
1 class Employee:

2         'all employee'

3         empCount = 0

4         def __init__(self, name, salary):

5                 self.name = name

6                 self.salary = salary

7                 Employee.empCount += 1

8         def prt(self):

9                 print 'self ', self

10                 print '__class__', self.__class__

11         def displayCount(self):

12                 print 'Total Employee %d' % Employee.empCount

13         def displayEmployee(self):

14                 print 'Name: ', self.name, ', Salary: ', self.salary


16 ee = Employee('zcl', 0)

17 print 'doc', Employee.__doc__

18 ee.displayCount()

19 ee.displayEmployee()

20 ee.prt()

21 print 'hasattr', hasattr(ee, 'empCount'), ee.empCount

22 print 'getattr', getattr(ee, 'empCount')

23 print 'setattr', setattr(ee, 'empCount', 2), ee.empCount

24 print 'delattr', delattr(ee, 'empCount')

25 print 'hasattr', hasattr(ee, 'empCount')

26 print '__dict__', ee.__dict__

27 #print '__name__', ee.__name__

28 print '__module__', ee.__module__

29 #print '__bases__', ee.__bases__


31 class Name:

32         def __init__(self):

33                 self.name = 'I am father'

34         def method(self):

35                 print 'p', self.name

36         def vmethod(self):

37                 print 'vp', 'I am parent method'


39 class Point(Name):

40         def __init__(self, x=0,y=0):

41                 self.x = x

42                 self.y = y

43                 Name.__init__(self)

44         def __del__(self):

45                 class_name = self.__class__.__name__

46                 print class_name, 'destroied'

47         def submethod(self):

48                 Name.method(self)

49         def vmethod(self):

50                 print 'vp', 'I am child method'

51         def __repr__(self):

52                 print '__repr__'

53                 return 'repr finished'

54         def __cmp__(self, x):

55                 if 1==x :

56                         return 1

57                 else:

58                         return 2

59         def __add__(self, other):

60                 return Point(self.x+other.x, self.y+other.y)

61         __privateData = "You can not see me, but properly can!"


63 pt1 = Point()

64 pt2 = pt1

65 pt3 = pt1


67 print id(pt1), id(pt2), id(pt3)

68 pt1.submethod()

69 pt1.vmethod()

70 print repr(pt1)

71 print cmp(pt1, 1)

72 del pt1

73 del pt2

74 del pt3

75 p3 = Point(1, 2)+Point(4, 5)

76 print 'p3.x, p3.y', p3.x, p3.y

77 print 'privateData ', p3._Point__privateData


# python test.py
doc all employee
Total Employee 1
Name: zcl , Salary: 0
self <__main__.Employee instance at 0x7fa0a01c4200>
__class__ __main__.Employee
hasattr True 1
getattr 1
setattr None 2
delattr None
hasattr True
__dict__ {'salary': 0, 'name': 'zcl'}
__module__ __main__
140327857701664 140327857701664 140327857701664
p I am father
vp I am child method
repr finished
Point destroied
Point destroied
Point destroied
p3.x, p3.y 5 7
privateData You can not see me, but properly can!
Point destroied


python 支持多继承,这样一来,它就是c++的脚本版本了吧!!哈哈,但其它高级语言都在弱化多继承,在此,我也不多做讨论了



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