
standard input

The most famous characters of Pushkin’s works are Onegin \cite{onegin},
Dubrovsky \cite{dubrovsky} and Tsar Saltan \cite{saltan}.
\bibitem{saltan} A.S.Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. 1832.
\bibitem{onegin} A.S.Pushkin. Eugene Onegin. 1831.
\bibitem{dubrovsky} A.S.Pushkin. Dubrovsky. 1841.

standard output

\bibitem{onegin} A.S.Pushkin. Eugene Onegin. 1831.
\bibitem{dubrovsky} A.S.Pushkin. Dubrovsky. 1841.
\bibitem{saltan} A.S.Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. 1832.

standard input

The most famous characters of Pushkin’s works are Onegin \cite{onegin},
Dubrovsky \cite{dubrovsky} and Tsar Saltan \cite{saltan}.
\bibitem{onegin} A.S.Pushkin. Eugene Onegin. 1831.
\bibitem{dubrovsky} A.S.Pushkin. Dubrovsky. 1841.
\bibitem{saltan} A.S.Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. 1832.

standard output







using namespace std; struct Cite{
int idx;
string str;
Cite(int _i,const string& s) {
idx=_i, str=s;
bool operator<(const Cite& oth)const {
return idx<oth.idx;
vector<Cite> cites; int tot;
map<string,int> mp; void Find(const string& s)
int pos,beg=;
string res;
for(beg=pos+;beg<s.size() && s[beg]!='}';beg++) res+=s[beg];
int main()
cin.tie(), cout.tie(); string str;
bool END=;
tot=; mp.clear();
if(str=="\\begin{thebibliography}{99}") {END=;continue;}
if(str=="\\end{thebibliography}") break;
if(!END) Find(str);
int pos=str.find("\\bibitem{");
string res;
for(pos+=;pos<str.size() && str[pos]!='}';pos++) res+=str[pos];
} bool CORRECT=;
for(int i=;i<cites.size();i++) if(cites[i].idx!=i+) CORRECT=;
if(CORRECT) cout<<"Correct\n";
for(int i=;i<cites.size();i++) cout<<cites[i].str<<'\n';

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