

下面的代码是限制来自同IP请求的最大次数。如果在一分钟内,同样IP的客户端分别调用api/values和api/values/1两个接口, 那么调用api/values/1的请求会被拒绝掉。


public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new ThrottlingHandler()
Policy = new ThrottlePolicy(perSecond: , perMinute: , perHour: , perDay: , perWeek: )
IpThrottling = true
Repository = new CacheRepository()
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new ThrottlingHandler()
Policy = new ThrottlePolicy(perSecond: , perMinute: , perHour: , perDay: )
IpThrottling = true,
IpRules = new Dictionary<string, RateLimits>
{ "", new RateLimits { PerSecond = } },
{ "", new RateLimits { PerMinute = , PerHour = *, PerDay = ** } }
}, ClientThrottling = true,
ClientRules = new Dictionary<string, RateLimits>
{ "api-client-key-1", new RateLimits { PerMinute = , PerHour = } },
{ "api-client-key-9", new RateLimits { PerDay = } }
Repository = new CacheRepository()




 public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Web API 配置和服务 config.SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication(); config.Filters.Add(new CustomerThrottlingFilter()
Policy = new ThrottlePolicy(perMinute: )
//scope to IPs
IpThrottling = false, //scope to clients (if IP throttling is applied then the scope becomes a combination of IP and client key)
ClientThrottling = true, //white list API keys that don’t require throttling
ClientWhitelist = new List<string> { "admin-ll" }, //Endpoint rate limits will be loaded from EnableThrottling attribute
EndpointThrottling = true
}); }


默认情况下,WebApiThrottle的ThrottlingHandler(限流处理器)会从客户端请求head里通过Authorization-Token key取值。如果你的API key存储在不同的地方,你可以重写ThrottlingHandler.SetIndentity方法,指定你自己的取值策略。

public class CustomThrottlingHandler : ThrottlingHandler
protected override RequestIdentity SetIndentity(HttpRequestMessage request)
return new RequestIdentity()
ClientKey = request.Headers.Contains("Authorization-Key") ? request.Headers.GetValues("Authorization-Key").First() : "anon",
ClientIp = base.GetClientIp(request).ToString(),
Endpoint = request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath.ToLowerInvariant()


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