


using namespace std;

const int cvt = 1;

int main()
char s = '_'; double input_height; cout << "Enter your height(m):" << s << s; cin >> input_height; cout << "Your height is:" << int(input_height) / cvt << "m plus " << 100*(input_height - int(input_height)) << "cm." << endl; system("pause"); }




using namespace std;

const double index1 = 18.5, index2 = 23.9, index3 = 27.0, index4 = 32.0;

int main()
double input_height,input_weight,BMI_index; cout << "Enter your height(m):" << endl; cin >> input_height; cout << "Enter your weight(kg):" << endl; cin >> input_weight; BMI_index = input_weight / (input_height*input_height); cout << "Your BMI index is " << BMI_index << endl; if (BMI_index < index1)
cout << "underweight\n";
else if ((BMI_index >= index1) && (BMI_index < index2))
cout << "normal weight\n";
else if ((BMI_index >= index2) && (BMI_index < index3))
cout << "overweight\n";
else if ((BMI_index >= index3) && (BMI_index < index4))
cout << "obese\n";
cout << "extrmely obese\n"; system("pause"); }


3.要求用户输入秒数,计算其天数+小时数+分钟数+秒数的结果并输出(如“31600000 秒 = 365 天,17小时,46分钟,40秒”)。


using namespace std;

const long S2M = 60,S2H = 3600,S2D = 86400; 

int main()
long long input_seconds; int seconds,minutes,hours,days; cout << "Enter the number of seconds:"; cin >> input_seconds; days = input_seconds / S2D;
hours = (input_seconds % S2D) / S2H;
minutes = ((input_seconds % S2D) % S2H) / S2M;
seconds = ((input_seconds % S2D) % S2H) % S2M; cout << input_seconds << " seconds = ";
cout << days << " days," << hours << " hours," << minutes << " minutes," << seconds << " seconds."; system("pause"); }


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