

Network Protocols and Real Application Clusters (文档 ID 278132.1)



Purpose of this document is to give DBAs and Systems Administrators interested

in Real Application Clusters an overview and a comparison of network protocols




DBAs and IT professionals may use this note for their physical cluster layout

and the options they have available on their platform.




With Real Application Clusters, there are many different interconnect protocols

available to use with the high speed interconnect.

On Unix platforms, Oracle typically recommends Infiniband (RDS) where it is certified.  See

Note: 751343.1 for more information on the RDS protocol.  Here are the hardware and RAC protocol

alternatives for each platform (not including RDS):

Operating System	Clusterware		Network Hardware	RAC Protocol
---------------- ----------- ---------------- --------
HP OpenVMS HP OpenVMS Gigabit Ethernet TCP (UDP for 10gR1 and above)
HP Tru64 HP TruCluster Memory Channel RDG
HP Tru64 HP TruCluster Memory Channel UDP
HP Tru64 HP TruCluster Gigabit Ethernet RDG
HP Tru64 HP TruCluster Gigabit Ethernet UDP
HP-UX Oracle Clusterware Hyperfabric UDP
HP-UX Oracle Clusterware Gigabit Ethernet UDP
HP-UX HP ServiceGuard Hyperfabric UDP
HP-UX HP ServiceGuard Gigabit Ethernet UDP
HP-UX Veritas Cluster Gigabit Ethernet LLT
HP-UX Veritas Cluster Gigabit Ethernet UDP
IBM AIX Oracle Clusterware Gigabit Ethernet (FDDI) UDP
IBM AIX HACMP Gigabit Ethernet (FDDI) UDP
Linux Oracle Clusterware Gigabit Ethernet UDP
Microsoft Windows Oracle Clusterware Gigabit Ethernet TCP
Sun Solaris Oracle Clusterware Gigabit Ethernet UDP
Sun Solaris Fujitsu Primecluster Gigabit Ethernet ICF
Sun Solaris Sun Cluster SCI Interconnect RSM
Sun Solaris Sun Cluster Firelink interconnect RSM
Sun Solaris Sun Cluster Gigabit Ethernet UDP
Sun Solaris Veritas Cluster Gigabit Ethernet LLT
Sun Solaris Veritas Cluster Gigabit Ethernet UDP

Oracle Corporation primarily tests and supports the RDS and UDP network libraries (and

TCP for Windows).  For other proprietary protocols (RDG, ICF, and LLT), the

cluster vendor writes and supports the network libraries.

Oracle Corporation has done extensive testing on the Oracle provided RDS and UDP

libraries (and TCP for Windows).  Based on this testing and extensive experience

with production customer deployments, at this time Oracle Support strongly recommends

the use of RDS or UDP (or TCP on Windows) for RAC environments.



To switch to the udp protocol, shut down the instances and re-link on each node


cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib

        make -f ins_rdbms.mk ipc_g ioracle

9i command:

cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib

 make -f ins_rdbms.mk ipc_udp ioracle

To confirm that the UDP protcol is being used, run the 'oradebug ipc' command

as described in Note 181489.1 .  Note 181489.1 also contains some tuning

recommendations for various protocols.



- Have at least a gigabit ethernet for optimal performance

- Do not use crossover cables (use a switch)

- Increase the udp buffer sizes to the OS maximum

- Turn on udp checksumming



Note 181489.1 - Tuning Inter-Instance Performance in RAC and OPS

Note 751343.1 - RAC Support for RDS Over Infiniband

Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration Guide

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