
Java 开发精美艺术二维码




根据之前所做的小项目 java 开发二维码系统



// 创建二维码对象
Qrcode qrcode = new Qrcode();
// 设置二维码的纠错级别
// L(7%) M(15%) Q(25%) H(30%)
qrcode.setQrcodeErrorCorrect('L'); // 一般纠错级别小一点
// 设置二维码的编码模式 Binary(按照字节编码模式)
// 设置二维码的版本号 1-40 1:20*21 2:25*25 40:177*177
// 生成二维码中要存储的信息
String qrData = "https://ainyi.com";
// 设置一下二维码的像素
int width = 300;
int height = 300;
BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
// 绘图
Graphics2D gs = bufferedImage.createGraphics();
gs.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); // 清除下画板内容 // 设置下偏移量,如果不加偏移量,有时会导致出错
int pixoff = 2; byte[] d = qrData.getBytes("utf-8");
if(d.length > 0 && d.length <120){
boolean[][] s = qrcode.calQrcode(d);
for(int i=0;i<s.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<s.length;j++){
gs.fillRect(j*3+pixoff, i*3+pixoff, 3, 3);
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "png", new File("E:/code/qrcode.png"));


java 可以实现生成二维码,需要用到 Qrcode 的 jar 包

  1. java、jsp
  2. struts2 以及相关 jar 包
  3. Qrcode.jar
  4. 文件上传相关 jar 包
  • 自己编写摸索出来的艺术二维码算法
  • 响应式




