Top 20 NuGet packages for captcha

  1. CaptchaMvc will implement your web MVC applications easier and more reliable protection. Features: You can easily change or extend the current implementation of the captcha. By default there are two types of captcha, plain and mathematical. Supports MVC 3. Supports MVC 4. Supports for storing captc...

  2. Recaptcha for .NET allows a developer to easily integrate Google's Recaptcha service (the most popular captcha control) in an ASP.NET Web Forms or ASP.NET MVC web application. The primary features of the library are: * Renders recaptcha control with appropriate options. * Verifies user's answer to ...

  3. The cure for comment spam. Subkismet is a comment spam filtering library that includes Akismet, Invisible Captcha, and Visible Captcha. The Akismet library included is based on code in use by Subtext and DasBlog.

  4. Simple ariphmetic captcha for ASP.NET MVC 3

  5. MVC compliant captcha generation library

  6. CaptchaMvc will implement your web MVC applications easier and more reliable protection. Features: You can easily change or extend the current implementation of the captcha. By default there are two types of captcha, plain and mathematical. Supports MVC 3. Supports MVC 4. Supports for storing captc...

  7. EasyCaptcha library for Mvc

  8. Extensions for ASP.NET MVC3 (razor) site project with some htmlhelpers, scripts managment (for exsample, better placement), content extensions. Extension create a new layout file in shared folder _LayoutExtended.cshtml with better placed scripts.

  9. FlexCaptcha is a freeware Captcha control that most significantly support either writing captcha images to disk or directly to http stream bypassing disk writing all toghether. In addition the captcha can reload and have many custom settings.

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