Han Hu——【ICCV2017】WordSup_Exploiting Word Annotations for Character based Text Detection




文字检测、多方向、直接回归、$$xywh\theta$$ 、multi-stage、监督学习


  • 采用单词、文本行的标注信息进行监督学习来辅助字符检测
  • 在ICDAR2013数据集上F值90+,后来的方法能超过这篇文章的寥寥无几


利用Faster RCNN或SSD等目标检测框架检测单个字符,并利用单词、文本行的标注信息进行监督学习来辅助字符检测器的训练(字符模型和mask进行交替训练),最后采用图模型来进行文本行合并、LSTM空格检测来进行单词切割等后处理。



Figure 1: The visual hierarchies for various language texts under different scenarios. Different languages and scenarios may differ in hierarchy, but they are all formed by a basic element, character


Figure 3: Our pipeline. There are two modules, character detector and text structure analysis. The pipeline is flexible for various scenarios ascribed to the atomicity and universality of characters.


character detector

利用Faster RCNN或者SSD等就可以。进行的修改包括:

  • 因为字符很小,所以进行predition的feature map采用更底层higher resolution的feature map(1/4大小)
  • 采用了hard patch mining方案来解决背景干扰问题。每1万次iteration后把false positives加大权重;

Figure 4: Our basic detection network. The network inherits from the VGG16 network model [36].


采用update mask和update network交替的方式进行训练。

Figure 2: Illustration of our word supervision training approach for a character model. Two alternative steps are conducted: giving the current model, compute a response map which is then used together with word annotations to get a character center mask (red and green points); giving the character center mask, supervise the training of character model.

Figure 5: Updated character responses and the corresponding character masks during word supervised training on ICDAR15 datasets. The initial model in the second column is trained by 5k warmup iterations on synthetic data alone. The 3 ∼ 6th columns are responses during the word supervised training, where the epoch number means for ICDAR15 datasets. For illustration, we use bounding box annotations rather than the original quadrangles in training. Both the responses and character candidates are colored by their scores (indexed by colormap in Matlab)

  • 如何更新character mask?

    给定word box和character response map,确定character位置和大小: 通过最大生成树算法最大化公式(1)来选择字符集合。

    Bchars和Banno分别是选择的字符和单词的bounding box。$$\lambda_1和\lambda_2$$分别表示协方差矩阵C(字符的点坐标)的第一大和第二大的特征根。$$s_1$$倾向于找到bounding box里coverage更大的字符,$$s_2$$倾向于找到同一行直线的字符;

  • 如何更新模型?


  • 字符合并


  • 文本线模型估计和矫正

    • 文本线估计: 0阶-水平和竖直,1阶-倾斜文本,2阶-任意多边形piecewise linear model。
    • 模型矫正:TPS进行矫正
  • 单词切割

    • LSTM-based word blank detection方法


  • 各大数据集的数据标注信息统计

  • Faster RCNN和SSD的对比

Figure 6: Character detection performance of our basic detection network, the faster RCNN and SSD methods on the VGG SynthText-part datasets. Four variants of our method are presented. The first term in brackets indicates the used supervision source. The second term indicates the used hard negative mining strategy, with “one” representing one-level hard negative mining and “two” representing two-level hard negative mining.

  • ICDAR2013(Detval)

  • ICDAR2015

  • 其他复杂场景(曲文、公式等)

Figure 8: Applied to various scenarios. The top row shows detected characters, with colors indicating character scores (indexed by colormap in Matlab). The bottom row shows results of structure analysis.



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