


 double findMedianofTwoSortArrays(int A[], int B[], int m, int n)
int total = m + n;
if (total & 0x1)
return find_kth(A, m, B, n, total / + );
return (find_kth(A, m, B, n, total / ) + find_kth(A, m, B, n, total / + )) / ;
} int find_kth(int A[], int m, int B[], int n, int k)
if (m > n)return find_kth(B, n, A, m, k);
if (m == )return B[k - ];
if (k == )return min(A[], B[]); //删除掉一部分数据
int ia = min(k / , m), ib = k - ia;
if (A[ia - ] < B[ib - ])
return find_kth(A + ia, m - ia, B, n, k - ia);
else if (A[ia - ]>B[ib - ])
return find_kth(A, m, B + ib, m - ib, k - ib);
return A[ia - ];

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