public class Solution {
public bool IsPowerOfTwo(int n) {
return ((n & (n - )) == && n > );


 class Solution:
def isPowerOfTwo(self, n: int) -> bool:
return n > 0 and n & (n - 1) == 0


2 ^ 0 = 1,二进制表示:0000 0001,(1-1)的二进制表示:0000 0000,1 & 0 = 0

2 ^ 1 = 2,二进制表示:0000 0010,(2-1)的二进制表示:0000 0001,2 & 1 = 0

2 ^ 2 = 4,二进制表示:0000 0100,(4-1)的二进制表示:0000 0011,4 & 3 = 0


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