[C语言 - 7] 结构体struct
A. 基本知识
struct Student
int age;
char *name;
float height;
//define a struct variable
struct Student stu = {, "simon", 1.65f};
struct Student {
int age;
char *name;
float height;
} stu = {, "simon", 1.65f};
struct Student p;
p = {17, "Tom"};
struct Student p;
p.age = ;
p.name = "Tom”;
struct Student p2 = {, "Sam”};
struct Student p3 = {.name="Judy", .age= };
int age;
char *name;
} stu3;
void test1()
struct Date
int year;
int month;
int day;
}; struct Student
int age;
struct Date birthday;
}; struct Student stu = {, {, , }}; printf("my birthday ==> %d-%d-%d\n", stu.birthday.year, stu.birthday.month, stu.birthday.day);
struct Student
int age;
char *name;
float height;
} stus[];
int age;
char *name;
float height;
} stus[];
void test4()
struct Person p = {, "ss"};
struct Person *pointer; pointer = &p; printf("test4: person's age = %d\n", p.age);//It's p!!!, not pointer!!
printf("test4: person's age = %d\n", (*pointer).age);
printf("test4: person's age = %d\n", pointer->age);
struct Student p2 = {, "Sam"};
struct Student p3 = {.name="Judy", .age= };
p3 = p2;
printf("p3: age->%d, name-.%s\n", p3.age, p3.name);
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