
 public static class Parallel
internal static int s_forkJoinContextID;
internal const int DEFAULT_LOOP_STRIDE = ;
internal static ParallelOptions s_defaultParallelOptions = new ParallelOptions(); public static void Invoke(params Action[] actions)
Invoke(s_defaultParallelOptions, actions);
//Executes each of the provided actions, possibly in parallel.
public static void Invoke(ParallelOptions parallelOptions, params Action[] actions)
if (actions == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("actions");
if (parallelOptions == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("parallelOptions");
} // Throw an ODE if we're passed a disposed CancellationToken.
if (parallelOptions.CancellationToken.CanBeCanceled && AppContextSwitches.ThrowExceptionIfDisposedCancellationTokenSource)
// Quit early if we're already canceled -- avoid a bunch of work.
if (parallelOptions.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
throw new OperationCanceledException(parallelOptions.CancellationToken); // We must validate that the actions array contains no null elements, and also
// make a defensive copy of the actions array.
Action[] actionsCopy = new Action[actions.Length];
for (int i = ; i < actionsCopy.Length; i++)
actionsCopy[i] = actions[i];
if (actionsCopy[i] == null)
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Parallel_Invoke_ActionNull"));
// ETW event for Parallel Invoke Begin
int forkJoinContextID = ;
Task callerTask = null;
if (TplEtwProvider.Log.IsEnabled())
forkJoinContextID = Interlocked.Increment(ref s_forkJoinContextID);
callerTask = Task.InternalCurrent;
TplEtwProvider.Log.ParallelInvokeBegin((callerTask != null ? callerTask.m_taskScheduler.Id : TaskScheduler.Current.Id), (callerTask != null ? callerTask.Id : ),
forkJoinContextID, TplEtwProvider.ForkJoinOperationType.ParallelInvoke,
// If we have no work to do, we are done.
if (actionsCopy.Length < ) return;
// In the algorithm below, if the number of actions is greater than this, we automatically
// use Parallel.For() to handle the actions, rather than the Task-per-Action strategy.
// If we've gotten this far, it's time to process the actions.
if ((actionsCopy.Length > SMALL_ACTIONCOUNT_LIMIT) ||
(parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism != -1 && parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism < actionsCopy.Length))
// Used to hold any exceptions encountered during action processing
ConcurrentQueue<Exception> exceptionQ = null; // will be lazily initialized if necessary
// This is more efficient for a large number of actions, or for enforcing MaxDegreeOfParallelism.
// Launch a self-replicating task to handle the execution of all actions.
// The use of a self-replicating task allows us to use as many cores
// as are available, and no more. The exception to this rule is
// that, in the case of a blocked action, the ThreadPool may inject
// extra threads, which means extra tasks can run.
int actionIndex = ;
ParallelForReplicatingTask rootTask = new ParallelForReplicatingTask(parallelOptions, delegate
// Each for-task will pull an action at a time from the list
int myIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref actionIndex); // = index to use + 1
while (myIndex <= actionsCopy.Length)
// Catch and store any exceptions. If we don't catch them, the self-replicating
// task will exit, and that may cause other SR-tasks to exit.
// And (absent cancellation) we want all actions to execute.
actionsCopy[myIndex - ]();
catch (Exception e)
LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized<ConcurrentQueue<Exception>>(ref exceptionQ, () => { return new ConcurrentQueue<Exception>(); });
// Check for cancellation. If it is encountered, then exit the delegate.
if (parallelOptions.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
throw new OperationCanceledException(parallelOptions.CancellationToken);
// You're still in the game. Grab your next action index.
myIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref actionIndex);
}, TaskCreationOptions.None, InternalTaskOptions.SelfReplicating);
catch (Exception e)
LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized<ConcurrentQueue<Exception>>(ref exceptionQ, () => { return new ConcurrentQueue<Exception>(); });
// Since we're consuming all action exceptions, there are very few reasons that
// we would see an exception here. Two that come to mind:
// (1) An OCE thrown by one or more actions (AggregateException thrown)
// (2) An exception thrown from the ParallelForReplicatingTask constructor
// (regular exception thrown).
