



 1 <lvc:CartesianChart Grid.Row="2" Zoom="None" Margin="0,40">
2 <lvc:CartesianChart.AxisX>
3 <!--LabelFormatter-轴坐标标签样式;MinValue-轴坐标起点;MaxValue-轴坐标终点-->
4 <lvc:Axis Style="{StaticResource FontChartAxis}"
5 LabelFormatter="{Binding Path=Formatter}"
6 MinValue="{Binding Path=From, Mode=TwoWay}"
7 MaxValue="{Binding Path=To, Mode=TwoWay}">
8 <!--Separator-坐标平面分割线 StrokeDashArray-分割线虚线间隔-->
9 <lvc:Axis.Separator>
10 <lvc:Separator Stroke="#33ffffff" StrokeDashArray="10"/>
11 </lvc:Axis.Separator>
12 </lvc:Axis>
13 </lvc:CartesianChart.AxisX>
14 <lvc:CartesianChart.AxisY>
15 <!--Labels-轴坐标标签列表-->
16 <lvc:Axis Style="{StaticResource FontChartAxis}"
17 Labels="{Binding Path=Labels}">
18 <lvc:Axis.Separator>
19 <lvc:Separator Stroke="#33ffffff" StrokeDashArray="10"/>
20 </lvc:Axis.Separator>
21 </lvc:Axis>
22 </lvc:CartesianChart.AxisY>
23 <!--Series-数据序列-->
24 <lvc:CartesianChart.Series>
25 <!--RowSeries-数据序列按行显示 LabelPosition-数据标签位置 DataLabels-是否显示数据标签 Values-数据序列值-->
26 <lvc:RowSeries Style="{StaticResource FontRowSeries}"
27 Fill="#008bd3" LabelsPosition="Parallel" DataLabels="True" Values="{Binding Path=Values}"/>
28 </lvc:CartesianChart.Series>
29 </lvc:CartesianChart>

Gantt Chart xaml


 1 private double _from;
2 private double _to;
3 private Func<double, string> _formatter;
4 private string[] _labels;
5 private ChartValues<GanttPoint> _values;
6 public double From { get { return _from; } set { _from = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => From); } }
7 public double To { get { return _to; } set { _to = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => To); } }
8 public Func<double, string> Formatter { get { return _formatter; } set { _formatter = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Formatter); } }
9 public string[] Labels { get { return _labels; } set { _labels = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Labels); } }
10 public ChartValues<GanttPoint> Values { get { return _values; } set { _values = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Values); } }
12 public void ShowGanttChart()
13 {
14 var now = DateTime.Now;
16 Values = new ChartValues<GanttPoint>
17 {
18 new GanttPoint(now.Ticks, now.AddSeconds(2).Ticks),
19 new GanttPoint(now.AddSeconds(1).Ticks, now.AddSeconds(3).Ticks),
20 new GanttPoint(now.AddSeconds(3).Ticks, now.AddSeconds(5).Ticks),
21 new GanttPoint(now.AddSeconds(5).Ticks, now.AddSeconds(8).Ticks),
22 new GanttPoint(now.AddSeconds(6).Ticks, now.AddSeconds(10).Ticks)
23 };
25 Formatter = value => new DateTime((long)value).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
27 Labels = new[]
28 {
29 "原材料出库", "智能装配","个性化定制", "智能包装", "智能仓储"
30 };
31 From = _values.First().StartPoint;
32 To = _values.Last().EndPoint;
33 }

