• 分布式容错性:分布式网络极其鲁棒,能够容忍部分节点的异常状态;
  • 不可篡改性:一致提交后的数据会一直存在,不可被销毁或修改;
  • 隐私保护性:密码学保证了数据隐私,即便数据泄露,也无法解析。


  • 可信任性:区块链技术可以提供天然可信的分布式账本平台,不需要额外第三方中介机构参与;
  • 降低成本:跟传统技术相比,区块链技术可能带来更短的时间、更少的人力,降低维护成本;
  • 增强安全:区块链技术将有利于安全、可靠的审计管理和账目清算,减少犯罪风险。












problem appears both in data consistency maintenance and in
synchronization of a cluster state (propagation of the cluster
membership information and so on). Although the problem above can
be solved by means of a global coordinator that monitors a
database and builds a global synchronization plan or schedule,
decentralized databases take advantage of more
fault-tolerant approach
. The main idea is to use
well-studied epidemic protocols
[7] that are relatively simple, provide a pretty good convergence
time, and can tolerate almost any failures or network partitions.
Although there are different classes of epidemic algorithms, we
focus on anti-entropy protocols because
of their intensive usage in NoSQL databases.

protocols assume that synchronization is performed by a fixed
schedule – every node regularly chooses another node at random or
by some rule and exchanges database contents, resolving
differences. There are three flavors of anti-entropy protocols: push,
pull, and push-pull
. The idea of the push protocol is
to simply select a random peer and push a current state of data to
it. In practice, it is quite silly to push the entire database, so
nodes typically work in accordance with the protocol which is
depicted in the figure below.

coordinator来解决, 但是decentralized设计可以提供more fault-tolerant

就是epidemic protocols,
这儿选了在Nosql中广泛应用的anti-entropy protocols.

问B你有什么和我不同, B告诉我, 我把不同部分push给B

告诉B我有什么, B把我没有的发给我

把上面两个同时结合做了, 图的下面两条线箭头画反了

protocols provide reasonable good convergence time and
scalability. The following figure shows simulation results for
propagation of an update in the cluster of 100 nodes. On each
iteration, each node contacts one randomly selected peer.

can see that the pull style provides better convergence than the
push, and this can be proven theoretically [7]. Also, push has a
problem with a “convergence tail” when a small percent of nodes
remains unaffected during many iterations, although almost all
nodes are already touched. The Push-Pull approach greatly improves
efficiency in comparison with the original push or pulls
techniques, so it is typically used in practice. Anti-entropy is
scalable because the average conversion time grows as a
logarithmic function of the cluster size.

these techniques look pretty simple, there are many studies [5]
regarding performance of anti-entropy protocols under different
constraints. One can leverage knowledge of the network topology to
replace a random peer selection by a more efficient schema [10];
adjust transmit rates or use advanced rules to select data to be
synchronized if the network bandwidth is limited [9]. Computation
of digest can also be challenging, so a database can maintain a
journal of the recent updates to facilitate digests computing.

protocols, 当然是通过convergence

bc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_protocol的更多相关文章

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_threads


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