将制作好的小图片素材,按照编号命名,三个码眼使用大图片素材,其他使用不相同小图片素材,绘制二维码图片的时候,将画笔改为将插入图片素材 drawImage



* QrcodeText 二维码
* @author krry
* @version 1.0
public class QrcodeText{ private static int width = 975;
private static int height = 975; // 设置偏移量,不设置可能导致解析出错
private static int pixoff = 25;
// 像素大小
private static int pix = 25;
// 二维码数组的长度
private static int codeLength;
// 随机数,生成[0,2]之间的随机整数,取长度为3的数组下标
private static int max = 3; //素材图片容器
private static BufferedImage image_eye;
private static BufferedImage image11;
private static BufferedImage image12;
private static BufferedImage image13;
private static BufferedImage image21;
private static BufferedImage image22;
private static BufferedImage image23;
private static BufferedImage image31;
private static BufferedImage image32;
private static BufferedImage image33;
private static BufferedImage image41;
private static BufferedImage image42;
private static BufferedImage image43; /**
* 生成二维码
* @param message 二维码内容
* @param type 二维码类型 如:锁屏
* @param filename 二维码类型下的标号 如1
* @param arti 使用算法类型 如0 热门
* @param transparent 是否透明 1:透明 0背景是白色
* @param request 请求
* @return
public static String qrcode(String message,String type,String filename,String arti,String transparent,HttpServletRequest request){
String pathName = null;
FileOutputStream outputStream = null; try{
Qrcode qrcode = new Qrcode();
//L(7%) M(15%) Q(25%) H(30%)
qrcode.setQrcodeErrorCorrect('L'); //一般纠错级别小一点
//设置二维码的编码模式 Binary(按照字节编码模式)
//设置二维码的版本号 1-40 1:20*21 2:25*25 40:177*177
qrcode.setQrcodeVersion(5); //获取图片缓存流对象
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D gs = image.createGraphics(); //判断是否使用二维码背景颜色是透明
image = gs.getDeviceConfiguration().createCompatibleImage(width, height, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
gs = image.createGraphics();
} else {
gs.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
} //设置内容
String content = message;
byte[] contentsBytes = content.getBytes("utf-8"); //二维码
boolean[][] code = qrcode.calQrcode(contentsBytes);
codeLength = code.length; //码眼部分全部设置为false
for(int i=0;i<7;i++){
for(int j=0;j<7;j++){
for(int j=codeLength-7;j<codeLength;j++){
} //获取资源地址
String aspath = request.getServletContext().getRealPath("/resource"); //加载图片
loadImage(aspath,type,filename); //绘制二维码,选择算法
if(arti.equals("0")) drawQrcodeHot(gs, code); //热门算法
else if(arti.equals("1")) drawQrcodeOrdi(gs, code); //最初算法
else if(arti.equals("2")) drawQrcodeRiTojiao(gs, code); //三角算法 //如果类型不是单码,则装载背景图片,将二维码写进背景图片中,只有单码没有背景
BufferedImage imageBG = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\bg.jpg"));
Graphics2D bg = imageBG.createGraphics(); //位置坐标
int x = 0;
int y = 0; //如果类型是方形,判断二维码在背景图片的位置,单码图片缩小到640像素
x = (imageBG.getWidth() - 640) / 2;
y = (imageBG.getHeight() - 640) / 2;
x = (imageBG.getWidth() - 100) / 2;
y = (imageBG.getHeight() - 640) / 2;
x = (imageBG.getWidth() - 640) / 2;
y = (imageBG.getHeight() - 1100) / 2;
} //将单码图片写进背景图片中,单码图片缩小到640像素
bg.drawImage(image, x, y, 640, 640, null); //释放画笔
String realPath = request.getRealPath("/");
//String realPath = 服务器项目的地址;
pathName = new Date().getTime()+".jpg";
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(realPath+"upload\\", pathName));
ImageIO.write(imageBG, "jpg", outputStream); } else { //如果类型是单码,直接释放输出
String realPath = request.getRealPath("/");
//String realPath = 服务器项目的地址;
pathName = new Date().getTime()+".png";
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(realPath+"upload\\", pathName));
ImageIO.write(image, "png", outputStream);
} catch (Exception e){
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return pathName;
} /**
* 加载图片素材
* @param aspath
* @param type
* @param filename
public static void loadImage(String aspath,String type,String filename){
try {
image_eye = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\eye.png"));
image11 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\11.png"));
image12 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\12.png"));
image13 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\13.png"));
image21 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\21.png"));
image22 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\22.png"));
image23 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\23.png"));
image31 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\31.png"));
image32 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\32.png"));
image33 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\33.png"));
image41 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\41.png"));
image42 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\42.png"));
image43 = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(aspath+"\\images\\ImageMaker\\"+type+"\\"+filename+"\\43.png")); } catch (Exception e) {
} /**
* 绘制 算法0 热门二维码 素材有50*50 50*100 100*50 100*100
* @param gs 画笔
* @param code 二维码数组
public static void drawQrcodeHot(Graphics2D gs,boolean[][] code){
BufferedImage[] img1 = {image11,image12,image13};
BufferedImage[] img2 = {image21,image22,image23};
BufferedImage[] img3 = {image31,image32,image33};
BufferedImage[] img4 = {image41,image42,image43}; //通用地绘制码眼
gs.drawImage(image_eye, pix, pix, pix*7, pix*7, null);
gs.drawImage(image_eye, (codeLength-7)*pix+pixoff, pix, pix*7, pix*7, null);
gs.drawImage(image_eye, pix, (codeLength-7)*pix+pixoff, pix*7, pix*7, null); Random random = new Random(); // 绘制
for (int i = 0; i < codeLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < codeLength; j++) {
if (code[i][j]) {
if (i+1 < codeLength && j+1 < codeLength && code[i][j + 1] && code[i + 1][j + 1] && code[i + 1][j]){
int s4 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img4[s4], i * pix + pixoff, j * pix + pixoff, pix * 2, pix * 2, null);
code[i][j + 1] = code[i + 1][j] = code[i + 1][j + 1] = false;
} else if(j+1 < codeLength && code[i][j+1]){
int s3 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img3[s3], i * pix + pixoff, j * pix + pixoff, pix, pix*2, null);
code[i][j+1] = false;
} else if (i+1 < codeLength && code[i+1][j]) {
int s2 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img2[s2], i * pix + pixoff, j * pix + pixoff, pix * 2, pix, null);
code[i+1][j] = false;
} else {
int s1 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img1[s1], i * pix + pixoff, j * pix + pixoff, pix, pix, null);
} /**
* 绘制 算法2 二维码 素材有50*50 50*100 100*50 100*100 其中100*100是三个角的算法,右上角没有填充
* @param gs 画笔
* @param code 二维码数组
public static void drawQrcodeRiTojiao(Graphics2D gs,boolean[][] code){
BufferedImage[] img1 = {image11,image12,image13};
BufferedImage[] img2 = {image21,image22,image23};
BufferedImage[] img3 = {image31,image32,image33};
BufferedImage[] img4 = {image41,image42,image43}; //通用地绘制码眼
gs.drawImage(image_eye, pix, pix, pix*7, pix*7, null);
gs.drawImage(image_eye, (codeLength-7)*pix+pixoff, pix, pix*7, pix*7, null);
gs.drawImage(image_eye, pix, (codeLength-7)*pix+pixoff, pix*7, pix*7, null); Random random = new Random(); // 绘制
for (int i = 0; i < codeLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < codeLength; j++) {
if (code[i][j]) {
if (i+1 < codeLength && j+1 < codeLength && code[i][j + 1] && code[i + 1][j + 1]){
//随机取图片,画100*100的图 右上角没有填充
int s4 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img4[s4], i * pix + pixoff, j * pix + pixoff, pix * 2, pix * 2, null);
code[i][j + 1] = code[i + 1][j + 1] = false;
} else if(j+1 < codeLength && code[i][j+1]){
int s3 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img3[s3], i * pix + pixoff, j * pix + pixoff, pix, pix*2, null);
code[i][j+1] = false;
} else if (i+1 < codeLength && code[i+1][j]) {
int s2 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img2[s2], i * pix + pixoff, j * pix + pixoff, pix * 2, pix, null);
code[i+1][j] = false;
} else {
int s1 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img1[s1], i * pix + pixoff, j * pix + pixoff, pix, pix, null);
} /**
* 绘制 算法1 普通二维码 素材有50*50 50*100 50*150
* @param gs 画笔
* @param code 二维码数组
public static void drawQrcodeOrdi(Graphics2D gs,boolean[][] code){
BufferedImage[] img1 = {image11,image12,image13};
BufferedImage[] img2 = {image21,image22,image23};
BufferedImage[] img3 = {image31,image32,image33}; //通用地绘制码眼
gs.drawImage(image_eye, pix, pix, pix*7, pix*7, null);
gs.drawImage(image_eye, (codeLength-7)*pix+pixoff, pix, pix*7, pix*7, null);
gs.drawImage(image_eye, pix, (codeLength-7)*pix+pixoff, pix*7, pix*7, null); Random random = new Random(); for(int i = 0;i < codeLength;i++){
for(int j = 0;j < codeLength;j++){
if(i+2 < codeLength && code[i+1][j] && code[i+2][j]){
//随机取图片 下标随机[0,2],画50*150的图
int s3 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img3[s3], j*25+pixoff, i*25+pixoff, 25, 75, null);
}else if(i+1 < codeLength && code[i+1][j]){
int s2 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img2[s2], j*25+pixoff, i*25+pixoff, 25, 50, null);
} else {
int s1 = random.nextInt(max);
gs.drawImage(img1[s1], j*25+pixoff, i*25+pixoff, 25, 25, null);



  1. 以下截图的项目,生成二维码的价格均是测试用例,并不会真的需要支付.....
  2. 目前只实现单码的艺术二维码生成,其他暂不支持~~
  3. 除了单码,其他二维码样例图片取自第九工场




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