Codeforces Round#413 Problem A - C
Problem#A Carrot Cakes
玄学 & 智商题,可能是因为我智商不够,所以在我决定休息的时候被hank掉了。。。(纠正一个错误,是fst掉的)
/** * Codeforces * Problem#799A * Accepted * Time:15ms * Memory:8k */ #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<sstream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<cctype> #include<cmath> #include<ctime> #include<map> #include<stack> #include<set> #include<queue> #include<vector> using namespace std; typedef bool boolean; #define inf 0xfffffff #define smin(a, b) (a) = min((a), (b)) #define smax(a, b) (a) = max((a), (b)) template<typename T> inline boolean readInteger(T& u) { char x; ; ); ) { ungetc(x, stdin); return false; } if(x == '-') { aFlag = -; x = getchar(); } + x - '); u *= aFlag; ungetc(x, stdin); return true; } int n, t, k, d; inline void work() { readInteger(n); readInteger(t); readInteger(k); readInteger(d); ; if(turns * k > n) puts("NO"); else if(turns * k == n && (d == t || turns * t <= d + t)) puts("NO"); else puts("YES"); } int main() { work(); ; }
Problem#B T-shirt buying
/** * Codeforces * Problem#799B * Accepted * Time:296ms * Memory:14964k */ #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<sstream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<cctype> #include<cmath> #include<ctime> #include<map> #include<stack> #include<set> #include<queue> #include<vector> using namespace std; typedef bool boolean; #define inf 0xfffffff #define smin(a, b) (a) = min((a), (b)) #define smax(a, b) (a) = max((a), (b)) template<typename T> inline boolean readInteger(T& u) { char x; ; ); ) { ungetc(x, stdin); return false; } if(x == '-') { aFlag = -; x = getchar(); } + x - '); u *= aFlag; ungetc(x, stdin); return true; } typedef class Tshirt { public: int p; int id; Tshirt() { } Tshirt(int p, int id):p(p), id(id) { } boolean operator < (Tshirt b) const { if(p != b.p) return p < b.p; return id <; } }Tshirt; int n, m; int* prices; int *color1, *color2; multiset<Tshirt> ps[]; inline void init() { readInteger(n); prices = )]; color1 = )]; color2 = )]; ; i <= n; i++) readInteger(prices[i]); ; i <= n; i++) { readInteger(color1[i]); ps[color1[i] - ].insert(Tshirt(prices[i], i)); } ; i <= n; i++) { readInteger(color2[i]); if(color1[i] != color2[i]) ps[color2[i] - ].insert(Tshirt(prices[i], i)); } } inline void solve() { int c; readInteger(m); while(m--) { readInteger(c); c--; ) { printf("-1 "); } else { multiset<Tshirt>::iterator t = ps[c].begin(); printf("%d ", t->p); ) { ps[color1[t->id] - ].erase(ps[color1[t->id] - ].find(Tshirt(t->p, t->id))); } ) { ps[color2[t->id] - ].erase(ps[color2[t->id] - ].find(*t)); } ps[c].erase(t); } } } int main() { init(); solve(); ; }
Problem#C Fountains
/** * Codeforces * Problem#799C * Accepted * Time:62ms * Memory:6300k */ #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<sstream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<cctype> #include<cmath> #include<ctime> #include<map> #include<stack> #include<set> #include<queue> #include<vector> using namespace std; typedef bool boolean; #define inf 0xfffffff #define smin(a, b) (a) = min((a), (b)) #define smax(a, b) (a) = max((a), (b)) template<typename T> inline boolean readInteger(T& u) { char x; ; ); ) { ungetc(x, stdin); return false; } if(x == '-') { aFlag = -; x = getchar(); } + x - '); u *= aFlag; ungetc(x, stdin); return true; } typedef class MyPair { public: int c; int p; MyPair(, ):c(c), p(p) { } }MyPair; typedef class SegTreeNode { public: int val; SegTreeNode* l, *r; SegTreeNode():val(), l(NULL), r(NULL) { } inline void pushUp() { val = max(l->val, r->val); } }SegTreeNode; typedef class SegTree { public: SegTreeNode* root; SegTree() { } SegTree(int n, MyPair*& lis) { build(root, , n, lis); } void build(SegTreeNode*& node, int l, int r, MyPair*& lis) { node = new SegTreeNode(); if(l == r) { node->val = lis[l].c; return; } ; build(node->l, l, mid, lis); build(node->r, mid + , r, lis); node->pushUp(); } int query(SegTreeNode*& node, int l, int r, int ql, int qr) { ; if(l == ql && r == qr) { return node->val; } ; if(qr <= mid) return query(node->l, l, mid, ql, qr); , r, ql, qr); int a = query(node->l, l, mid, ql, mid); , r, mid + , qr); return max(a, b); } void clear(SegTreeNode*& node) { if(node->l) clear(node->l); if(node->r) clear(node->r); delete node; } }SegTree; int n; int C, D; MyPair *cs, *ds; , cnd = ; , bd = -; SegTree stc, stdd; inline void init() { readInteger(n); readInteger(C); readInteger(D); cs = )]; ds = )]; int a, b; char x; ; i <= n; i++) { readInteger(a); readInteger(b); getchar(); x = getchar(); if(x == 'C' && b <= C) cs[++cnc] = MyPair(a, b); else if(x == 'D' && b <= D) ds[++cnd] = MyPair(a, b); } } boolean cmp1(const MyPair& a, const MyPair& b) { if(a.c != b.c) return a.c > b.c; return a.p < b.p; } boolean cmp2(const MyPair& a, const MyPair& b) { if(a.p != b.p) return a.p < b.p; return a.c > b.c; } ; inline void solve() { ) sort(cs + , cs + cnc + , cmp1); ) sort(ds + , ds + cnd + , cmp1); ; i <= cnc; i++) if(cs[i].p <= C) { bc = cs[i].c; break; } ; i <= cnd; i++) if(ds[i].p <= D) { bd = ds[i].c; break; } && bd != -) res = bc + bd; ) sort(cs + , cs + cnc + , cmp2); ) sort(ds + , ds + cnd + , cmp2); int r = cnc; if(cnc) { stc = SegTree(cnc, cs); ; i <= r; i++) { , a1 = ; while(cs[i].p + cs[r].p > C) r--; if(i > r) break; ) a0 = stc.query(stc.root, , cnc, , i - ); if(i < cnc) a1 = stc.query(stc.root, , cnc, i + , r); && a1 == ) continue; smax(res, max(a0, a1) + cs[i].c); } } r = cnd; if(cnd) { stdd = SegTree(cnd, ds); ; i <= r; i++) { , a1 = ; while(ds[i].p + ds[r].p > D) r--; if(i > r) break; ) a0 = stdd.query(stdd.root, , cnd, , i - ); if(i < cnd) a1 = stdd.query(stdd.root, , cnd, i + , r); && a1 == ) continue; smax(res, max(a0, a1) + ds[i].c); } } printf("%d", res); } int main() { init(); solve(); ; }
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