
先来定义一下接口,在 src 文件夹下创建 cache 文件夹,在cache文件夹下创建 CacheInterface.php 文件,其中定义 Cache 相应的接口,其内容如下:

namespace sf\cache; /**
* CacheInterface
* @author Harry Sun <sunguangjun@126.com>
interface CacheInterface
* Builds a normalized cache key from a given key.
public function buildKey($key); /**
* Retrieves a value from cache with a specified key.
public function get($key); /**
* Checks whether a specified key exists in the cache.
public function exists($key); /**
* Retrieves multiple values from cache with the specified keys.
public function mget($keys); /**
* Stores a value identified by a key into cache.
public function set($key, $value, $duration = 0); /**
* Stores multiple items in cache. Each item contains a value identified by a key.
public function mset($items, $duration = 0); /**
* Stores a value identified by a key into cache if the cache does not contain this key.
* Nothing will be done if the cache already contains the key.
public function add($key, $value, $duration = 0); /**
* Stores multiple items in cache. Each item contains a value identified by a key.
* If the cache already contains such a key, the existing value and expiration time will be preserved.
public function madd($items, $duration = 0); /**
* Deletes a value with the specified key from cache
public function delete($key); /**
* Deletes all values from cache.
public function flush();

定义了 buildKey/get/mget/set/mset/exists/add/madd/delete/flush接口,对应功能如下:

  • buildKey:构建真正的 key,避免特殊字符影响实现
  • get:根据 key 获取缓存的值
  • mget:根据 keys 数组获取多个缓存值
  • set:根据 key 设置缓存的值
  • mset:根据数组设置多个缓存值
  • exists:判断 key 是否存在
  • add:如果 key 不存在就设置缓存值,否则返回false
  • madd:根据数组,判断相应的 key 不存在就设置缓存值
  • delete:根据 key 删除一个缓存
  • flush:删除所有的缓存

实现缓存,可以使用很多方式,比如使用文件、数据库、memcache 以及 Redis 等。


其主要思想就是,每一个 key 都对应一个文件,缓存的内容序列化一下,存入到文件中,取出时再反序列化一下。剩下的基本都是相应的文件操作了。

在 src/cache 文件夹下创建 FileCache.php 文件,其内容如下:

namespace sf\cache; /**
* CacheInterface
* @author Harry Sun <sunguangjun@126.com>
class FileCache implements CacheInterface
* @var string the directory to store cache files.
* 缓存文件的地址,例如/Users/jun/projects/www/simple-framework/runtime/cache/
public $cachePath;
* Builds a normalized cache key from a given key.
public function buildKey($key)
if (!is_string($key)) {
// 不是字符串就json_encode一把,转成字符串,也可以用其他方法
$key = json_encode($key);
return md5($key);
} /**
* Retrieves a value from cache with a specified key.
public function get($key)
$key = $this->buildKey($key);
$cacheFile = $this->cachePath . $key;
// filemtime用来获取文件的修改时间
if (@filemtime($cacheFile) > time()) {
// file_get_contents用来获取文件内容,unserialize用来反序列化文件内容
return unserialize(@file_get_contents($cacheFile));
} else {
return false;
} /**
* Checks whether a specified key exists in the cache.
public function exists($key)
$key = $this->buildKey($key);
$cacheFile = $this->cachePath . $key;
// 用修改时间标记过期时间,存入时会做相应的处理
return @filemtime($cacheFile) > time();
} /**
* Retrieves multiple values from cache with the specified keys.
public function mget($keys)
$results = [];
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$results[$key] = $this->get($key);
return $results;
} /**
* Stores a value identified by a key into cache.
public function set($key, $value, $duration = 0)
$key = $this->buildKey($key);
$cacheFile = $this->cachePath . $key;
// serialize用来序列化缓存内容
$value = serialize($value);
// file_put_contents用来将序列化之后的内容写入文件,LOCK_EX表示写入时会对文件加锁
if (@file_put_contents($cacheFile, $value, LOCK_EX) !== false) {
if ($duration <= 0) {
// 不设置过期时间,设置为一年,这是因为用文件的修改时间来做过期时间造成的
// redis/memcache 等都不会有这个问题
$duration = 31536000; // 1 year
// touch用来设置修改时间,过期时间为当前时间加上$duration
return touch($cacheFile, $duration + time());
} else {
return false;
} /**
* Stores multiple items in cache. Each item contains a value identified by a key.
public function mset($items, $duration = 0)
$failedKeys = [];
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
if ($this->set($key, $value, $duration) === false) {
$failedKeys[] = $key;
} return $failedKeys;
} /**
* Stores a value identified by a key into cache if the cache does not contain this key.
public function add($key, $value, $duration = 0)
// key不存在,就设置缓存
if (!$this->exists($key)) {
return $this->set($key, $value, $duration);
} else {
return false;
} /**
* Stores multiple items in cache. Each item contains a value identified by a key.
public function madd($items, $duration = 0)
$failedKeys = [];
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
if ($this->add($key, $value, $duration) === false) {
$failedKeys[] = $key;
} return $failedKeys;
} /**
* Deletes a value with the specified key from cache
public function delete($key)
$key = $this->buildKey($key);
$cacheFile = $this->cachePath . $key;
// unlink用来删除文件
return unlink($cacheFile);
} /**
* Deletes all values from cache.
* Be careful of performing this operation if the cache is shared among multiple applications.
* @return boolean whether the flush operation was successful.
public function flush()
// 打开cache文件所在目录
$dir = @dir($this->cachePath); // 列出目录中的所有文件
while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) {
if ($file !== '.' && $file !== '..') {
unlink($this->cachePath . $file);
} // 关闭目录


然后我们来测试一下我们的缓存组件,首先我们需要添加一下配置文件,在 config 文件夹下创建 cache.php 文件,配置如下内容:

return [
'class' => '\sf\cache\FileCache',
'cachePath' => SF_PATH . '/runtime/cache/'

然后在 SiteController.php 中简单使用如下:

    public function actionCache()
$cache = Sf::createObject('cache');
$cache->set('test', '我就是测试一下缓存组件');
$result = $cache->get('test');
echo $result;

访问 http://localhost/simple-framework/public/index.php?r=site/cache 路径,得到结果如下:





blog project:https://github.com/CraryPrimitiveMan/create-your-own-php-framework


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