自动化测试断言失败时,根据不同业务场景,可能需要立即终止或继续执行。这里以 Appium + pytest 为例。

一. 断言失败立即终止

用途一:用例的预期结果是其他用例的前提条件时,assert 失败需要立即终止,这是我们设计自动化测试用例时最常见的场景。

用途二:用例中的任何一个步骤执行失败时,立即终止,因为步骤都执行失败了,没有继续执行下一步的必要。方案:思路与用途一类似,这里把每个测试步骤当做都有一个预期结果(True),封装每一个具体步骤,步骤结果返回布尔值。对该结果进行 assert,False时立即终止。

 def click(self, step):
method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
element = self.find_element(**step['element_loc'])
if step.has_key('times'):
for i in range(step['times']):
return True
print u'%s失败' % method_name
return False
 for step in self.case_steps:
assert self.operate(step), 'error in step: %s' % step

二. 断言失败继续执行

主要使用了两个函数 expect, assert_expectations 。

Demo: test_delayed_assert.py

 from delayed_assert import expect, assert_expectations

 def test_should_pass():
expect(1 == 1, 'one is one')
assert_expectations() def test_should_fail():
expect(1 == 2)
x = 1
y = 2
expect(x == y, 'x:%s y:%s' % (x,y))
expect(1 == 1)

Module: delayedAssert.py

Implements one form of delayed assertions. Interface is 2 functions: expect(expr, msg=None)
: Evaluate 'expr' as a boolean, and keeps track of failures assert_expectations()
: raises an assert if an expect() calls failed Usage Example: from expectations import expect, assert_expectations def test_should_pass():
expect(1 == 1, 'one is one')
assert_expectations() def test_should_fail():
expect(1 == 2, 'one is two')
expect(1 == 3, 'one is three')
''' # --------------------------------------------------- def expect(expr, msg=None):
'keeps track of failed expectations'
if not expr:
_log_failure(msg) def assert_expectations():
'raise an assert if there are any failed expectations'
if _failed_expectations:
assert False, _report_failures() # --------------------------------------------------- import inspect
import os.path _failed_expectations = [] def _log_failure(msg=None):
(filename, line, funcname, contextlist) = inspect.stack()[2][1:5]
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
context = contextlist[0]
_failed_expectations.append('file "%s", line %s, in %s()%s\n%s' %
(filename, line, funcname, (('\n%s' % msg) if msg else ''), context)) def _report_failures():
global _failed_expectations
if _failed_expectations:
(filename, line, funcname) = inspect.stack()[2][1:4]
report = [
'\n\nassert_expectations() called from',
'"%s" line %s, in %s()\n' % (os.path.basename(filename), line, funcname),
'Failed Expectations:%s\n' % len(_failed_expectations)]
for i,failure in enumerate(_failed_expectations, start=1):
report.append('%d: %s' % (i, failure))
_failed_expectations = []
return ('\n'.join(report)) # ---------------------------------------------------
# _log_failure() notes
# stack() returns a list of frame records
# 0 is the _log_failure() function
# 1 is the expect() function
# 2 is the function that called expect(), that's what we want
# a frame record is a tuple like this:
# (frame, filename, line, funcname, contextlist, index)
# we're mainly interested in the middle 4,
# ---------------------------------------------------

参考:Delayed assert / multiple failures per test

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