Gantt Chart cs




 1 <!--Gauge进度环 GaugeBackground背景环颜色 HighFontSize环内数字字号 Uses360Mode半圆还是整圆 InnerRadius内圆半径 Value环内数字值-->
2 <lvc:Gauge Grid.Row="0" GaugeBackground="#11ffffff" HighFontSize="24"
3 Uses360Mode="False" From="0" To="100" InnerRadius="35" Value="{Binding OrderProgress}" >
4 <!--该设置:起点零点 方向逆时针-->
5 <lvc:Gauge.GaugeRenderTransform>
6 <TransformGroup>
7 <RotateTransform Angle="90"></RotateTransform>
8 <ScaleTransform ScaleX="-1"></ScaleTransform>
9 </TransformGroup>
10 </lvc:Gauge.GaugeRenderTransform>
11 <!--设置圆环的颜色渐变-->
12 <lvc:Gauge.GaugeActiveFill>
13 <LinearGradientBrush>
14 <GradientStop Color="#539fff" Offset="0.0" />
15 <GradientStop Color="#00eaff" Offset="0.5" />
16 <GradientStop Color="#6af0ff" Offset="1.0" />
17 </LinearGradientBrush>
18 </lvc:Gauge.GaugeActiveFill>
19 </lvc:Gauge>

Gauge xaml


1 private double _orderProgress;
2 public double OrderProgress { get { return _orderProgress; } set { _orderProgress = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => OrderProgress); } }
4 private void ShowGauge()
5 {
6 OrderProgress = 90;
7 }

Gauge cs




 1 <!--柱状堆积图-->
2 <!--LegendLocation图例位置-->
3 <lvc:CartesianChart Grid.Column="1" LegendLocation="Right" Margin="20,0">
4 <lvc:CartesianChart.AxisX>
5 <lvc:Axis Style="{StaticResource FontChartAxis}" Labels="{Binding Labels}" Title="时间">
6 <lvc:Axis.Separator>
7 <!--Step柱间隔-->
8 <lvc:Separator Step="5" Stroke="#33ffffff" StrokeDashArray="10"/>
9 </lvc:Axis.Separator>
10 </lvc:Axis>
11 </lvc:CartesianChart.AxisX>
12 <lvc:CartesianChart.AxisY>
13 <lvc:Axis Style="{StaticResource FontChartAxis}" Title="数量">
14 <lvc:Axis.Separator>
15 <lvc:Separator Stroke="#33ffffff" StrokeDashArray="10"/>
16 </lvc:Axis.Separator>
17 </lvc:Axis>
18 </lvc:CartesianChart.AxisY>
19 <lvc:CartesianChart.Series>
20 <!--StackedColumnSeries要比较的其中一类 MaxColumnWidth柱状图宽度 DataLabels是否显示柱状图数值 Title图例中名称-->
21 <lvc:StackedColumnSeries Style="{StaticResource FontStackedColumnSeries}"
22 Fill="#222222" LabelsPosition="Merged" MaxColumnWidth="20" DataLabels="True"
23 Values="{Binding V1}" Title="黑色U盘">
24 </lvc:StackedColumnSeries>
25 <lvc:StackedColumnSeries Style="{StaticResource FontStackedColumnSeries}"
26 Fill="#26def2" LabelsPosition="Merged" MaxColumnWidth="20" DataLabels="True"
27 Values="{Binding V2}" Title="蓝色U盘">
28 </lvc:StackedColumnSeries>
29 <lvc:StackedColumnSeries Style="{StaticResource FontStackedColumnSeries}"
30 Fill="#ee6363" LabelsPosition="Merged" MaxColumnWidth="20" DataLabels="True"
31 Values="{Binding V3}" Title="红色U盘">
32 </lvc:StackedColumnSeries>
33 </lvc:CartesianChart.Series>
34 <lvc:CartesianChart.ChartLegend>
35 <!--BulletSize图例中圆点尺寸-->
36 <lvc:DefaultLegend BulletSize="12" Style="{StaticResource FontChartLegend}"/>
37 </lvc:CartesianChart.ChartLegend>
38 </lvc:CartesianChart>

