CodeForces 671C - Ultimate Weirdness of an Array
给以一个定义, F(l, r) 的值表示序列 A[1:n]的子序列
A[1....(l-1),(r+1)...n] 之中 任意两个数的最大公约数的最大值。
求 Sum=∑i=1N∑j=1N(F(i,j)),(i≠j)
H[i] 表示 F(l, r) <= i 区间 (l,r) 的个数。
V[A[i]] = { b1, b2, .... bk }, 其中 A[i] % bx == 0
还有一个next 数组
设 next[j] = k, 表示 F(l, k) <= i, k 尽可能的小。
当然会有 k 不存在的时候, 则 next[j] = n+1;(为什么, 看下面)
这时候可以知道 :
右端为 next[j] , 左端则有 n-next[j]+1种选择。
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define lson l , m, rt<<1
#define rson m+1, r, rt<<1|1
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const LL maxn = 200000 + 131;
const LL MaxN = 200000;
struct node {
LL Max, Min;
LL Sum, Flag;
node Node[maxn<<2];
LL H[maxn], A[maxn], Idx[maxn];
LL L1[maxn], L2[maxn], R1[maxn], R2[maxn];
void PushUp(LL rt) {
Node[rt].Max = max(Node[rt<<1].Max, Node[rt<<1|1].Max);
Node[rt].Min = min(Node[rt<<1].Min, Node[rt<<1|1].Min);
Node[rt].Sum = Node[rt<<1].Sum + Node[rt<<1|1].Sum;
void PushDown(LL l, LL r, LL rt) {
LL m = (l + r) >> 1;
Node[rt<<1].Flag = Node[rt<<1].Max = Node[rt<<1].Min = Node[rt].Flag;
Node[rt<<1|1].Flag = Node[rt<<1|1].Max = Node[rt<<1|1].Min = Node[rt].Flag;
Node[rt<<1].Sum = Node[rt].Flag * (m - l + 1);
Node[rt<<1|1].Sum = Node[rt].Flag * (r - m);
Node[rt].Flag = 0;
void Build(LL l, LL r, LL rt) {
Node[rt].Flag = 0;
if(l == r) {
Node[rt].Max = Node[rt].Min = Node[rt].Sum = l;
return ;
LL m = (l + r) >> 1;
Build(lson), Build(rson);
void Update_section(LL L, LL R, LL val, LL l, LL r, LL rt) {
if(L > R) return ;
if(Node[rt].Min >= val) return ;
if(L <= l and r <= R and Node[rt].Max <= val) {
Node[rt].Flag = val;
Node[rt].Min = Node[rt].Max = val;
Node[rt].Sum = LL(r - l + 1) * LL(val);
return ;
PushDown(l, r, rt);
LL m = (l + r) >> 1;
if(L <= m) Update_section(L, R, val, lson);
if(R > m) Update_section(L, R, val, rson);
/// Solve
int main() {
LL n;
cin >> n;
for(LL i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
cin >> A[i];
Idx[A[i]] = i;
/// Get l(1, b1) -> bk-1, (b1,b2) -> bk, (b2, n) -> n+1
for(LL i = 1; i <= MaxN; ++i)
for(LL j = i; j <= MaxN; j +=i)
if(L1[i] == 0 or L1[i] > Idx[j]) L2[i] = L1[i], L1[i] = Idx[j];
else if(L2[i] == 0 or L2[i] > Idx[j]) L2[i] = Idx[j];
if(R1[i] < Idx[j]) R2[i] = R1[i], R1[i] = Idx[j];
else if(R2[i] < Idx[j]) R2[i] = Idx[j];
/// Build Tree
for(LL i = MaxN; i > 0; --i)
if(L1[i] != R1[i])
Update_section(1,L1[i],R2[i], 1, n, 1);
Update_section(L1[i]+1, L2[i], R1[i], 1, n, 1);
Update_section(L2[i]+1, n, n+1, 1, n, 1);
H[i] = LL(n*(n+1)) - Node[1].Sum;
//cout << H[i] << endl;
LL Ans = 0;
for(LL i = 1; i < MaxN; ++i)
Ans += i * (H[i+1]-H[i]);
cout << Ans <<endl;
return 0;
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