
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode *left;
* TreeNode *right;
* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
* };
class Solution {
int maxDepth(TreeNode* root) {
int l,r;
if (root == NULL) return ;
l = maxDepth(root->left);
r = maxDepth(root->right);
return max(l,r)+; //一行代码的写法!!!!
//return root == NULL ? 0 : max(maxDepth(root -> left), maxDepth(root -> right)) + 1;


int maxDepth(TreeNode *root)
if (root == NULL) return ;
stack<TreeNode *> gray;
stack<int> depth;
int out = ; gray.push(root);
while (!gray.empty()) {
TreeNode *tmp = gray.top();
int num = depth.top();
if (tmp->left == NULL && tmp->right == NULL) {
out = num > out ? num : out;
else {
if (tmp->left != NULL) {
depth.push(num + );
if (tmp->right != NULL) {
depth.push(num + );
return out;


int maxDepth(TreeNode *root)
if(root == NULL)
return ; int res = ;
queue<TreeNode *> q;
++ res;
for(int i = , n = q.size(); i < n; ++ i)
TreeNode *p = q.front();
q.pop(); if(p -> left != NULL)
q.push(p -> left);
if(p -> right != NULL)
q.push(p -> right);
} return res;

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