StackedColumn xaml


 1 private string[] _labels;
2 private IChartValues _v1;
3 private IChartValues _v2;
4 private IChartValues _v3;
5 public IChartValues V1 { get { return _v1; } set { _v1 = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => V1); } }
6 public IChartValues V2 { get { return _v2; } set { _v2 = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => V2); } }
7 public IChartValues V3 { get { return _v3; } set { _v3 = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => V3); } }
8 public string[] Labels { get { return _labels; } set { _labels = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Labels); } }
9 private void ShowStackedColumn()
10 {
11 V1 = new ChartValues<ObservableValue>
12 {
13 new ObservableValue(5),
14 new ObservableValue(8),
15 new ObservableValue(2),
16 new ObservableValue(4),
17 new ObservableValue(6),
18 new ObservableValue(2),
19 new ObservableValue(9),
20 new ObservableValue(4),
21 new ObservableValue(6),
22 new ObservableValue(2),
23 new ObservableValue(9),
24 new ObservableValue(3)
25 };
26 V2 = new ChartValues<ObservableValue>
27 {
28 new ObservableValue(5),
29 new ObservableValue(8),
30 new ObservableValue(2),
31 new ObservableValue(4),
32 new ObservableValue(6),
33 new ObservableValue(2),
34 new ObservableValue(9),
35 new ObservableValue(4),
36 new ObservableValue(6),
37 new ObservableValue(2),
38 new ObservableValue(9),
39 new ObservableValue(3)
40 };
41 V3 = new ChartValues<ObservableValue>
42 {
43 new ObservableValue(5),
44 new ObservableValue(8),
45 new ObservableValue(2),
46 new ObservableValue(4),
47 new ObservableValue(6),
48 new ObservableValue(2),
49 new ObservableValue(9),
50 new ObservableValue(4),
51 new ObservableValue(6),
52 new ObservableValue(2),
53 new ObservableValue(9),
54 new ObservableValue(3)
55 };
57 Labels = new[]
58 {
59 "1月", "2月","3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月"
60 };
61 }

StackedColumn cs




 1 <!--环形饼状图-->
2 <!--InnerRadius内圆半径-->
3 <lvc:PieChart Grid.Column="0" Margin="80,25" LegendLocation="Right" InnerRadius="35">
4 <lvc:PieChart.Series>
5 <!--PieSeries要比较的其中一类 -->
6 <lvc:PieSeries Style="{StaticResource FontPieSeries}" Fill="#222222" DataLabels="True" Values="4" Title="黑色U盘"/>
7 <lvc:PieSeries Style="{StaticResource FontPieSeries}" Fill="#26def2" DataLabels="True" Values="5" Title="蓝色U盘"/>
8 <lvc:PieSeries Style="{StaticResource FontPieSeries}" Fill="#ee6363" DataLabels="True" Values="6" Title="红色U盘"/>
9 </lvc:PieChart.Series>
10 <lvc:PieChart.ChartLegend>
11 <lvc:DefaultLegend BulletSize="12" Style="{StaticResource FontChartLegend}"/>
12 </lvc:PieChart.ChartLegend>
13 </lvc:PieChart>

Pie xaml




1 <lvc:PieChart Name="Chart" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="4"
2 Series="{Binding OrderCountSeries}" Margin="0,0,35,0" LegendLocation="Right" InnerRadius="25">
3 <lvc:PieChart.ChartLegend>
4 <lvc:DefaultLegend BulletSize="18" Style="{StaticResource FontDefaultStyle}"></lvc:DefaultLegend>
5 </lvc:PieChart.ChartLegend>
6 </lvc:PieChart>

