  2. #include<iostream>
  3. #include<cstring>
  4. #include<cstdio>
  5. #include<stack>
  7. using namespace std;
  9. /*************
  10. *计算
  11. *************/
  13. int operate(int a, char op, int b ){
  14. if(op == '+') return a+b;
  15. else if(op == '-') return a-b;
  16. else if(op == '*') return a*b;
  17. else if(op == '/') return a/b;
  18. }
  20. /**************
  21. *比較优先级
  22. **************/
  24. char precede(char a, char b){
  25. if(a=='+' || a=='-'){
  26. if(b=='*' || b=='/' || b=='(') return '<';
  27. else if(b==')' || b=='+'
  28. || b=='-' || b=='#') return '>';
  29. }
  31. else if(a=='*' || a=='/'){
  32. if(b=='(') return '<';
  33. else if(b=='+' || b=='-' || b=='*'
  34. || b=='/' || b==')' || b=='#') return '>';
  35. }
  37. else if(a=='('){
  38. if(b=='+' || b=='-' || b=='*'
  39. || b=='/' || b=='(') return '<';
  40. else if(b==')') return '=';
  41. }
  43. else if(a==')'){
  44. if(b=='+' || b=='-' || b=='*'
  45. || b=='/' || b=='#' || b==')') return '>';
  46. }
  48. else if(a=='#'){
  49. if(b=='+' || b=='-' || b=='*' ||
  50. b=='/' || b=='#' || b=='(') return '<';
  51. }
  52. }
  54. /**********************
  55. *推断是否为数字字符
  56. **********************/
  58. bool judge(char a){
  59. if(a>='0' && a<='9')return true;
  60. else return false;
  61. }
  63. /***************
  64. *Main函数
  65. ***************/
  67. int main()
  68. {
  69. stack<int>op_n;
  70. stack<char>op_s;
  71. char str, ans;
  72. int num = 0;
  73. bool flag = false;
  74. op_s.push('#');
  75. cin >> str;
  77. while(str!='#' || op_s.top()!='#'){
  78. if(judge(str)){
  79. flag = true;
  80. num = num*10 + (str-'0'); /*处理多位数数据*/
  81. cin >> str;
  82. }else{
  83. if(flag){
  84. flag = false;
  85. op_n.push(num);
  86. num = 0;
  87. }
  88. ans = precede(op_s.top(), str);
  89. if(ans == '<'){
  90. op_s.push(str);
  91. cin>>str;
  92. }
  94. if(ans == '='){
  95. op_s.pop();
  96. cin >> str;
  97. }
  99. if(ans == '>'){
  100. int a;int b;char c;
  101. b = op_n.top();op_n.pop();
  102. a = op_n.top();op_n.pop();
  103. c = op_s.top();op_s.pop();
  104. cout << a << ' ' << c
  105. << ' ' << b << endl;
  106. op_n.push( operate(a, c, b) );
  107. }
  108. }
  109. }
  110. cout << op_n.top() << endl;
  111. return 0;
  112. }


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