> [0, -1, -3, -6, -10, -15]
-> [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28]
public class SequenceSum
public static int[] SumOfN(int n)
//TODO: Write your solution here
return Enumerable.Range(, Math.Abs(n) + ).Select(item => Enumerable.Range(, item).Aggregate(, (x, y) => x + y)).Select(item => (n >= ) ? item : -item).ToArray();
需要注意的是,Enumerable.Range中第一个参数是起始数字,第二个参数是序列总个数Enumerable.Range(5,4) 结果是5,6,7,8
using System.Linq; public class SequenceSum
public static int[] SumOfN(int n)
return Enumerable.Range(, n + ).Select(x => x * (x + ) / ).ToArray();
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