Pie2 xaml


 1 private SeriesCollection _orderCountSeries;
2 public SeriesCollection OrderCountSeries { get { return _orderCountSeries; } set { _orderCountSeries = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => OrderCountSeries); } }
3 public ObservableValue OrangeOrderCount { get; set; } = new ObservableValue();
4 public ObservableValue AppleOrderCount { get; set; } = new ObservableValue();
5 public ObservableValue PearOrderCount { get; set; } = new ObservableValue();
7 private void InitializeChartSeries()
8 {
9 OrderCountSeries = new SeriesCollection
10 {
11 new PieSeries
12 {
13 Title = "橙 汁 Orange",
14 Values = new ChartValues<ObservableValue> { new ObservableValue() },
15 DataLabels = true,
16 FontSize = 28
17 },
18 new PieSeries
19 {
20 Title = "苹果汁 Apple",
21 Values = new ChartValues<ObservableValue> { new ObservableValue() },
22 DataLabels = true,
23 FontSize = 28
24 },
25 new PieSeries
26 {
27 Title = "梨 汁 Pear",
28 Values = new ChartValues<ObservableValue> { new ObservableValue() },
29 DataLabels = true,
30 FontSize = 28
31 }
32 };
33 }
35 private void UpdateChartSeries()
36 {
37 OrangeOrderCount.Value = TodaysFinishedOrderList != null ? TodaysFinishedOrderList.FindAll(o => o.PRODUCT_CODE == (int)ItemType.Orange).Count : 0;
38 AppleOrderCount.Value = TodaysFinishedOrderList != null ? TodaysFinishedOrderList.FindAll(o => o.PRODUCT_CODE == (int)ItemType.Apple).Count : 0;
39 PearOrderCount.Value = TodaysFinishedOrderList != null ? TodaysFinishedOrderList.FindAll(o => o.PRODUCT_CODE == (int)ItemType.Pear).Count : 0;
41 OrderCountSeries[0].Values[0] = OrangeOrderCount;
42 OrderCountSeries[1].Values[0] = AppleOrderCount;
43 OrderCountSeries[2].Values[0] = PearOrderCount;
44 }

Pie2 cs




 1 <!--LegendLocation图例位置-->
2 <lvc:CartesianChart Margin="20,75,20,15">
3 <lvc:CartesianChart.AxisX>
4 <lvc:Axis Style="{StaticResource FontChartAxis}" FontSize="12" Labels="{Binding Path=StorageLabels}" Title="库位" LabelsRotation="20">
5 <lvc:Axis.Separator>
6 <!--Step柱间隔-->
7 <lvc:Separator Step="1" IsEnabled="False"/>
8 </lvc:Axis.Separator>
9 </lvc:Axis>
10 </lvc:CartesianChart.AxisX>
11 <lvc:CartesianChart.AxisY>
12 <lvc:Axis Style="{StaticResource FontChartAxis}" FontSize="12" Title="百分比" LabelFormatter="{Binding Path=AxisPercentage}">
13 <lvc:Axis.Separator>
14 <lvc:Separator Stroke="#33ffffff" StrokeDashArray="10"/>
15 </lvc:Axis.Separator>
16 </lvc:Axis>
17 </lvc:CartesianChart.AxisY>
18 <lvc:CartesianChart.Series>
19 <lvc:ColumnSeries Style="{StaticResource FontColumnSeries}" Values="{Binding Path=StoragePercentages}"
20 DataLabels="True" LabelsPosition="Top"/>
21 </lvc:CartesianChart.Series>
22 <lvc:CartesianChart.ChartLegend>
23 <!--BulletSize图例中圆点尺寸-->
24 <lvc:DefaultLegend BulletSize="12" Style="{StaticResource FontChartLegend}"/>
25 </lvc:CartesianChart.ChartLegend>
26 </lvc:CartesianChart>

Column xaml


 1 private Func<double, string> _axisPercentage;
2 private string[] _storageLabels;
3 private IChartValues _storagePercentages;
4 public Func<double, string> AxisPercentage { get { return _axisPercentage; } set { _axisPercentage = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => AxisPercentage); } }
5 public string[] StorageLabels { get { return _storageLabels; } set { _storageLabels = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => StorageLabels); } }
6 public IChartValues StoragePercentages { get { return _storagePercentages; } set { _storagePercentages = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => StoragePercentages); } }
7 private void ShowStoragePercentageColumnChart()
8 {
9 StorageLabels = new[]
10 {
11 "单元一原料","单元一成品","单元二原料","单元二半成品","单元三原料","单元三半成品","单元四原料","单元四半成品"
12 };
13 AxisPercentage = val => val.ToString("P");
14 StoragePercentages = new ChartValues<double> { 0.2, 0.5, 0.44, 0.88, 0.22, 0.6, 0.14, 0.09 };
15 }

