Give you set of meetings start time and end time, count how many meeting rooms needed.

For example:

[[, ], [, ], [, ], [, ]] // needs 3 meeting rooms

We can use a memo table to store the at which time how many rooms needed. It is sort of like Knapsack problem. Check out this post for similar question.


function* generateAry(start, end) {
let i = start;
while (i <= end) {
yield i;
} // O(N*K): K: number of hours, N: number of room
// S(K)
function availableRoom(arys) {const { min, max } = arys.reduce(
(acc, ary) => {
const [start, end] = ary;
let { min, max } = acc;
if (start < min) {
min = start;
if (end > max) {
max = end;
return { min, max };
{ min: Infinity, max: }
const hours = Array.from(generateAry(min, max));
const memo = => ); function helper(arys, hours, memo) {
let countRooms = ; for (let row in arys) {
for (let col in hours) {
let prevCount = memo[col];
let [min, max] = arys[row];
// if the min > hour, set previous row same col value, the same as max < hour
if (min > hours[col] || max < hours[col]) {
memo[col] = prevCount;
} if (min <= hours[col] && max >= hours[col]) {
memo[col] = prevCount + ;
} countRooms = Math.max(countRooms, memo[col]);
console.log(memo); // [1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1]
return countRooms;
} return helper(arys, hours, memo);
} console.log(availableRoom([[, ], [, ], [, ], [, ]])); // 3

[Algorithm] How many meeting rooms needed?的更多相关文章

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