Introduction to color gradients in Delphi FireMonkey.


This video covers the basics of color gradients in Delphi FireMonkey

This can be applied any component that has a Fill property such as Shapes (TRectangle, TElipse) and event the background of a TForm.

Video Highlights

The video shows :

  • Overview of setting up gradient colors
  • Change the angle to vertical, horizontal or anything in between such as 38 degrees
  • Set the weight of each color.  You can make one color more prominent than the other
  • Setup more than 2 colors
  • Change gradient properties in the IDE
  • Change gradient properties at runtime using simple code

Gradient aren’t available for TPanel, TFrame and other components … dont panic

Now for the bad news – Gradient colors are not available for TPanel, TFrame, TGroupBox and various other container because they do not have a Fill property.  Oh ohhhh !

Dont panic – I have a workaround for that that will publish a solution  on here soon including full source code.  If you are in a hurry, email me and Ill provide you with a pre-release version

This stuff is coming.  Chill out until then

More Information


Download FireMonkey demo project

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