Column cs




 1 <lvc:CartesianChart Grid.Column="2" LegendLocation="Right" Margin="15,0">
2 <lvc:CartesianChart.AxisX>
3 <lvc:Axis Style="{StaticResource FontChartAxis}" FontSize="12" Labels="{Binding Path=XTimeLabels}" Title="时间" LabelsRotation="40">
4 <lvc:Axis.Separator>
5 <!--Step柱间隔-->
6 <lvc:Separator Step="1" IsEnabled="False"/>
7 </lvc:Axis.Separator>
8 </lvc:Axis>
9 </lvc:CartesianChart.AxisX>
10 <lvc:CartesianChart.AxisY>
11 <lvc:Axis Style="{StaticResource FontChartAxis}" FontSize="12" Title="百分比" LabelFormatter="{Binding Path=YPercentageFormat}">
12 <lvc:Axis.Separator>
13 <lvc:Separator Stroke="#33ffffff" StrokeDashArray="10"/>
14 </lvc:Axis.Separator>
15 </lvc:Axis>
16 </lvc:CartesianChart.AxisY>
17 <lvc:CartesianChart.Series>
18 <lvc:LineSeries Values="{Binding OccupancyRatesCell1}" PointGeometrySize="2" Stroke="#00f5ff" Fill="#1100f5ff" LineSmoothness="0" Title="一单元"/>
19 <lvc:LineSeries Values="{Binding OccupancyRatesCell2}" PointGeometrySize="2" Stroke="#ccffcc" Fill="#11ccffcc" LineSmoothness="0" Title="二单元"/>
20 <lvc:LineSeries Values="{Binding OccupancyRatesCell3}" PointGeometrySize="2" Stroke="#333399" Fill="#11333399" LineSmoothness="0" Title="三单元"/>
21 <lvc:LineSeries Values="{Binding OccupancyRatesCell4}" PointGeometrySize="2" Stroke="#9966cc" Fill="#119966cc" LineSmoothness="0" Title="四单元"/>
22 </lvc:CartesianChart.Series>
23 <lvc:CartesianChart.ChartLegend>
24 <!--BulletSize图例中圆点尺寸-->
25 <lvc:DefaultLegend BulletSize="12" Style="{StaticResource FontChartLegend}"/>
26 </lvc:CartesianChart.ChartLegend>
27 </lvc:CartesianChart>

Line xaml


 1 private string[] _xTimeLabels;
2 private Func<double, string> _yPercentageFormat;
3 private ChartValues<double> _occupancyRatesCell1;
4 private ChartValues<double> _occupancyRatesCell2;
5 private ChartValues<double> _occupancyRatesCell3;
6 private ChartValues<double> _occupancyRatesCell4;
7 public string[] XTimeLabels { get { return _xTimeLabels; } set { _xTimeLabels = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => XTimeLabels); } }
8 public Func<double, string> YPercentageFormat { get { return _yPercentageFormat; } set { _yPercentageFormat = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => YPercentageFormat); } }
9 public ChartValues<double> OccupancyRatesCell1 { get { return _occupancyRatesCell1; } set { _occupancyRatesCell1 = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => OccupancyRatesCell1); } }
10 public ChartValues<double> OccupancyRatesCell2 { get { return _occupancyRatesCell2; } set { _occupancyRatesCell2 = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => OccupancyRatesCell2); } }
11 public ChartValues<double> OccupancyRatesCell3 { get { return _occupancyRatesCell3; } set { _occupancyRatesCell3 = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => OccupancyRatesCell3); } }
12 public ChartValues<double> OccupancyRatesCell4 { get { return _occupancyRatesCell4; } set { _occupancyRatesCell4 = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => OccupancyRatesCell4); } }
13 private void InitOccupancyRate()
14 {
15 YPercentageFormat = value => value.ToString("P0"); //P0表示只保留整数,P表示保留小数点后两位
16 XTimeLabels = new[] { "08:00", "09:00", "10:00", "11:00", "12:00", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00", "17:00" }; ;
17 OccupancyRatesCell1 = new ChartValues<double> { 0.75, 0.87, 0.82, 0.69, 0.73, 0.71, 0.80, 0.85, 0.88, 0.79 };
18 OccupancyRatesCell2 = new ChartValues<double> { 0.84, 0.77, 0.66, 0.74, 0.83, 0.79, 0.75, 0.79, 0.84, 0.86 };
19 OccupancyRatesCell3 = new ChartValues<double> { 0.87, 0.85, 0.77, 0.88, 0.69, 0.82, 0.77, 0.78, 0.73, 0.84 };
20 OccupancyRatesCell4 = new ChartValues<double> { 0.81, 0.76, 0.78, 0.80, 0.64, 0.85, 0.83, 0.68, 0.78, 0.82 };
21 }

