


* Creates and maintains the logical mapping between logical blocks and physical on-disk
* locations. One block is mapped to one file with a name given by its BlockId.
* 创建和维护blocks和磁盘存储位置的映射关系。每个block对应一个文件。文件名字是bclockId。
* Block files are hashed among the directories listed in spark.local.dir (or in
* SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS, if it's set).
* spark.local.dir目录存储 block 的文件。是通过文件名的hash到各个spark.local.dirs目录里面
private[spark] class DiskBlockManager(conf: SparkConf, deleteFilesOnStop: Boolean) extends Logging { private[spark] val subDirsPerLocalDir = conf.getInt("spark.diskStore.subDirectories", 64) /* Create one local directory for each path mentioned in spark.local.dir; then, inside this
* directory, create multiple subdirectories that we will hash files into, in order to avoid
* having really large inodes at the top level. */
private[spark] val localDirs: Array[File] = createLocalDirs(conf)
if (localDirs.isEmpty) {
logError("Failed to create any local dir.")
// The content of subDirs is immutable but the content of subDirs(i) is mutable. And the content
// of subDirs(i) is protected by the lock of subDirs(i)
private val subDirs = Array.fill(localDirs.length)(new Array[File](subDirsPerLocalDir)) private val shutdownHook = addShutdownHook() /** Looks up a file by hashing it into one of our local subdirectories. */
// This method should be kept in sync with
// org.apache.spark.network.shuffle.ExternalShuffleBlockResolver#getFile(). // 通过文件名的hash在目录中查找文件
def getFile(filename: String): File = {
// Figure out which local directory it hashes to, and which subdirectory in that
val hash = Utils.nonNegativeHash(filename)
val dirId = hash % localDirs.length
val subDirId = (hash / localDirs.length) % subDirsPerLocalDir // Create the subdirectory if it doesn't already exist
val subDir = subDirs(dirId).synchronized {
val old = subDirs(dirId)(subDirId)
if (old != null) {
} else {
val newDir = new File(localDirs(dirId), "%02x".format(subDirId))
if (!newDir.exists() && !newDir.mkdir()) {
throw new IOException(s"Failed to create local dir in $newDir.")
subDirs(dirId)(subDirId) = newDir
} new File(subDir, filename)
} def getFile(blockId: BlockId): File = getFile(blockId.name) /** Check if disk block manager has a block. */
def containsBlock(blockId: BlockId): Boolean = {
} /** List all the files currently stored on disk by the disk manager. */
def getAllFiles(): Seq[File] = {
// Get all the files inside the array of array of directories
subDirs.flatMap { dir =>
dir.synchronized {
// Copy the content of dir because it may be modified in other threads
}.filter(_ != null).flatMap { dir =>
val files = dir.listFiles()
if (files != null) files else Seq.empty
} /** List all the blocks currently stored on disk by the disk manager. */
def getAllBlocks(): Seq[BlockId] = {
getAllFiles().map(f => BlockId(f.getName))
} /** Produces a unique block id and File suitable for storing local intermediate results. */
def createTempLocalBlock(): (TempLocalBlockId, File) = {
var blockId = new TempLocalBlockId(UUID.randomUUID())
while (getFile(blockId).exists()) {
blockId = new TempLocalBlockId(UUID.randomUUID())
(blockId, getFile(blockId))
} /** Produces a unique block id and File suitable for storing shuffled intermediate results. */
def createTempShuffleBlock(): (TempShuffleBlockId, File) = {
var blockId = new TempShuffleBlockId(UUID.randomUUID())
while (getFile(blockId).exists()) {
blockId = new TempShuffleBlockId(UUID.randomUUID())
(blockId, getFile(blockId))
} /**
* Create local directories for storing block data. These directories are
* located inside configured local directories and won't
* be deleted on JVM exit when using the external shuffle service.
* 在rootDir中创建blockmgr目录,用来存储block数据
private def createLocalDirs(conf: SparkConf): Array[File] = {
Utils.getConfiguredLocalDirs(conf).flatMap { rootDir =>
try {
val localDir = Utils.createDirectory(rootDir, "blockmgr")
logInfo(s"Created local directory at $localDir")
} catch {
case e: IOException =>
logError(s"Failed to create local dir in $rootDir. Ignoring this directory.", e)
} private def addShutdownHook(): AnyRef = {
logDebug("Adding shutdown hook") // force eager creation of logger
ShutdownHookManager.addShutdownHook(ShutdownHookManager.TEMP_DIR_SHUTDOWN_PRIORITY + 1) { () =>
logInfo("Shutdown hook called")
} /** Cleanup local dirs and stop shuffle sender. */
private[spark] def stop() {
// Remove the shutdown hook. It causes memory leaks if we leave it around.
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logError(s"Exception while removing shutdown hook.", e)
} //删除目录
private def doStop(): Unit = {
if (deleteFilesOnStop) {
localDirs.foreach { localDir =>
if (localDir.isDirectory() && localDir.exists()) {
try {
if (!ShutdownHookManager.hasRootAsShutdownDeleteDir(localDir)) {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logError(s"Exception while deleting local spark dir: $localDir", e)


private[spark] class DiskStore(conf: SparkConf, diskManager: DiskBlockManager) extends Logging {

  private val minMemoryMapBytes = conf.getSizeAsBytes("spark.storage.memoryMapThreshold", "2m")

  def getSize(blockId: BlockId): Long = {
} /**
* Invokes the provided callback function to write the specific block.
* 调用提供的回掉方法把指定的block写到磁盘
* @throws IllegalStateException if the block already exists in the disk store.
def put(blockId: BlockId)(writeFunc: FileOutputStream => Unit): Unit = {
if (contains(blockId)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Block $blockId is already present in the disk store")
logDebug(s"Attempting to put block $blockId")
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val file = diskManager.getFile(blockId)
val fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file)
var threwException: Boolean = true
try {
threwException = false
} finally {
try {
Closeables.close(fileOutputStream, threwException)
} finally {
if (threwException) {
val finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis
logDebug("Block %s stored as %s file on disk in %d ms".format(
finishTime - startTime))
} def putBytes(blockId: BlockId, bytes: ChunkedByteBuffer): Unit = {
put(blockId) { fileOutputStream =>
val channel = fileOutputStream.getChannel
Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
} {
} //读取出指定的block数据放到内存中
def getBytes(blockId: BlockId): ChunkedByteBuffer = {
val file = diskManager.getFile(blockId.name)
val channel = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r").getChannel
Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
// For small files, directly read rather than memory map
if (file.length < minMemoryMapBytes) {
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(file.length.toInt)
while (buf.remaining() != 0) {
if (channel.read(buf) == -1) {
throw new IOException("Reached EOF before filling buffer\n" +
new ChunkedByteBuffer(buf)
} else {
new ChunkedByteBuffer(channel.map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, file.length))
} {
} //删除block数据
def remove(blockId: BlockId): Boolean = {
val file = diskManager.getFile(blockId.name)
if (file.exists()) {
val ret = file.delete()
if (!ret) {
logWarning(s"Error deleting ${file.getPath()}")
} else {
} def contains(blockId: BlockId): Boolean = {
val file = diskManager.getFile(blockId.name)

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