
Given an integer n, count the total number of digit 1 appearing in all non-negative integers less than or equal to n.

For example:

Given n = 13,

Return 6, because digit 1 occurred in the following numbers: 1, 10, 11, 12, 13.




举个样例54215。比方如今求百位上的1,54215的百位上是2。能够看到xx100到xx199的百位上都是1,这里xx从0到54。即100->199, 1100->1199...54100->54199, 这些数的百位都是1,因此百位上的1总数是55*100

假设n是54125,这时因为它的百位是1,先看xx100到xx199。当中xx是0到53,即54*100, 然后看54100到54125,这是26个。所以百位上的1的总数是54*100 + 26.




class Solution {
int countDigitOne(int n)
int res=0;
long left, right, base=1;
if (n <= 0)
return 0;
while (n >= base)
left = n / base; //left包括当前位
right = n % base; //right为当前位的右半边 if ((left % 10) > 1)
res+= (left / 10 + 1) * base; else if ((left % 10) == 1)
res+= (left / 10) * base+ (right + 1); else
res+= (left / 10) * base;
base *= 10;
return res;
} };


class Solution {
int countDigitOne(int n)
int res=0;
long left, right, base=1;
if (n<=0)
return 0;
while (n>=base)
left = n / base; //left包括当前位
right = n % base; //right为当前位的右半边 res += ((left + 8) / 10 * base) + (left % 10 == 1) * (right + 1);
base *= 10;
return res;
} };

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