January 15th, 2018 Week 03rd Monday
We got things to do. Places to go. People to see. Futures to make.
Since I joined this research team on September 6th, 2017, I have purchased many technical books to replenish my bookshelf, and the total number is about thirty or so.
A bundle of money, and it may take innumerable amounts of time to finish reading them, maybe I would never succeed in it.
Just an impossible task, especially in this fast-moving world.
We have many things to do, many places to go, many people to see, and many futures to create, we seldom can spare enough time to read books in the inefficient ways as we used to in the past, from A to Z and trying to remember every detail in the book.
That would make you feel boring and tired, particularly when the knowledge you've learned can't produce some worthy outcomes.
Maybe it is not a good tatic to study new things just by reading books, just by following what others have done before.
Try to determine the main-line or the backbone of our knowledge-system and skill-set, then all our learning and training should be based on this mainline.
You are not responsible for the world, you are only responsible for your work, so Do IT.
From Sol LeWitt.
I had dreamed to be a superman who can eliminate all the unfairness in the world.
But nwo I have to strive hard so as to earn for myself a little piece of bread.
So hard the life is, it seems I have fallen on very hard times for a long time and there would be no end to it.
Sometimes, I feel that no matter hard I have tried, there are always some gaps that I can't easily cross over.
But I don't think I should give up just yet.
Fight for a fair world, fight for our common dreams.
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