In this lesson you will learn to describe a room or place. 这节课讲学习描述一个房间或地方


1. Where do you study or work? 你在哪学习/工作?

Do you work at a desk?  你在办公桌前工作吗?

Do you study at school?  你在学校学习吗?

Do you work in your own office?  你在你自己的办公室工作吗?

2. Talk about the place where you work /study. 谈谈你工作/学习的地方。

Do you like it?  你喜欢这份工作/学习?

How many people work in one room?一个房间有多少人工作?

Is there a computer on your desk?你的办公桌上有电脑吗?

Do you have a telephone?你有座机吗?

# 描述你家楼上有个餐厅

There is a restaurant in my building

There is a restaurant above my home

# have   &  there be(is/are)区别

have 多指有主语(人)拥有的情况

there be 句型多指无主语(非人)的拥有的情况

词汇(Key Word )

briefcase  公文包

clock  钟

computer 电脑

lamp 灯

flowers 花

door 门

desk 桌子(多指办公桌,课桌)

bookcase 书柜; bookshelf 书架; cabinet  柜子

pictures  图片

chair  椅子  bench  长凳

plants  植物

newspaper  报纸

books 书

phone  电话     telephone 座机;cellphone 手机  mobile phone 手机

window 窗子  ; PS:注意如果窗子在墙上 是   windows in the wall

beside prep.在旁边       # 相似的词 behind    在后面;还拥有的意思,prep. 落后于;支持;晚于 adv. 在后地;在原处  n. 屁股

ideal adj.理想的,不切实际的

idea  n.观点,想法

pool  n.水塘

under   prep.低于,少于;在...之下;

on the wall  在墙上


Think about your ideal place of work or study。Think of eight nice things for your office or desk.Make a list of your ideas,then draw a picture.


1) There are more computer on the desk.

2) There is a long desk

3)There a big projector

4)There is a 65-inch WiFi TV on the wall

5)There is a smart air conditioning

6)There is a HiFi stereo  # 有一个高保真音响

7)There is a sweeping robot  # 有一个扫地机器人

8)There is a air purifier and a lot of plants  有一个空气净化器和许多植物  # PS:这里有个就近原则,如果出现2种及以上的东西最靠近 There be句型的那个是复数还是单数决定be动词的形式。

Do you work at a desk? 你在书桌前工作?

Do you like it? 你喜欢它吗?

How many people work in one room? 在一个房间里有多少人在工作?

Is there a computer on your desk?你的书桌上有一台电脑吗?

Do you have a telephone? 你有一部电话吗?

There is a cat beside the desk.书桌旁边有只猫

There are flowers on the desk。 书桌上有一些花


"There + be"

1) There is a desk.        There are two desks.

2) There isn't a photocopier.    There aren't any photocopiers.                            # photocopier  n. 影印机;复印机

3) Is there a computer? Yes, there is./No there isn't

 Are there any computer? Yes, there are./No, there aren't .


Complete the sentences with there is / there isn't /is there /there are /there aren't/are there. 

a. Kenham isn't an old town. There aren't any old buildings.

b. Look! there is a photograph of your brother in the newspaper!

c. "Excuse me, Is there a blank near here?" "Yes, at the end of the street."

d. Are there five people in my family: my parnts, my two sisters and me.

e. "How many studnts are there in the class?" " Twenty."

f. "Can we take a photograph?" "No, there are any film in the camera."

g. "Is there a bus from the city center to the airport ?" Yes. Every 20 minutes."

h. "Are there  any problems?" No, everything is Ok."

i.   There is    nowhere to sit down.     There are  any chairs.

A. Kenham is a small town. Look at the information in the box and write sentences about Kenham with There is/are or There isn't/aren't.

Kenham 是一个小镇。根据方框中的信息,用There is /are There isn't /aren't 句型介绍这个小镇

1. a castle?   No

2. any restaurants?  Yes(a lot)

3. a hospital?    Yes

4. a swimming pool?    No

5. any cinemas?    Yes(two)

6. a university?    No

7. any big hotels?   No

a. There isn't castle

b. There are a lot of restaurants

c. There is a hospital

d. There isn't a swimming pool

e. There are two cinemas

f. There isn't a university

g.There aren't big hotels

B. Choose words from the boxes below and make sentences with There are.  用There are ...句型选词造句






There are seven days in a week.  一周有七天。

There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet  英语字母表中有二十六个字母

There are fifty states in the USA  美国有五十个州

There are thirty days in September  九月有三十天

There are eight planets in the solar system  太阳系有八大行星

There are fifteen players in a rugby team  橄榄球队有十五名队员


A cooling swim  凉水游泳

Two young women were out walking in the country on a hot summer's day, when they saw a beautiful lake close to the road.


"It's so hot! Let's go for a swim in that lake to cool down!" Suggested the first woman.


"But we haven't got any swimming clothes to wear" said the other.

"但是,我们没有游泳衣可以穿" 另一个人说道

“We can't swim naked!” "Oh, don't worry about that! " Reassured the first woman,"There's nobody here th see us."

"我们不能裸泳" “噢,别担心” 第一个女人安心的说:“这里没有人看到我们”

So they took off all their clothes and got into the lovely cool water for a swim.


After only a few minutes they noticed a farmer walking towards the lake carrying a large bucket.


“Are you here to ask us to get out of the lake?” The first woman asked.


"I think he's here to look at us!" Said the second woman.

"我认为他是来偷看我们的" 第二个女人说道

The old farmer frowned and held up the bucket for them to see.


"No, I'm not here to tell you to get out of the lake, and I didn't come here to watch you ladies swim naked," he replied.


“I'm just here to feed the alligator”


lake n. 湖;深红色颜料;胭脂红

Suggested  v. 建议;暗示(suggest的过去分词)

naked adj. 裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的

Reassured v. 使安心;再次保证(reassure的过去式)

took off   v. 脱掉;开始;起飞( take off的过去式 );突然成功

got into 进入(get into的过去式)

After only a few minutes  几分钟以后

noticed 注意到

towards   prep. 朝,向;对于;有助于

carrying  v. 运载;搬运(carry的现在分词)

bucket  n. 桶,水桶;铲斗;一桶的量

frowned v. 皱眉;用皱眉蹙额表示不满(frown的过去分词)

held up vt. 举起(提出,支持)

replied  vi. 回答;[法] 答辩;回击(reply过去式)

alligator  鳄鱼

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