// We'll need to cover them both.
AggregateException ae = e as AggregateException;
if (ae != null)
// Strip off outer container of an AggregateException, because downstream
// logic needs OCEs to be at the top level.
foreach (Exception exc in ae.InnerExceptions) exceptionQ.Enqueue(exc);
// If we have encountered any exceptions, then throw.
if ((exceptionQ != null) && (exceptionQ.Count > ))
ThrowIfReducableToSingleOCE(exceptionQ, parallelOptions.CancellationToken);
throw new AggregateException(exceptionQ);
// This is more efficient for a small number of actions and no DOP support
// Initialize our array of tasks, one per action.
Task[] tasks = new Task[actionsCopy.Length];
// One more check before we begin...
if (parallelOptions.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
throw new OperationCanceledException(parallelOptions.CancellationToken);
// Launch all actions as tasks
for (int i = ; i < tasks.Length; i++)
tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(actionsCopy[i], parallelOptions.CancellationToken, TaskCreationOptions.None,
InternalTaskOptions.None, parallelOptions.EffectiveTaskScheduler);
// Optimization: Use current thread to run something before we block waiting for all tasks.
tasks[0] = new Task(actionsCopy[0]);
tasks[0].RunSynchronously(parallelOptions.EffectiveTaskScheduler); // Now wait for the tasks to complete. This will not unblock until all of
// them complete, and it will throw an exception if one or more of them also
// threw an exception. We let such exceptions go completely unhandled.
if (tasks.Length <= )
// for 4 or less tasks, the sequential waitall version is faster
// otherwise we revert to the regular WaitAll which delegates the multiple wait to the cooperative event.
catch (AggregateException aggExp)
// see if we can combine it into a single OCE. If not propagate the original exception
ThrowIfReducableToSingleOCE(aggExp.InnerExceptions, parallelOptions.CancellationToken);
for (int i = ; i < tasks.Length; i++)
if (tasks[i].IsCompleted) tasks[i].Dispose();
// ETW event for Parallel Invoke End
if (TplEtwProvider.Log.IsEnabled())
TplEtwProvider.Log.ParallelInvokeEnd((callerTask != null ? callerTask.m_taskScheduler.Id : TaskScheduler.Current.Id), (callerTask != null ? callerTask.Id : ),

Parallel.Invoke 的实现非常简单,如果我们Action的个数超过10或者我们制定的并行度MaxDegreeOfParallelism小于Action的个数,我们采用ParallelForReplicatingTask来完成,否则我们直接把每个Action包装成Task【Task.Factory.StartNew】。这里我们主要看看ParallelForReplicatingTask的实现。

internal class ParallelForReplicatingTask : Task
private int m_replicationDownCount; // downcounter to control replication internal ParallelForReplicatingTask(
ParallelOptions parallelOptions, Action action, TaskCreationOptions creationOptions, InternalTaskOptions internalOptions)
: base(action, null, Task.InternalCurrent, default(CancellationToken), creationOptions, internalOptions | InternalTaskOptions.SelfReplicating, null)
m_replicationDownCount = parallelOptions.EffectiveMaxConcurrencyLevel;
StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
PossiblyCaptureContext(ref stackMark);
} internal override bool ShouldReplicate()
if (m_replicationDownCount == -1) return true; // "run wild"
if (m_replicationDownCount > 0) // Decrement and return true if not called with 0 downcount
return true;
return false; // We're done replicating
} internal override Task CreateReplicaTask(Action<object> taskReplicaDelegate, Object stateObject, Task parentTask, TaskScheduler taskScheduler,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptionsForReplica, InternalTaskOptions internalOptionsForReplica)
return new ParallelForReplicaTask(taskReplicaDelegate, stateObject, parentTask, taskScheduler, creationOptionsForReplica, internalOptionsForReplica);
} internal class ParallelForReplicaTask : Task
internal object m_stateForNextReplica;
internal object m_stateFromPreviousReplica;
internal Task m_handedOverChildReplica;
