For example we have

'a' -> 1

'b' -> 2


'z' -> 26

By given "12", we can decode the string to give result "ab" or 'L', 2 ways to decode, your function should return 2 as an answer.

Now asking by given "1246", what should be the return number;

The thinking process is somehow like this:

by given "1" -> we got 'a'

by given "" -> we got ""

by given "12345" -> 'a' + decode('2345') or 'L' + decode('345'), therefore number of ways to decode "12345"is the same of decode(2345)+decode(345).

Somehow we can see that this is a recursion task, therefore we can use Dynamice Programming + memo way to solve the problem.

const data = "";

function num_ways(data) {
// k : count from last to beginning
function helper(data, k, memo) {
if (k === ) {
// if k equals 0, mean only one single digital number left
// means there must be one char
return ;
} if (data === "") {
// if data equals empty, then return 1
return ;
} if (memo[k] != null) {
return memo[k];
} const start = data.length - k;
if (data[start] === "") {
// if sth start as 0, then no char
return ;
} let result = helper(data, k - , memo); if (k >= && parseInt(data.slice(start, start + ), ) <= ) {
result += helper(data, k - , memo);
} memo[k] = result; return result;
} let memo = [];
return helper(data, data.length, memo);
} const res = num_ways(data);
console.log(res); //

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