Key Word:浅层学习,深度学习;
“我们谈到AI时,意味着高度抽象,Deep Learning是抽象的一种方式,但它远不是全部。通过神经网络能够识别动物,并不意味就理解了世界,我甚至将其看做‘模式识别’而非‘智能’”,Seide这样认为:“‘深’对智能系统来说很重要,但它不是智能的全部。语音识别可以视为AI领域的一个缩影,DNN也只是语音识别技术中的一部分——若从代码长度的角度考量,它甚至只是全部技术中很小的一部分。”
PS:这由让我想起来 中文屋子 的哲学讨论
(2):机器学习前沿热点–Deep Learning
自 2006 年以来,机器学习领域,取得了突破性的进展。
图灵试验,至少不是那么可望而不可即了。至于技术手段,不仅仅依赖于云计算对大数据的并行处理能力,而且依赖于算法。这个算法就是,Deep Learning。借助于 Deep Learning 算法,人类终于找到了如何处理 “抽象概念”这个亘古难题的方法。
于是学界忙着延揽相关领域的大师。Alex Smola 加盟 CMU,就是这个背景下的插曲。悬念是 Geoffrey Hinton和 Yoshua Bengio 这两位牛人,最后会加盟哪所大学。
Geoffrey Hinton 曾经转战 Cambridge、CMU,目前任教University of Toronto。相信挖他的名校一定不少。
Yoshua Bengio 经历比较简单,McGill University 获得博士后,去 MIT 追随 Mike Jordan 做博士后。目前任教 University of Montreal。
Deep Learning 引爆的这场革命,不仅学术意义巨大,而且离钱很近,实在太近了。如果把相关技术难题比喻成一座山,那么翻过这座山,山后就是特大露天金矿。技术难题解决以后,剩下的事情,就是动用资本和商业的强力手段,跑马圈地了。
于是各大公司重兵集结,虎视眈眈。Google 兵分两路,左路以 Jeff Dean 和 Andrew Ng 为首,重点突破 Deep Learning 等等算法和应用 [3](Introduction to Deep Learning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_learning)。
(3):Neuromorphic Engineering- A Stepstone for Artificial Intelligence
构建类似人脑的三大特征的计算机是神经形态工程师的目标!(低功耗; 容错性; 自学习)。人类大脑的功率:约20W,当然这还只是TDP,平时消耗更低。容错性:并行处理,因此也意味着并非完备,而是一个概率模型。自学习:这个属于系统级别,包含整个感知-反馈-决策系统,复杂度暂时没办法分析。
Here I would like to introduce the progress of Neuromorphic engineering(神经形态工程学), a branch of engineering built on electronic devices. The main goal of this subject is to emulate complex neuron network and ion channel dynamics in real time, using highly compact and power-efficient CMOS analog VLSI technology. Compared to traditional software-based computer modeling and simulation, this approach can be implemented in a extremely small size with low power requirement, when is used for large-scale and high speed simulation of neuron. This special feature provide possibility for the real computing applications, such asneuroprothesis, brain-machine interface, neurorobotics, machine learning and so on. [1]
A key aspect of neuromorphic engineering is understanding how the morphology of individual neurons, circuits and overall architectures creates desirable computations, affects how information is represented, influences robustness to damage, incorporates learning and development, adapts to local change (plasticity), and facilitates evolutionary change. Neuromorphic engineering is a new interdisciplinary discipline that takes inspiration from biology, physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering to design artificial neural systems, such as vision systems, head-eye systems, auditory processors, and autonomous robots, whose physical architecture and design principles are based on those of biological nervous systems.[2]
Our human brain has three distinct feature, which are highly parallel processing. quick adaptability, and self-configuration. We have owned a deep understanding about the digital computers from the top to the bottom, from the operating system to the hardware design now. However, some analog computing, for example, voice recognition, learning etc. is not easy to implemented in the digit computers by now. In terms of the accuracy and power efficient, the mammal’s brain is so power and difficult to figure out. Since the artificial intelligence was pointed out in last century, we have invested lots of research effort in many areas, such as computer science, physiology, chemistry etc. to explain our brain. But it seems true that we know much more about the universe than the brain, it is sad, or promising? The only thing we are sure about, is that the brain do more than just information processing.
Thus engineers began to ask for help from the biology perspective. But it is not so easy to emulate such a large scale computing machine, which owns about 85 billion neurons. Neuromorphic engineering is an important and promising branch to let us find the mystery of our brain. The feature of neuron computing is high parallelism, and adaptive learning, while bad at math. Same as the real CMOS technology, the placement of interconnect is a tricky job in Neuromorphic engineering. This engineering provides a potential to build the machine whose nature is learning.
DARPA SyNAPSE Program is an on-going project to build a electronic neuromorphic machine technology that scales to biological levels. It has made several milestones since it was initialized from 2008. It should recreate 10 billion neurons, 100 trillion synapses, consume one kilowatt (same as a small electric heater), and occupy less than two liters of space at last. [3]
The initial phase of the SyNAPSE program developed nanometer scale electronic synaptic components capable of adapting the connection strength between two neurons in a manner analogous to that seen in biological systems(Hebbian learning), and simulated the utility of these synaptic components in core microcircuits that support the overall system architecture.
Continuing efforts will focus on hardware development through the stages of microcircuit development, fabrication process development, single chip system development, and multi-chip system development.In support of these hardware developments, the program seeks to develop increasingly capable architecture and design tools, very large-scale computer simulations of the neuromorphic electronic systems to inform the designers and validate the hardware prior to fabrication, and virtual environments for training and testing the simulated and hardware neuromorphic systems. [4]
To see more background: http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~diorio/Talks/InvitedTalks/Telluride99/
[1] Rachmuth, Guy, et al. “A biophysically-based neuromorphic model of spike rate-and timing-dependent plasticity.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108.49 (2011): E1266-E1274.
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuromorphic_engineering
[3] http://www.artificialbrains.com/darpa-synapse-program
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SyNAPSE
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