internal ParallelForReplicaTask(Action<object> taskReplicaDelegate, Object stateObject, Task parentTask, TaskScheduler taskScheduler,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptionsForReplica, InternalTaskOptions internalOptionsForReplica) :
base(taskReplicaDelegate, stateObject, parentTask, default(CancellationToken), creationOptionsForReplica, internalOptionsForReplica, taskScheduler)
} internal override Object SavedStateForNextReplica
get { return m_stateForNextReplica; } set { m_stateForNextReplica = value; }
} internal override Object SavedStateFromPreviousReplica
get { return m_stateFromPreviousReplica; } set { m_stateFromPreviousReplica = value; }
} internal override Task HandedOverChildReplica
get { return m_handedOverChildReplica; } set { m_handedOverChildReplica = value; }


public class Task : IThreadPoolWorkItem, IAsyncResult, IDisposable
Runs the Task synchronously on the current TaskScheduler. A task may only be started and run only once. Any attempts to schedule a task a second time will result in an exception.If the target scheduler does not support running this Task on the current thread, the Task will be scheduled for execution on the scheduler, and the current thread will block until the Task has completed execution.
public void RunSynchronously()
InternalRunSynchronously(TaskScheduler.Current, waitForCompletion: true);
public void RunSynchronously(TaskScheduler scheduler)
if (scheduler == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("scheduler");
InternalRunSynchronously(scheduler, waitForCompletion: true);
} internal void InnerInvokeWithArg(Task childTask)
} private static void ExecuteSelfReplicating(Task root)
TaskCreationOptions creationOptionsForReplicas = root.CreationOptions | TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent;
InternalTaskOptions internalOptionsForReplicas =
InternalTaskOptions.ChildReplica | // child replica flag disables self replication for the replicas themselves.
InternalTaskOptions.SelfReplicating | // we still want to identify this as part of a self replicating group
InternalTaskOptions.QueuedByRuntime; // we queue and cancel these tasks internally, so don't allow CT registration to take place
// Important Note: The child replicas we launch from here will be attached the root replica (by virtue of the root.CreateReplicaTask call)
// because we need the root task to receive all their exceptions, and to block until all of them return
// This variable is captured in a closure and shared among all replicas.
bool replicasAreQuitting = false;
// Set up a delegate that will form the body of the root and all recursively created replicas.
Action<object> taskReplicaDelegate = null;
taskReplicaDelegate = delegate
Task currentTask = Task.InternalCurrent;
// Check if a child task has been handed over by a prematurely quiting replica that we might be a replacement for.
Task childTask = currentTask.HandedOverChildReplica;
if (childTask == null)
// Apparently we are not a replacement task. This means we need to queue up a child task for replication to progress
// Down-counts a counter in the root task.
if (!root.ShouldReplicate()) return;
// If any of the replicas have quit, we will do so ourselves.
if (Volatile.Read(ref replicasAreQuitting))
} // Propagate a copy of the context from the root task. It may be null if flow was suppressed.
ExecutionContext creatorContext = root.CapturedContext;
childTask = root.CreateReplicaTask(taskReplicaDelegate, root.m_stateObject, root, root.ExecutingTaskScheduler,
creationOptionsForReplicas, internalOptionsForReplicas);
childTask.CapturedContext = CopyExecutionContext(creatorContext);
// Finally invoke the meat of the task.
// Note that we are directly calling root.InnerInvoke() even though we are currently be in the action delegate of a child replica
// This is because the actual work was passed down in that delegate, and the action delegate of the child replica simply contains this
// replication control logic.