Line cs



 1 <!--LiveCharts文字样式-->
2 <!--图表坐标轴文字-->
3 <Style x:Key="FontChartAxis" TargetType="{x:Type lvc:Axis}">
4 <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
5 <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
6 <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Microsoft Yahei"/>
7 <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="14"/>
8 <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>
9 </Style>
10 <!--柱状堆积图文字-->
11 <Style x:Key="FontStackedColumnSeries" TargetType="{x:Type lvc:StackedColumnSeries}">
12 <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
13 <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
14 <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Microsoft Yahei"/>
15 <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="10"/>
16 <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>
17 </Style>
18 <!--柱状图文字-->
19 <Style x:Key="FontColumnSeries" TargetType="{x:Type lvc:ColumnSeries}">
20 <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
21 <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
22 <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Microsoft Yahei"/>
23 <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="10"/>
24 <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>
25 </Style>
26 <!--图例文字-->
27 <Style x:Key="FontChartLegend" TargetType="{x:Type lvc:DefaultLegend}">
28 <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
29 <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
30 <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Microsoft Yahei"/>
31 <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="12"/>
32 <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>
33 </Style>
34 <!--图表行文字-->
35 <Style x:Key="FontRowSeries" TargetType="{x:Type lvc:RowSeries}">
36 <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
37 <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
38 <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Microsoft Yahei"/>
39 <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="9"/>
40 <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>
41 </Style>
42 <!--饼状图文字-->
43 <Style x:Key="FontPieSeries" TargetType="{x:Type lvc:PieSeries}">
44 <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
45 <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
46 <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Microsoft Yahei"/>
47 <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="24"/>
48 <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>
49 </Style>



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    Uwl.Admin.Core中使用RabbitMQ消息队列: 本文负责讲解RabbitMQ的使用 Uwl.Admin.Core使用的技术有: *.Async和Await 异步编程 *.Reposito ...

  6. jdk、jre、javase、javaee、javame的区别

    Jdk定义 JAVA的开发工具包,包含jre,可以进行编译和运行Java程序. Jre定义 JAVA的运行环境,如果不需要进行编译程序,则可只安装jre. Javase定义 标准版Java SE(Ja ...

  7. js中(function(){}()),(function(){})(),$(function(){});之间的区别

    1. (function(){}())与(function(){})() 这两种写法,都是一种立即执行函数的写法,即IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Express ...

  8. MySQL 数据库的tab 补全功能 (懒人必备)

    MySQL 数据库的tab补全功能                      跟着步骤走~~ 懒人养成第一步 不仅帮你补全 甚至预判你的预判,就问你可怕不可怕 1.安装相关依赖软件(需要配置yum官方 ...

  9. LNMP架构的源码编译以及yum安装

    LNMP架构的源码编译以及yum安装 目录 LNMP架构的源码编译以及yum安装 一.LNMP架构的编译安装 1. 安装nginx服务 (1)关闭防火墙 (2)安装依赖包 (3)创建运行用户 (4)编 ...

  10. BumbleBee: 如丝般顺滑构建、交付和运行 eBPF 程序

    本文地址: 1. 前言 不久前, 公司在官网博客宣布了开源了一个名称为 BumbleBee 的新项目.该项目专注于简 ...