Test Fragment--测试片段

The Test Fragment is used in conjunction with the Include Controller and Module Controller .


Include Controller--包含控制器

The include controller is designed to use an external jmx file. To use it, create a Test Fragment underneath the Test Plan and add any desired samplers, controllers etc. below it. Then save the Test Plan. The file is now ready to be included as part of other Test Plans.

For convenience, a Thread Group can also be added in the external JMX file for debugging purposes. A Module Controller can be used to reference the Test Fragment. The Thread Group will be ignored during the include process.

If the test uses a Cookie Manager or User Defined Variables, these should be placed in the top-level test plan, not the included file, otherwise they are not guaranteed to work.

1.Include controller(包含控制器)是用来使用外部jmx文件的。使用方法:在测试计划下创建一个Test Fragment(测试片段),并在测试片段下添加所需要的取样器、控制器等等。最后别忘了启用Test Fragment和保存测试计划,用Include controller引用测试计划。



4.多个include controller的命名必须不一样,include controller命名唯一性


Module Controller--模块控制器




1.Test Fragment.jmx里面的Test Fragment定义了一些变量

2.include controller

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