// passing in currentTask only so that the parallel debugger can find it
catch (Exception exn)
// Record this exception in the root task's exception list
if (exn is ThreadAbortException)
// If this is a ThreadAbortException it will escape this catch clause, causing us to skip the regular Finish codepath
// In order not to leave the task unfinished, we now call FinishThreadAbortedTask here
currentTask.FinishThreadAbortedTask(false, true);
Object savedState = currentTask.SavedStateForNextReplica;
// check for premature exit
if (savedState != null)
// the replica decided to exit early
// we need to queue up a replacement, attach the saved state, and yield the thread right away Task replacementReplica = root.CreateReplicaTask(taskReplicaDelegate, root.m_stateObject, root, root.ExecutingTaskScheduler,
creationOptionsForReplicas, internalOptionsForReplicas);
// Propagate a copy of the context from the root task to the replacement task
ExecutionContext creatorContext = root.CapturedContext;
replacementReplica.CapturedContext = CopyExecutionContext(creatorContext);
replacementReplica.HandedOverChildReplica = childTask;
replacementReplica.SavedStateFromPreviousReplica = savedState;
// The replica finished normally, which means it can't find more work to grab.
// Time to mark replicas quitting
replicasAreQuitting = true;
// InternalCancel() could conceivably throw in the underlying scheduler's TryDequeue() method.
// If it does, then make sure that we record it.
catch (Exception e)
// Apparently TryDequeue threw an exception. Before propagating that exception, InternalCancel should have
// attempted an atomic state transition and a call to CancellationCleanupLogic() on this task. So we know
// the task was properly cleaned up if it was possible.
// Now all we need to do is to Record the exception in the root task.
// No specific action needed if the child could not be canceled
// because we attached it to the root task, which should therefore be receiving any exceptions from the child,
// and root.wait will not return before this child finishes anyway. }
// Now we execute as the root task


Task.RunSynchronously->Task.InternalRunSynchronously->TaskScheduler.TryRunInline(false)->TaskScheduler.InternalQueueTask->ThreadPoolTaskScheduler.QueueTask->Task.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()->Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal->Task.ExecuteEntry->Task.Execute,说白了最终会调用Task的Execute方法,在Execute方法中会检查 IsSelfReplicatingRoot是否为true【在实例ParallelForReplicatingTask时指定了参数InternalTaskOptions.SelfReplicating】,如果是则调用ExecuteSelfReplicating方法。

ExecuteSelfReplicating方法首先检查当前Task的ExecuteSelfReplicating属性是否为空【该属性也是一个Task,如果为空表示这个task运行的Action已经结束】,不为空时 我们检查Root Task是否还需要 Replicate【调用ParallelForReplicatingTask的ShouldReplicate,root.ShouldReplicate()】,然后在检查变量replicasAreQuitting是否退出循环【if (Volatile.Read(ref replicasAreQuitting)) 多线程读】,否者调用ParallelForReplicatingTask的CreateReplicaTask创建子任务,最后调用root.InnerInvokeWithArg(currentTask);,其实这里就是调用Parallel.Invoke里面的的delegate委托,每次调用只执行一个Action,currentTask.SavedStateForNextReplica这一句在Parallel.Invoke没有什么意义,但是在Parallel.For里面表示下一个要执行的Task,ParallelForReplicatingTask会执行一个Action,它可以创建子的ParallelForReplicatingTask,每个ParallelForReplicatingTask实例也会执行一个Action。实际上我没有多少个Action 就会调用多少次Task.Execute,ParallelForReplicatingTask实例个数很大程度上取决于并行度参数EffectiveMaxConcurrencyLevel,也决定ExecuteSelfReplicating调用的次数。如下线程代用流程如下: 流程1永远只调用1次【 rootTask.RunSynchronously】,流程2是ExecuteSelfReplicating代用次数,流程3是普通InnerInvoke调用次数

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